kidnapped double chapter don’t read

Don't read! Skip this chapter! It's a double. Premium chapters can't be deleted. So please skip and save your coin and fast pass!


do you mean it's their first day? Will they be enrolled in our school with us?"

Violet sounded excited. This was her chance to start a friendship with Viktoria,

she had friends at school and Viktoria knew no one, so she was bound to give

Violet a chance.


they'll go to school here with us, for the time being." Ash said skeptically.


being at school together means we'll have more chances to get close to each

other." Violet said cheerfully.


if you say so." Ash said shrugging his shoulders. He knew Viktoria wasn't

someone who changed their mind easily, but he also knew if anyone could do it

it would be Violet. She had a way with people.


ready Violet." Ash's voice was rough sounding as he rolled out of her bed.
