Unleashed Resolve

From the stands above the arena, Master Cronos observed the aftermath of the blast with a contemplative gaze. The arena below was a chaotic scene of dissipating flames and swirling dust. The clash between the two fire had left a palpable tension hanging in the air, as if the very fabric of the arena was still resonating with the impact.

The boy can be seen, his figure silhouetted against the flickering remnants of the black flames, stood in the center of the arena, visibly strained but defiant. On the other end, is the increasingly determined princess, who was regaining her composure with a mix of frustration and resolve.

Master Cronos's expression was unreadable, a mix of intrigue and satisfaction playing across his features. His keen eyes took in every detail, from the singed edges of the arena's stone walls to the determined stance of the princess and the exhausted but resolute posture of Kaelen. He had seen many battles in his time, but there was something particularly fascinating about the struggle unfolding before him—a test of endurance and skill that would shape the participants in ways they could not yet fathom.

As the smoke began to clear and the arena's harsh light revealed the full extent of the damage, Master Cronos remained a silent observer, his mind already turning over the implications of what he had witnessed


'What was that?'

The princess staggered back, she stared at the swirling black flames that had erupted from Kaelen's hand. She had expected resistance, sure, but nothing like this. The searing heat of her own flames had been overwhelmed, twisted by the inky dark flames that wrapped around her and threw her off balance.

'That wasn't just any ordinary flame' she thought, eyes wide with disbelief.

It felt… ancient, dark, and far more powerful than anything she had ever encountered.

The fight was supposed to be straightforward, a test of skill. But now, facing this unfamiliar and dangerous power, the outcome felt suddenly uncertain. 

Her eyes narrowed as she turned her gaze back to the boy. He stood there, his face partially shadowed by the flickering black flames that still danced around his hand. To her, he seemed almost menacing, like he was plotting something, his expression unreadable and dark.


'Shit! Shit! Shit! Is this meant to happened?'

In truth, the boy on the other end, was anything but calm... Inside, he was panicking, his heart racing faster than it ever had before. As he barely kept his composure, he stared at his own hand, now covered in the eerie black flames. He never would've thought that the very dark flames that had been after his life before were now something he harnessed.

The flames felt foreign, terrifying, and completely out of his control. He had no idea where they had come from or what they would do next. All he knew was that he was scared out of his mind, desperate to keep his cool from losing control in front of the princess.

The tension in the air thickened as the princess steadied herself. Kaelen could see the resolve burning in her eyes—there was no backing down now. She ignited her fists once more, the flames radiating a warm, vibrant energy, almost as if they were alive, embodying the very essence of hope and life itself. But as Kaelen's dark flames continued to swirl around his hand, they felt like the complete opposite—brewing only despair and destruction, as if they sought to snuff out everything in their path.

The princess charged forward, her movements swift and precise, a stark contrast to Kaelen's clumsy attempts to harness his newfound power. He raised his hand instinctively, the black flames reacting almost on their own, lashing out toward the approaching princess.

Their attacks collided. The princess's fire surged with vitality, pushing against the darkness with everything it had, but Kaelen's flames, though wild and uncontrolled, consumed everything they touched, leaving only ash and ruin in their wake. Kaelen staggered backward, barely able to maintain his footing as he struggled to control the destructive power that seemed to have a mind of its own. 

'I can't keep this up...'

He had no idea how to wield this kind of power, let alone in a fight against someone as skilled as the princess.

But the princess wasn't backing down. She leaped into the air, and in an instant, descended toward him, flames spiraling around her like a comet. Kaelen braced himself, raising his arm defensively. The black flames surged once more, twisting and writhing as if they were feeding off his fear.

When their powers clashed again, Kaelen felt the force of it reverberate through his entire body. He was thrown back, skidding across the arena floor, while the princess landed gracefully, her flames flickering with renewed intensity.

'She's not giving up huh...'

Suddenly, a voice can be heard across the arena

"Serephira! If you keep holding back like this, you will lose!"

It was Master Cronos, his words were sharp, almost scolding.

The princess froze mid-motion, a flicker of doubt crossed her face, but it was quickly replaced by resolve. She reached for the rapier at her waist, her fingers curling around the hilt. The moment she unsheathed it, the blade emitted a brilliant, almost blinding light, illuminating the entire arena. The radiant glow surrounded her, a stark contrast to the dark flames that clung to Kaelen.

Kaelen watched in awe as the light from her rapier seemed to chase away the shadows

"Shit! You and your loud mouth, old man..."