The Royal Academy

The Royal Academy of Calaria is a proud symbol of the kingdom's commitment to both excellence and the arcane arts. Settled within its sprawling, verdant grounds, the academy presents a harmonious blend of historic charm and contemporary magic. The central building, constructed from smooth, polished stone, catches the light with its embedded runes, giving it a subtle, otherworldly glow. Its walls are richly detailed with carvings that tells the story of the kingdom and the mystical arts, while tall, arched windows allow sunlight to spill into the courtyard, creating a dance of shadows and light.

The grounds themselves are a lush paradise, featuring gardens where rare, magical plants burst into vibrant colors, filling the air with a delicate, enchanting scent. Winding paths of enchanted stone lead through these gardens, connecting a series of academic buildings, each dedicated to different fields of study. Graceful bridges span over clear, shimmering streams, their waters reflecting a hint of magic.

In the heart of the academy's grounds stands a grand fountain, its water flowing in elegant arcs. The gentle sound of the fountain offers a soothing backdrop, contrasting with the lively energy of students moving about.

At the far end of the grounds, a grand gate marks the entrance to this prestigious institution. Crafted with intricate metalwork and reinforced with ancient spells, the gate bears the academy's crest. It stands not only as a symbol of the academy's strength but also as the gateway to a world of knowledge and discovery.

Kaelen stands motionless before the massive gate, his presence almost lost amid the bustling flow of students entering the academy. The gate towers above him, an imposing structure of intricately carved stone, adorned with silver inlays and symbols of arcane power that shimmer faintly in the light. The grandeur of the gate contrasts sharply with Kaelen's stillness, as waves of eager students, dressed in their black uniforms, pass by him without a second glance.

The air is alive with chatter and excitement, yet Kaelen remains rooted in place with his gaze fixed on the academy grounds beyond the gate. His black uniform, with its precise tailoring and silver embroidery, blends with the crowd, but his posture sets him apart—a calm, unmoving figure amidst the sea of people moving.

A pouch bag, which is a gift from his master, rests comfortably across his torso, hanging diagonally from one shoulder, its practical design contrasting with the elegant uniform and the sheathed sword that hangs from his waist.

For a moment, the world seems to pause around him. The towering gate, the rush of students, the sprawling academy grounds beyond—all fade into the background as Kaelen stands there, alone in his thoughts.

'Well.. i guess this is it...'

Then, after taking a long deep breath he slowly steps forward to the gate.


Kaelen sits quietly in the vast auditorium of the Royal Academy, his presence almost unnoticed amid the sea of new students who have just begun their journey. The grand hall is a marvel of architectural elegance, with high vaulted ceilings adorned with enchanted light fixtures that cast a soft, golden glow over the space. Rows of polished wooden seats stretch out before him, gradually filling with excited and nervous faces.

'I wonder where she is now?' Kaelen thought to himself, looking around the large auditorium for a certain person.

The walls of the auditorium are lined with banners depicting the academy's crest and the symbols of the arcane arts, adding to the grandeur of the setting. At the front of the room, a large stage is set up for the opening ceremony, where faculty members and distinguished guests are preparing to address the new students. The air buzzes with anticipation as the first day of the academic year begins.

Suddenly, the room falls into a hush as a familiar figure steps onto the stage.

'Huh, it's that old man.'

It was Master Orion, the person who visited him during his astral attunement, and a long life friend of his master.

Master Orion, a distinguished man with an air of authority and grace, takes his place at the podium. His presence commands immediate attention. Clad in his elegant robes, which carry the subtle but unmistakable sigils of his position, he radiates both warmth and authority.

He steps confidently to the center of the stage, his presence commanding attention as the murmurs in the auditorium gradually subside. He adjusts the bandages covering his eyes, a distinctive feature that adds an enigmatic aura to his demeanor. With a warm smile, he begins to address the assembly.

"Good morning, everyone," 

His voice sounded resonant and inviting.

"I am Orion Valenor, and I have the honor of being the headmaster of this esteemed institution." 

He paused for a moment before continuing

"Now, before any of you ask, yes, these bandages are indeed part of my look. I assure you, they're not a fashion statement. I merely found that they keep my focus sharp and my attention clear—much like how a good study habit can keep your focus on your goals."

The auditorium erupts in gentle laughter, the students visibly relaxing as they appreciate the headmaster's humor. Orion's smile widens, and he continues,

"In all seriousness, you are about to embark on a remarkable journey. The path ahead will challenge you, push you, and at times, test your resolve. But remember, each challenge is an opportunity to grow and learn."

He gestures to the grand surroundings of the academy.

"Here at the Royal Academy of Calaria, you will find a community of scholars and mentors dedicated to helping you reach your fullest potential. Embrace the lessons, seize every opportunity, and support one another. Your journey will be unique, and your experiences will shape you in ways you can't yet imagine."

The Headmaster's gaze, though obscured by the bandages, seems to connect with each of the students in the auditorium.

"Welcome to the academy. I look forward to seeing how each of you will shine in the years to come. Let's make this journey one of discovery, growth, and achievement."

As the Headmaster concludes his words of encouragement, he pauses to introduce a special guest for the occasion.

"Before we continue, I have the pleasure of announcing that there will be a representative from your new cohort who will address you shortly. This individual is quite well-known, given her significant role in the kingdom."

A murmur of curiosity ripples through the auditorium. Kaelen, intrigued, speculates that the representative might be someone that he already knew of.

'Huh, looks like i can finally see her after all'

The Headmaster's voice rises, cutting through the buzz of anticipation.

"Please join me in welcoming Seraphina Aurion."

The name hangs in the air, causing Kaelen's eyes to widen in shock.