


Sorry for the long wait. I had to go on a much needed hiatus to clear my thoughts but I am back now. More chapters coming up soon.♡

The 2024 has ended hope ya'll had an amazing year and an even better 2025 ♡


It had been four days since Sung-hoon started avoiding Jae-wook. He made sure to wake up early and come back late. Since he heard that his group had a schedule he thought he would go back to the house and rest. On the days he didn't have a packed schedule he went to the gym then went to a random place and sat for hours.

He had adamantly insisted for Alice to help him find a place to which she agreed to but not without question. The past few weeks he had stayed at Jae-wook's place he had not mentioned anything about moving out as of late but he was just then insisting that she find a place for him.

She tried to question if something had happened between them considering they just got back from a trip a few days ago but Sung-hoon remained tight lipped and only gave him a poor excuse. She deducted he didn't want to share so she just let him slide. When Sung-hoon decides on something it was very hard to make him change his mind. Later she would ask him and would probably have already changed his mind.

Sung-hoon closed the door behind him before adjusting his duffle bag. He hadn't expected anyone to be home so he was quite warry when he heard something sizzle in the kitchen as a waft of a delicious smell floated in the air.

Although he still hadn't eaten anything he didn't want to meet Jae-wook then he didn't even think he wanted to see him again after what happened.

He started walking quickly towards the stairs and get to his room before he got noticed but just as he got to the stairs he heard a voice talk.

"are you going to avoid me too." Se-hee pouted as she leaned on the wall while holding a spatula.

A smile traced her lips as Sung-hoon turned to face her.

He let out a sigh visibly relaxing when he noticed it was her.

"Se-hee!" He said as he got down the step placing the bag down and walking towards her.

"I thought I might make you something. " she said as she got back in the kitchen while he followed behind her.

While she was stirring the food he gave her a brief side hug and walked toward the fridge. He took a bottle of water before leaning against the counter.

"you know how to cook?" He asked sarcastically.

She turned to glare at him before turning back to the pan.

"yes of course. I am quite an exceptional cook." she gloated.

Sung-hoon scoffed at her obviousness.

"I will be the judge of that." He said as he took a gulp of water.

They chatted for a while while he helped her cut up some more ingredients and monitor the food.

After a while they were standing in the kitchen waiting for the meat to get ready.

"so what happened with you two?" Se-hee asked as she wiped off her hand. She isn't look directly at him as she asked.

Silence followed her question giving her the answer she wanted to know.

They had fought.

She had asked Jae-wook how Sung-hoon was doing but he was acting evasive and defensive about the topic. She put two and two together and she was right.

But she didn't know what the argument was about she had tried to fish it out of Jae-wook but he was hard headed and avoided it each time.

She wasn't one to pry so much but with Sung-hoon she wanted yo make sure he was doing fine. But if he didn't tell her he would back off she didn't want to push too much.

"Yah we did." He answered finally admitting it. Se-hee gave him this sense of comfort and he knew she wouldn't push too much. He had tried ignoring what happened but it wouldn't exactly go away.

He couldn't ignore that he was angry not at Jae-wook but that he let himself be in that situation in the first place. When Jae-wook came he didn't seem to be in the right state of mind he should have declined any advances yet when he kissed him he let down his guard and allowed him to do what he wanted to him.

"Is it something you can share?" She asked her voice soft as she placed the towel down.

"Not really." Sung-hoon responded his voice a bit lower but she heard him.

She could sense the sadness in his voice as he looked down away from her gaze as if he was embarrassed.

"Okay I understand. " she said as she turned off the heat and took the pot towards the dining table.

Sung-hoon took the plates she had prepared and followed behind her.

"Is there someone else joining us?" He asked as he sat down opposite her.

"I hope you don't mind I invited a friend over." She said just then the bell rung. She stood up and walked towards the door. She pressed a button on the monitor letting the person through the gate as she opened the gate.

After a while he heard a voice greeting Se-hee before walking into the house. He took off his shoes and wore some warm fuzzy sandals that were usually at the door.

Sung-hoon stood up and bowed as the guest did the same. He looked quite excited to see Sung-hoon there. His eyes were sparkling so much when he looked at Sung-hoon.

Just then another voice came through and another gut walked in but Sung-hoon recognised him. He was from the party Se-hee had invited him to.

They bowed in greetings before sitting down at the table.

"Sung-hoon meet Zen and you already met Ten at the party." She said as she started pouring the wine except for one Zen.

"Nice to meet you." Sung-hoon said with a smile.

"I am such a huge fan." Zen started off his voice was excited and filled with anticipation.

"Thank you." Sung-hoon said with a smile.

Zen was quite adorable he had that young sibling vibe to him that made you just want to cuddle him. He had dyed his hair a light purple which complemented his skin perfectly.

