chapter one

"身穿休闲的白衬衫和牛仔裤,李先生轮廓分明的脸上写满了玩世不恭.他双手插在口袋里,眼睛左右旋转180度,扫视着路过的人.二十多岁的年轻人擅长这种咬合,就像猫对鱼的气味有一种特殊的天生热爱一样.今天的天气真是好,往日躲在云层里的烈日不肯出来,微风吹在脸上,真是舒服.李蔚来带着几个兄弟出去做事,至少用了两个月的时间.突然看到一个披着粉色肩带的长发少女从广场的西北角走来,穿着紧身牛仔裤,嘴角闪过一丝笑意,连忙摸了摸张松:"哎,看,这丫头挺好的,你看那个身材,真厉害!张松五官帅气,红唇白牙,长得像个白脸男孩.听到李蔚来的话,他看向了自己手指的方向.哟,这真的很好.点点头说:"TSK TSK,是最好的."我说这半天左眼皮多老跳,原来是好事.李蔚来理直了身衣物,无拘无束地甩掉了没有长发的长发,准备行动.这时,许久没有说话的梁瑾说道:"不行,看看广场上这么多人,要是别人把我们当老痞子看,那就丢了面子."李蔚来听了这话不高兴,几个兄弟,梁锦这小子每次遇到事情都会多说几句."不是他胆小,只是他总是比别人想得更多."是的,你在说什么?谁是老朋克?你见过这些帅气的老混蛋吗?张松,你走吧,别浪费妈生了你那张帅脸蛋.李蔚来知道,张松是一举成名的冲动,他最怕的是被别人刺激.如果有人敢于他,他会把110辆警车停在路中间.真的没有吹.高中时的一个晚上,我的兄弟们睡不着觉.他们半夜起床翻墙上网.当我过桥时,我想那是兴奋.李蔚来看到一辆载有110名巡逻人员的警车,怂恿张松停下来.这家伙踉踉跄跄地走到桥的中间,把"木头"这个词放在中间.好在李蔚来眼疾快,拖了回来.否则,别说在网上,他怕一夜弄到六扇门.张松长得丑陋.今天是"文化广场"开园第一天,县里不少人都来参加.这个广场上至少有几千人来来往往.如果发生什么事,那将不容易."害怕去?嘿,那不是像你吗?我记得上次梁锦生日的时候,我们又喝了两杯酒,可是到了半夜,你却一脚踢翻了人民街整条街的垃圾桶.这种英雄主义让我的伙伴们信服不疑.为什么今天没有脾气?"这肯定是有效的,因为话还没说完,张松就已经走了过去.李蔚来兴奋地拍了拍梁晋的肩膀:"喂!玩得愉快!说着,赶紧跟上来.只见张松径直追着女孩跑去,在其他人后面喊道:"喂!嗯,你叫什么名字?听到这话,李蔚来连忙往回.这 kiD是个该死的死脑袋.谁这么直接?当有人在她身后大声说话时,这个女孩真的很害怕.正要攻击,回头一看是一个帅气男子,语气缓和下来:"有必要告诉你吗?一句话把张松顶了回来,小伙子脑子缺了,MM所以问不知道下一句话该说什么.回头看了看李蔚来和梁瑾,这两个家伙一般都背对着他,假装在说话.该死的,这他妈的太不公平了.但是没有办法,话已经说完了,戏还得继续.于是他加了一句特别老套的话,几乎是在找一支烟:"我们交朋友好吗?女孩似乎被他逗乐了,笑着问:"有必要吗?"当然,你太漂亮了.如果你不和你交朋友,我就不能回去解释.张松的话直截了当.其实那个女孩早就注意到了张松背后的两个人.听了他的话,她知道发生了什么.他轻蔑地看了他一眼,扔下他的小包,转身走了.张松愣了愣,无奈地耸了耸肩,想要回去."傻瓜,赶上来.问问她上哪所学校.李未来担心天下不会乱,拼命鼓励.张松也觉得自己不能丢了这个面子,至少有人说我们长得像金城武,说完太丢人了.残酷.他又在追我了."嘿,MM,你还在学习吗?哪所学校?张松跟在女孩身后,不停地问道."你在干什么?公众,你想和老流氓一起玩吗?女孩停了下来,充满了惊恐.张松笑着说:"别这么说,我只是想和你交个朋友,没那么严重.我买不起老朋克这个光荣的头衔.少女厌恶地皱起眉头:"谁想跟你交朋友,你就不要再跟着我了,不然我对你也不客气!张松顿时怒气起来:"我说,你这个傻丫头,怎么会举起来?我高度评价你,想成为你的朋友.如果你长得像猪,不吃狗,我不在乎你.跟他们身后的李蔚来和梁进一听这开心,张松这小子就是这个脾气,几句话都不对劲开口骂骂.那个女孩不是一盏好灯.当她看到小痞子表现出他的本性时,她也拉下脸,咒骂道:"你是个傻瓜.谁希望你对他评价很高?快点从我身边爬开,否则我就不礼貌了!她的责骂引得路人转过身来看着他们.张松不能戴在脸上.出乎意料的是,这位瓜小姐的嘴巴真的很好.她正要骂她.一个声音从她身边传来:"那个小老流氓是从哪里来的?你想做什么?张松转过头来,说话的人是一个十五,十六岁的年轻人,长发长发,长得很漂亮,穿着也很时髦,一只手插在牛仔裤的口袋里,另一只手放在鼻子下,挑衅地看着他,跟在几个和他同龄的年轻人后面.这样,它看起来像一个学生.李蔚来他们几个从小就在这县城长大,现在都在上大学读书,正值暑假,几个兄弟都要回来一起玩了.当他们在县里时,这些男孩子害怕在学校成为好学生."啊你是从哪里来的?你能控制我想做什么吗?张松抱着他的脖子骂骂咧咧的,对彼此不理会.他通过外表来判断人有问题.如果你在他眼里犯了罪,他肯定不会给你一个好面子.年轻人笑了笑,但他并不生气.他问孩子:"张敏,发生了什么事?你是怎么认识这些老混蛋的?这个孩子名叫张敏.人们没有生气,但张松却生气.男孩说他没有注意自己.当他不在的时候,他永远不会吞下这种语气."嘿!奇怪的是,我已经去其他地方很多年了.等我回来,我怎么能一直碰到你们这些睁不开眼睛的人呢?睁开你的眼睛,孩子,看看我是谁.张松说,这句话绝对不是虚张声势.三年前,三兄弟的名字在县里的学生圈子里家喻户晓."我看不出你的外表有什么特别之处.我不认识你,更不认识你.请不要纠缠我的朋友,否则,不要怪我粗鲁!年轻人不怕事,面对两只眼睛凶狠的光芒张松,却视而不见.他身后的几个年轻人也上前一步,摆出姿势示意陪伴.年轻人有好面子.如果他们失去了它也没关系.他们必须赢得足够的面子.张松侧头看了看李蔚来一行一人,道:"你们在吓谁?我今天要站在这里,看看你对我做了什么!年轻人脸色一变,一把抓住了张松的衣领."出事了,结束了!"李蔚来大叫一声,扔掉手中的烟,冲了过去.小伙子一把抓住张松的衣领,李伟来走过来说:"放手.年轻人以为张松只是一个人,想欺负别人少一些,没想过自己有帮手,看到他们只有三个人,心底一笑,冷笑着说:"有帮手,怎么想,想一起去吗?李蔚来可不想跟他胡说八道.他的脸色一变,不耐烦地说:"我是请你放手.你听到了吗?这个男孩不知道李的未来有多深.他实在不知道该怎么办,只好痛苦地放手.张松也是个贼.当其他人放开他时,他假装无所事事,整理了一下衣服.当别人还没有准备好时,他就打了他们一巴掌."啪"的一声清脆而响亮,立即使人失明.李蔚来的脸颤抖着,像是被打了一样."哟,不轻."随着这声音,至少有十几个人同时在看着他们.老歹徒打架在县里并不是什么新鲜事.众人只是一脸热闹,没人来劝他们打架."去你妈的!年轻人反应过来,骂了一句,就想张开手.