Amid the Chaos

The rooftops of the kingdom sprawled like a labyrinth beneath the smog-filled sky, offering a precarious refuge above the chaos. Thane leapt across a narrow gap, his boots landing with a soft thud on the adjacent roof. Below, the streets were teeming with knights and soldiers locked in brutal combat, their shouts drowned out by the roars of winged beasts circling the air. He crouched low, his breaths shallow, as he peered at the madness unfolding both above and below him.

From the castle, crystalline projectiles were launching skyward in graceful arcs, their targets the massive beasts dominating the air. One such beast, a leathery-winged creature with glowing eyes, screeched in pain as a projectile struck it, shattering into shards of light. Its body spiraled downward, crashing into a nearby tower, sending debris raining onto the streets.