confessions before a party

Ash's gentle gesture and words made Violet blush. Her cheeks heated up and she was turning pink.

"You're so cute when you blush." Ash chuckled.

"Stop it." Violet giggled shyly.

Even though they've been living together for several months, she still felt nervous self conscious around him. Silly as it was it was true for Ash too. No one has ever made him as nervous as she did.

She was his everything and Ash knew if he lost her it would destroy him and he'd burn the world for her.

"Okay, okay, I'll stop, but I need to nap before we start getting ready for the party. Stay with me?" Ash asked.

"Oh, the party! Viktoria and I were supposed to set up for a slumber party downstairs!" Violet said urgently, "I have to go get her. How

about you come stay with us in my room?"

"Okay." He didn't argue or insist differently he did as she asked and got up to head to her room "I'll get a movie picked out."