李蔚来喘不过气来,嘴巴朝一个方向,笑着说道:"哎,那边有六扇门,你不想去看守所吃晚饭吗?青年人转头一看,不远处果然有两扇六门在巡逻.牙齿咬"咔嚓"一声,脑袋青筋直,指着张松的鼻子恨道:"你要是有脾气,我们就找个地方单独打仗,伤残自己都算在内!张松漫不经心地撇了撇嘴:"你想要什么就随便. 这时,那个叫张敏的女孩冒着风险说了一句话:"你慢慢打,我走.然后她真的把她的朋友挂在那里然后走了."这丫头太不仁慈了.人们为她而战.她站起脚就走了.这真的很不公平.李蔚来看着小女孩扭动的臀部,摇了摇头.她看起来很轻蔑.李蔚来松弛的站在那里,脸上带着特别的笑容.他的外表很普通.他是个砸街砖的类型,能放下五六个.然而,一旦他一笑,整个感觉就变了.用张松的话说,他的笑容,其实就是他妈妈的恶.看着眼前几个愤怒的年轻人,张松和梁瑾站在李蔚来的两侧,张松的手紧紧扣着他的腰带.李未来知道这条腰带是张松特意买的,按住纽扣拉下来也很方便.在之前的战斗中,这条腰带起到了不小的作用,张松得到了"皮条客"的绰号."嘿,伙计,你在做什么?如果你想打架,来吧.李不为所动,他说,在打架之前,学校每周一升旗是很常见的.但现在情况不同了.我已经很久没有打架了.他们的兄弟们几乎忘记了拳头打人脸的味道."你上哪所学校?"这个年轻人非常小心地找出他在哪里战斗.张松是个脾气暴躁的人.最近,他太忙了,没有时间惊慌失措.他期待着每天战斗,锻炼自己的肌肉和骨骼.他终于抓住了这个机会,想要冲过去扯下自己的长发.见他东问西,他不耐烦地骂道:"怎么像个女人,小伙子,是不是很拖沓?我靠.你们五个,我们三个,我们知道我们被打败了.加油.你想追求什么样的学校?另一边的年轻人听到他这么说的时候,嘴角不自然地颤抖了一下.他在县城混日子的时候,动作要有明快.如果他不小心得罪了北门的人,那就太不幸了.这意味着该县被一圈方墙包围,分为东,西,南,北四个城门.当朋克告诉自己他们是谁时,他们只是说他们是哪扇门.正如全县的年轻人都知道的那样,北门以前扮演过几个残酷的角色.虽然他们现在看起来好像在上大学,但在这些中学生的眼里,北门人还是有些害怕的."你认识北门的XXX吗?"李蔚来笑着说.三年前,他所说的那个人曾经跟在后面,抽着烟,为孝道付出代价.这两年来,他似乎已经和县城的人们打成一片,成为了兄弟."知道呢,不知道呢?"李蔚来歪着头问道.此时此刻,他正在观察男孩的表情.他有一个非常奇怪的习惯,张松称之为异常习惯,喜欢观察和猜测人们在不同场合,不同情况下的表情和眼神变化.从他记事起,这个习惯似乎就一直存在.此时,小杰伊的脸颊明显在动,眼睛微微眯起,脸色发绿,这是愤怒的前兆."我和他是朋友,如果你认识他,我就认识他真想给他个面子,让他的朋友们一个人呆着.年轻人重重地呼出一口气,说他正在为自己寻找出路,他看得出来,这三个家伙都不是好鸟.话音刚落,张宋立硕就掏出腰带,劈开他的脑袋,画在自己长发的脸上,顿时出现了一道血迹.张松一动,梁瑾也像豹子一样扑了上来.这家伙平时话不多,但认真的时候不会模棱两可.李伟来落在后面,见兄弟俩动了动手,连忙从地上捡起一块砖头:"哎!嘿!嘿!等我!

Liang Jin was tall, with a tiger's back and a bear's waist. As soon as he went up, he surrounded the two people with open hands and tried to put them away. The two silly birds hit each other "bang" and squatted down holding their noses. When the other two saw Li Weilai coming with the brick, they felt faint in their hearts, and one of them turned his head and ran away. Li Weilai waved the brick, according to the guy was desperate to shoot the past. Second thought is wrong, this brick down, must throw people down. Just throw the brick, jump on it with your bare hands, throw your arm right in the head, and the kid stumbles. The other one stood there running and could not afford to lose this person, and did not have the courage to start, so he had to stand motionless, at a loss. Li Weilai put one down, turned to the other and said, "What's up, buddy, silly la?" Then he threw his arm away again, straight away."Boy, remember, my name is Li Weilai." Li Weilai patted long hair was Zhang Song hit deformed face, said with a smile.When Li Weilai finished the fight, reflecting on the situation just now, Liu Lei came with his girlfriend.  "Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you.""Look, we just had a fight, three against five, and those boys didn't give their hands back." Zhang Song seems to have some unfinished business."What? They made a scene? Day, why not wait for me, man, where Laozi come again twice?" Liu Lei rolled up his sleeves and looked around."I've been running for a long time, and there's still wool. Where have you been? You didn't have so much time. You went to Hongqiao, did you?" Li Weilai said sarcastically. Hongqiao is the name of a common hotel. When they went to middle school in the county, they knew that boys liked to take their girlfriends there to open houses. Nothing else, just because it's cheap, you can get a single room for 20 yuan.