Beneath the Masks

A figure darted through the forest, his breath coming in ragged gasps and his clothes snagged and torn by the relentless branches. Rogue's heart pounded in his chest, not just from the strain but from the gnawing dread that clung to him. He had to reach the capital—time was slipping away, and the stakes were terrifyingly high.

His mind raced, replaying the events that had brought him to this desperate flight. Gloomshade haven's Gateway had been breached. From its dark depths, something—or someone—had emerged. Rogue had seen it with his own eyes, a figure shrouded in an aura of palpable menace. This wasn't just an intruder; it was a harbinger of chaos, and Rogue knew what that could mean for the kingdom.

As he broke through the final line of trees, he can see the towering walls of the capital. Rogue's legs screamed with exhaustion, but he pushed on, as his gaze locked on the city gates ahead. The grand tournament was in full swing, the capital alive with excitement and completely oblivious to the looming threat just beyond its walls.

Two guards, their armor gleaming in the midday sun, stood watch at the entrance. They noticed Rogue's frantic approach, exchanging puzzled glances before moving to intercept him.

"Halt! State your business!"

One of the guards called outto rogue with his firmed tone, but his eyes are colored with curiosity at the sight of Rogue's tired state.

Rogue stumbled to a stop, gasping for breath.

"An intruder... out of Madam Nyx's gateway... They're heading for the capital!"

He blurted out, his words tumbling over one another in his haste.

The guards exchanged a wary look. The mention of an intruder, not to mention one that came out of the kingdom's gateway, sent a shiver of unease through them. The first guard stepped closer, lowering his voice.

"Are you certain? That's a serious claim."

"As certain as I'm standing here,"

Rogue insisted, desperation creeping into his voice.

"This is no joke. We have to stop the tournament, evacuate the crowds—"

The second guard raised a hand, cutting him off gently but firmly.

"No need to panic, we were briefed about potential threats before the tournament started. There's a plan in place."

Rogue blinked, startled. "A plan? You mean... you knew something like this might happen?"

The guard nodded, pulling out a small, orb-like communicator from his belt. He activated it, and a faint, reassuring glow spread from the device.

"We're prepared," he said, speaking into the communicator.

"Alert him immediately. Possible threat incoming."

A distorted voice crackled in response, acknowledging the message. The guard turned back to Rogue with a steady expression.

"Thanks for the warning, stay here while we get you some water. There will be someone soon to ask about the situation in the sanctuary."


The roar of the crowd echoed through the Grand Arena, the energy of the spectators can be heard as they watched the tournament unfold below. High above, on a secluded balcony, Master Cronos stood in silence with his gaze fixed on the arena floor.

A soft chime interrupted his thoughts, drawing his attention to the small, ornate communicator in his hand. The message it conveyed was brief but urgent. Cronos' expression didn't change, but a flicker of urgency sparked in his eyes.

He turned and walked across the balcony to where Headmaster Orion was seated. Orion, sensing his approach, looked up. Cronos leaned in slightly, his voice was calm but serious.

"I have something that needs my attention."

Headmaster Orion simply nodded in response to Master Cronos' remark. He trusted Cronos without question, knowing that whatever demanded his time was of grave importance.

Master Cronos straightened and walked to the edge of the balcony, where the robed figure stood alone, their presence almost otherworldly. It seemed like their attention is fixed on the tournament below.

Master Cronos approached it, his movements were deliberate and quiet. He stopped beside the figure with his eyes focused ahead.

"Let's go," he said, with a comanding yet familliar tone.

The robed figure turned slightly toward him, and without a word, they both began to fade. Their forms seemed to dissolve into the ground and the air around them rippling as they disappeared, leaving the corner of the balcony empty, the crowd below oblivious to what had just occurred.

They arrived at the main gate of the capital, Master Cronos saw a familiar figure whose appearance was all rugged and dirty, it was rogue, sipping on a water that has been given to him by one of the guard.

Master Cronos approached him, causing the guards to instinctively stepped back, giving the two men space.

"Rogue, Tell me about the intruder."

Rogue wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, straightening as much as his weary body would allow.

"There were three of them, Madam Nyx managed to hold one in the sanctuary, but the other two... their whereabouts are unknown."

Master Cronos nodded, absorbing the information with a cold, calculating gaze. He turned his head slightly, as if listening to something only he could hear, he then focused back on the robed figure.

"I'll go to the opposite side of the capital, stay here."

Without another word, he quickly dissipate again to the ground below.

As Master Cronos disappeared from sight, a figure emerged from the shadows of the forest, stepping into the clearing near the main gate. The guards tensed, as their hands moving toward their spear. But the figure made no aggressive moves. Instead, it reached up and pulled back its hood, revealing the face of a woman. Her features were sharp and angular, with eyes that glinted like shards of ice. Her skin was unnaturally pale, almost translucent, and her lips curled into a cold, cruel smile.

"Finally, that old man is gone, I'll leave him to my partner. Let's see how he handles that."

Before the guards can react to her, the robed figure that had accompanied Master Cronos stepped forward and threw back his own hood. His hand moved to the hilt of the sword at his side, and he drew it with a practiced ease. Rogue's eyes widened in suprise after seeing the boy in front of him.

"Wait.. You're—"

"Fuck you! I was enjoying the tournament, you know."

Kaelen called out to the woman in front of him.