You stole my system

Fate is truly a cruel thing...all I ever wanted was to live an ordinary life, was that too much to ask for?

Even when l was thrust into the world of beastmen, I only yearned to be human again and return to the human realm to live my life as a normal girl. So how did l still end up as an immortal responsible for overlooking the lives of two races for all eternity? Was everything I did and the sacrifices l made for naught?

Once upon a time, my dream was to go to college, get a well paying job, buy a house, adopt lots of cats, get married and live happily ever after until the day l die. But now, I cant even die! And every time l look at a cat it reminds me of him, that black hearted cat that started it all. And l know that he is not to blame because everything that happened was meant to happen so that l could be where l am now.

But who said l ever wanted to be here in the first place? What's even more outrageous is that even as an immortal, the highest level any being could ever ascend to, I'm still no match for fate. In front of fate, I am but a slave in shackles.

After a thousand years of ruling, my mind gets so occupied tending to the lives that were entrusted to me and preventing other immortals from seizing my realm, it makes me forgetful of who l am. My people know me as goddess Glacia, the immortals call me the immortal beast but none of the names define the real me.

Looking at the transparent crystal ball in the centre of my palace , I approach it and spin it in reverse and it stops directly on the day my whole fate was changed. A beautiful crystallised ice throne forms beneath me in an instant, I take my sit as l look at the crystal ball displaying my life from a thousand years ago. A slight smile forms on my lips 'this feels just like the time when I used to watch TV back on earth.'

On the crystal ball, a good looking tall man with cat ears and a tail could be seen holding the slender wrist of a black haired girl in a Jade coloured dress.

"Let me go, Kai!" Maya demanded.

"I can't do that, Maya" Kai shook his head without a hint of regret "you are coming with me, whether you like it or not" he said as he gripped her hand tighter.

"But I don't want to leave...please" she pleaded but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

"What you want, matters not, what matters is what l want and what l want is you to be my female" he said filmly as he dragged her to the open living room of Maya's small apartment.

"Am only 19, I don't want to have a partner yet" she complained with tearly eyes.

"You are already so old, the females in my world start copulating at the age of 16. It's your honour that a prince like me took fancy to you, when am Emperor you will be my only Empress. Isn't that better than the pitiful life you are living here?" He asked sternly.

"W-where are you taking me?" She asked in a shaky voice even though she already had a rough idea.

"To the beast home" a smirk appeared on Kai's face making Maya feel a sense of dread. Her eyes widened in horror but before she could even step back or run, Kai's hand had already wrapped around her waist and he whispered "I always get what l want, you might not accept me now but once you see my strength you won't reject me anymore. System, activate realm teleportation, set the coordinates to the beast realm".

[Coordinates set]

[Teleportation activated...]

[Human detected... Teleportation failed]

"What? System why can't l take this female with me?" Kai asked in puzzlement.

Taking this as her chance, Maya snapped out of her daze and tried to break free from his hold but he wouldn't budge.

[The beast realm is filled with beast energy, a normal human does not have the means of processing it. They would blow up from energy inflation in a week at most]

"I will find a way to solve that problem once we are there, l wouldn't bring her there to die. System, activate forceful teleportation!" Kai said with determination.

[Forced teleportation activated]

[System energy fully absorbed]

[Extracting life force...]

Kai grunted as he felt a painful suction like force in his chest, his fangs bit into his lower lip to resist roaring in pain.

"No...please Kai, let me go. I don't want to go, we can stay here together if you want." Maya sobbed.

" said it yourself, I am not safe here. Don't worry, once we get back home...I can protect you." He said with difficulty as the pain increased.

"This isn't right. You can't just take me away against my will!" She screamed as she tried to bite down on his hand, but it just felt like she was biting metal instead of flesh, she couldn't even leave a mark.

[100 years worth of life force successful extracted]

[Initiating realm teleportation in 5..]

When the suction force stopped, the pain disappeared too, making Kai breathe a sigh of relief before a wave of weakness drowned him.


"In my world, if you can't win in a fight, you don't have the right to decide...look, you couldn't even leave a mark of my hand" he teased, but Maya wasn't in the mood.


"You are not in your world right now!" Maya said in frustration.


"Here, it's illegal, how is this any different from kidna-"


[Teleportation in process]

Before Maya could finish speaking, she suddenly felt her mind go blank before being sucked forward making her unable to feel her body. An oppressive feeling loomed over her, she couldn't even move her gaze, all she could see was darkness passing by and a new lighter kind of darkness would alight before passing by as well and the cycle kept on repeating.

She didn't know how much time had passed before she finally felt that the oppressive feeling had faded completely. Maya bent over and vomited all of the contents in her stomach making her feel better and lightheaded at the same time.

Looking around, she saw that she was in an unfamiliar environment, surrounded by trees, darkness and an eerie silence with occasional howls and growls. Realising that Kai had really managed to teleport her to another world, her heart sunk.

She glanced at Kai who was Sprawled on the ground angrily, but before she could reprimand him, she noticed that his cheek bones were sunken and there were trails of blood all over his face... from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

Frightened by the sight, she worriedly knelt by his side and shook him "Kai, are you okay? What happened to you?"

"I don't-" before he could finish speaking, a series of warning messages filled his vision.

[Warning! Warning! System energy depleted!]

[Calculating host energy.... Insufficient!]

[Emergency containment...activated!]

[System ejection... Activated!]

"What do you mean system ejection?" He asked in panic.

[Host is unable to contain the system...if the system stays any longer, host's life force will be completely sucked off to replenish the system's energy]

Kai could also feel that something was sucking off his life force, but even though it felt extremely painful, he was unwilling to let go of the magical system.

"Ejection denied!" He said as more blood spilled from his four sense organs.

[Error! Error! System is unable to go against The Creator's rules. The system is for helping the host, not harming]

[Error! Error! Energy levels too low]


Upon seeing this, Kai rapid beating heart calmed down, as he sighed in relief new messages popped up.

[New host detected]

[System transfer activated]


[System transfer complete]

[Beast Ascending System...Offline]

With that, the system screen glitched and disappeared. Looking at the last message, Kai felt dejected, he nervously tried calling out to the system but there was no response.

"Kai? What happened, is something wrong with the system?" Maya asked in concern, forgetting all about her anger.

"It's...gone" he said with difficulty.

Maya was about to ask him what he meant when a system screen glitched into existence In front of her eyes, she was shocked when she saw it. But upon realising what it was, she was even more dumbfounded.

[New host detected, host..detected]

[System interface...inter-face...interface]

Host: Kai Beastborne

Race: Beast-shifter

Innate beast(s): All cat family

Unlocked beasts: Cat, Panther, Cheetah & Tiger

Class: Màster shifter

Level: 8

Exp: 2070/4000


Strength: 53

Speed: 44

Defence: 41


Charm: 23

Energy points: 7/800

Health points: 32/800

Maya was stunned 'aren't these Kai's stats? More importantly, isn't this Kai's system? Why is it with me? Is it confused?'

Suddenly the system kept on glitching with error messages all over the screen, then it stopped, all the messages went away and new ones came in.


,[Installing The Beast Ascending System...]

The screen glitched again before showing new words.

[Welcome to The Glitch System]


"Right. The system said something about a new host before it disappeared...Maya...did you...g-get the system?" He asked nervously.

"Seems like it, am just noticing it right now" she absent mindedly admitted.

Kai's face twisted, he felt a pang of hurt in his heart as he looked at Maya.

"You....stole my system?"