


"What?" Sung-hoon asked as he continued reading through a script. More scripts had arrived and he hadn't gone through all of them before giving back feedback. He hadn't thought that so many people were interested in him. It made him happy. Maybe part of it was attributed to the fact that the movies he had done were receiving praise and grossing at great numbers in the theaters.

Alice continued smiling as she finally pulled the car to a stop outside the fitting shop.

"Are you not happy?" she asked her tone filled with joy. They were currently going for a fitting for his suit for which he would attend his first award show with. It felt surreal and unreal. He was only twenty three years old and yet he was achieving something he never thought he would achieve.

"Yes I am." He said as he flipped the page and continued reading.

"Everytime I talk to you you are going through scripts I thought you already sent out the ones you liked?" She leaned closer to him and read a part of the script.

"Mae-rin told me to look through some more to see if there was any I would like."

"Won't that be too much you already have two other movies and one starts filming next month?" She asked concern in her voice.

"I wanted to do at least one drama too." He added absentmindedly.

"You should rest longer." She said as she took a sip of some juice when would blend in the morning and drink throughout the day.

"I rested enough." He flipped the page once again engrossed in the story the script was telling.

"Do you like it?" She asked as she returned the mag in its former position.

"It's good I think."

"You think?" She asked looking at him eagerly.

"The romance is kind of sloppily?" He said as he closed the script and placed it at the back of the car seat.

"Sloppy?" She pulled down her flowery glasses and glanced at him.

"It was cringe." He added taking his strap on bag from the car floor where he had thrown it when he got into the car.

"What do you mean cringe?" She reached out to get the script and looked at the script written and director in charge. Her eyes went wide with shock as her mouth flew agape.

"Do you know who this is?!" She gasped grabbing Sung-hoon's shirt taking him by surprise as he was strapping on his bag. "This is a famous screenwriter and director!" She said her tone rising with every word as she shoved the script in his face for him to read the names.

Sung-hoon looked at the script uncaring as he removed her hand and shrugged his shoulders. He was already used to her antiques.

"You have got to be kidding me you have to chose this...." before she could continue any further he got out of the car and closed the door behind him.

She tossed the script on the passenger seat as she struggled to get her seat belt unbuckled. She grabbed her bag hurriedly and quickly got out of the car.

"You have to take it!" She shouted at him as she closed the car door. He was already in the store and the glass door had closed behind him but he could still hear her voice.

Moments later she walked through the door as Sung-hoon was talking to one of the attendants.

"What do you mean cringe?" She asked as she hang her handbag on her shoulder. The attendant had already gone up a few fleet of stairs to get the tailor while another attendant came out to the front her arms extended.

"Please follow me." She said leading them to the dressing room.

As soon as Sung-hoon sat down she started ranting once again.

"If you take this you will instantly be famous. Like I know people know you now but that is another level of fame." She said seating beside him carefully like she didn't want to break glass her voice in a lower register. He could hear her cry in her voice with every word.

"It's too cringe." He deadpanned as the attendant came back with some water and wine as per Sung-hoon request at the stand earlier.

"That's why people love the dramas." She said almost shouting so much so that the attendant looked at her flabbergasted.

Sung-hoon smiled at her apologetically making her shy as she quickly placed the drinks down and practically run out of the room.

"I don't even want romance dramas." He added taking the bottle of water and opening it.

"Are you going to do action all through?!" She gasped in shock but before he could respond the tailor came in.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting." He said as he greeted them. Sung-hoon had already stood up and bowed in respect as the tailor took his hand in his.

"Not at all." Sung-hoon said smiling at him.

One of the attendants from earlier came in pushing a rack with suit on it.

It looked so beautiful and the material looked so expensive. He had never worn anything like this in his life. It made his stomach do a somersault as a smile formed on his face.

"Please change in the dressing room and I will see if there is some adjustments that need to be done."

Sung-hoon nodded as he carefully took the suit. Even the texture of it was so smooth it made his heart melt.

Alice sat on the couch waiting for him to finish changing as she took sips of her wine. She almost chocked when he came out of the dressing room. He looked so handsome.

She mostly saw him in baggy clothes or when he was sweaty in the gym this blew her mind into reset mode.

She watched as be stood on the raised podium and looked at a mirror.

Sung-hoon smiled at the image in front of him. The suit was black in colour and complimented his looked with one of the sides coming out to the other side and being locked in by a single button. He didn't need to wear anything inside the suit. There were also chains hung on particular sides which added to the elegance of the suit.

This was the first time he was actually wearing g it but he could not believe how good he looked. The tailor was truly gifted.

"Madam Se-hee told me to make it as exquisite as possible. " the tailor said with a smile looking at him through the mirror.

"Truly amazing. " Sung-hoon said unconsciously as his hands brushed lightly against the fabric as he stood in a daze.

"Good I have done my job then." He said nodding happily at Sung-hoon's remark.

After settling where they would have the suit delivered they left. Alice had insisted that she would get the suit herself but the tailor said it was part of the service she didn't argue and agreed to it. Plus they save her some time so she was more than happy to agreee.

They were headed to the car when Sung-hoon got a text. He looked down at the text as Alice unlocked the car.

The colour from his face drained as soon as he read the text.

You looked so handsome 😍 [ a picture of him wearing the suit earlier attached ]

He felt the colour drain fro his face and his breath cut short. He frantically looked around trying to see if anyone was suspicious bit he couldn't see anyone.

He felt like his chest was closed in and everything stopped.

It had been so long since he received such a message he had forgotten about it but now it felt like a hard fall into reality.

"Is everything okay?" Alice asked looking at him curiously but her tone was filled with worry.

"Yes." He stated quickly recovering from his shocked state as he quickly got into the car.

Alice got in after him but her eyes were trained on his. He didn't look okay at all.

Sung-hoon's hands were slightly shaking as his heart beat even faster than usual.

"Drive me home," He said absentmindedly as he buckled his seatbelt.

Alice looked at him concerned and confused but she didn't ask why as she started the car and backed up before driving off.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" Alice asked as she watched Sung-hoon enter into the house. He didn't even hear her as the door closed behind him.

He threw his bag on the couch and sunk on the stairs holding his head. He didn't even hear when the gate closed as Alice left.

His thoughts were running haywire and his hands were shaking as he heard another ping on his phone.

He slowly reached out to get his phone and looked at the text.

I got you 🫣 [a picture of the house ]

Sung-hoon let his phone fall to the ground as he quickly got out and started closing the blinds.

You stay in such a nice house why don't you invite me in. 🤭[a picture of the gate]

Sung-hoon couldn't even imagine the face on the other side. He didn't know whether it was male or female and he didn't want to know all he wanted was for it to stop.

Worst case scenario would be that the tiger had decided to come for him once again which only added to his anxiety.

He quickly grabbed the phone once again while in a daze he didn't even notice the number he had selected wasn't Se-hee.

The person answered at the second ring.

"The messages they came back." He whispered his voice shaking as he looked around frantically.

"What messages?"

Sung-hoon's eyes and mind went bank as soon as he heard the voice on the other side.