​ Liu Lei did not say angrily, it seems that he just did not fight this matter very sad.Li Weilai smiled at the girl next to Liu Lei and said, "Sister, I tell you, Liu Lei is not a nice bird." You must be careful." Liu Lei was angry when he heard that. He went up and hit him. Li Weilai skillfully evaded him and trotted out of the square."Hey, Brother Zhang, where are you going?" Zhang Song shouted outside."I'm going back, you have fun, or my grandfather will scold." Li Weilai did not look back."What day do you report? Let's go, brothers.""I don't know. I'll call you then." By the time Li Weilai said this, people had already run a long way.Gently open the door, Li Weilai put his head in, grandpa sat on the sofa watching TV. Usually at this time, Grandpa should take a nap, and today it seemed impossible to avoid it."Grandpa." Li Weilai gave a cry and walked into his room with his head bowed."Where have you been? Didn't you say you wanted a pen? Show me." Grandpa's voice was small, but he showed a kind of authority. There is no way. The veteran cadres who retired from the county party committee have worked for more than five years. Not even a generation can change the tone of leadership."I just want to buy a pen. When I passed the square, I saw a group of people fighting. Oh, Grandpa, you didn't see. Those people are so cruel. They picked up the bricks and took pictures. One of the heads was broken and bleeding..." Li Weilai regretted why he had made up such an ancient excuse in the first place, so he had to show his house-keeping ability."The pen." Grandpa raised his voice and said several times that this move didn't seem to work.Li Weilai did not expect this action so useless, suddenly froze there speechless, the brain turned, quickly said: "Yes, yes, I went to buy pens, but the stationery store did not open."Grandpa was very angry, pulled down his face, and said seriously: "Still in panic!" Look, you've been out for hours. How did you get those footprints on your clothes? Did you get into another fight?" Li Weilai lowered his head, and there was a shoe print on the clothes on his waist. But those guys haven't fired back yet, so how did that footprint get there? Next time, grab those boys and make them sing the national anthem in Park Square."You are not young, and you will soon graduate from college. Why are you so ignorant? Your mother just called you to ask how your studies are going. What do you tell grandpa? That you failed three courses and have to go back to school in two days? That the head of your department personally called home to tell you that classes are often absent at school? "Grandpa's voice got louder and louder, and Li Weilai's head got lower and lower. He never thought of himself as an eloquent man, but having been trained in the presence of his elders, he never talked back.  