"Very huge fan." Ten added making Zen blush as he rubbed the side of his head.

He wasn't wrong though since Zen had discovered Sung-hoon although Sung-hoon was just trying off he had posters of him on his wall and and had already reordered the merchandise that had been announced.

"He heard se-hee say she was coming over and insisted to meet." Ten added making Zen blush even more.

Se-hee ruffled up Zens hair a smile on her face.

"Why don't we eat." Se-hee added as she started serving herself. "I am so hungry. " she said as she put a spoonful of the food in her mouth.

"This tastes too good."

"We will be the judge of that." Sung-hoon said with a chuckle as she started serving himself as well.

They chatted while eating the atmosphere was quite relaxing and cheerful.

Zen told stories about the shared house and about how they lived.

He looked quite happy to be able to stay there with everyone. He made sure to praise each one.

"You know everyone is truly amazing especially Jae-wook. He has a lot to do but he makes sure to do his best isn't it true Ten?" Zen asked Ten excitement in his voice as he spoke.

Se-hee looked at Sunghoon to gauge his reaction and sure enough his hand tightened on his spoon. She could see his press down his lips as he looked at the food.

"Yes he is good." Ten agreed while sipping his wine.

"You know he hardly ever talks about anyone but he talks about you." Zen said looking at Sung-hoon. "He is not very social and he tends to stay in his room though." Zen laughed slightly "we watched your movies together. It was truly a work of art you are so talented. " He said giving him a thumbs up.

Sung-hoon smiled at him and said a thank you.

"Do you have anything you are working on."

"It's a secret but I chose a very exciting script." Happiness bloomed on Zens face at that news as he clapped happily.

"Is it a movie?" He asked curiosity lasing his voice.

"I thought I would chose a series this time."

"I can't wait I am rooting for you." Zen said the genuine admiration for Sung-hoon warmed his heart.

After they finished eating they ate some cake Se-hee had gotten and after they called it a night since despite Zen protesting Ten inisited that they had to leave early.

Se-hee helped him clean up and left soon afterwards.

The house felt a bit emptier without the earlier chatter it made Sung-hoon a bit sad but he enjoyed the company and he was quite happy to meet Zen. In that short amount of time taking to him he had managed to worm his way into his heart.

He was quite adorable and so easy to love.

He sat on the couch deciding to watch something since he didn't have a schedule planned for the following day he could stay up. Besides he had thought Jae-wook was busy at his schedule so he wouldn't be back.

He had noticed when Jae-wook had a schedule he would mostly stay back at group house. But.he must have miscalculated because just then he heard the door opened.

He thought it was Se-hee since she knew the passcode thinking she had forgotten something.

"Did you forget something?" He asked not turning yo face whoever was at the door as he switched through the stations.

When he didn't hear any response he turned back only to be met with Jae-wook.

He felt like his heart had constricted and the space around then didn't seem as big as ut previously did. He felt the urge to stand up and leave but he wasn't going to because he want a coward. Instead he continued switching through the stations although his focus wasn't really on the stations but on the figure still standing at the door.

Jae-wook tried to walk towards him but Sung-hoon paid him no attention as his eyes remained glued on the television.

"Sung-hoon. "He called out his name but there wasn't any response.

"Sung-hoon. " He called out again this time Sung-hoon slammed the remote on the couch and stood up ready to walk up the stairs and away from him.

He made him feel suffocated.

He made him feel dirty and unwanted just with him standing so close. Memories of that night flooded his mind.

He felt his hands roughly hold him against the table as he thrust in and out of him and it wasn't the person under him he was thinking about but someone else. Sung-hoon felt like chewed up gum that had been spit on the sidewalk and was under someone shoe.

He wanted to scream at him curse him, for making him feel so worthless yet he couldn't his mouth was shut. The words were right on his tongue but he couldn't utter a single word.

"Sung-hoon please. " Jae-wook said as he held Sung-hoon's hand gently pulling him towards himself.

Sung-hoon didn't turn to look at him.

"You can curse me hit me do anything. "

"It's not like that will help." Sung-hoon said silently as he removed his hand from his grasp.

He turned to look at him.

"on the first night I set the rules I told you there were no feelings involved. You were not in the right state of mind I shouldn't have let you do anything." He said his voice calm " I think I need to step away from this. You need to figure yourself out same as me."


"I will admit that I haven't held my end of the bargain I clearly overstepped and got my emotions involved. It's clear it has something to do with you but am not ready for that. I am not ready to get into anything with anyone. My career is just starting I need to focus and this is not in my plans. What happened that night made it even more clearer. I will move out before the end of the week."

Jae-wook felt like bricks had been thrown at him with his last statement.

"It's not up for debate, Jae-wook." With that he walked out .

Jae-wook stood rooted to the ground staring at Sung-hoon leaving.

He wanted to leave.