Li Weilai's face darkened. My father and mother work in other places and rarely come home once a few years. Several times in his memory, he had not been reunited with his parents. Other children grew up around their parents, but he grew up with his grandparents. Whenever he saw other children with their parents, he often wondered if he had been adopted by his parents. Although he is now grown up and no longer dependent on his mother's arms, he has always had a longing for his parents. Whenever Grandpa mentioned his parents, he just smiled and immediately stopped talking."Well, I'm going back to school in two days. Go get ready. Grandma came out of the back room and relieved Li Weilai in time. Mr. Li seemed to grab a lifeline and escape into his room as if he were running away. Grandma loves this grandson very much, although she has grandchildren of her own, but to Li Weilai, grandma is simply doting. In her eyes, her grandson did everything right. As long as there is no murder and arson, nothing else needs to be taken seriously. Ever since he started kindergarten, Li Weilai had no idea how much trouble he was in. Grandma always protected him until he went to college.Li Weilai is a junior majoring in planning at Southwest University of Information Technology. They all complain that they are not successful and have not been admitted to key universities. It turned out that the leader of a key university was an old subordinate of his grandfather. His grandfather was going to open the back door for him and take him inside. But the stupid boy said, "What's so great about key universities? I'm not surprised."Grandpa can not say a word, simply according to their own opinions to the Southwest Information Engineering University to study junior college. In fact, the reason why Li chose to do so in the future was entirely because Zhang Song and Liang Jin were planning to study there. The brothers are together or taken care of. I just didn't realize these stooges were still in college, not fighting, but skipping class, surfing the Internet, picking up girls. They did everything that young people like to do in this day and age. The most excessive Zhang Song, this boy is the least kind, in order to be temporarily happy, the girlfriend's belly is big, and finally forced no way, just pull Li Wei and a few of them, go to the hospital together to abort, let the doctor sigh young people are too crazy.