Terrorist Attack 2

The man gets shocked that after such an attack that he was unhurt and still standing

"Wtf his unhurt and still standing , brat you are gonna die" the man begins to fire at Robert ,the bullets of the gun were made of laser energy , called a plasma bullet the bullets when fired were small energy beams shaped like a bullet.

Meanwhile outside the mall they were numerous police car with their sirens blaring and multiple police aircrafts in the air hovering over the mall , and the special ops agents were also present, it's a special force that mainly involved in terrorists case like this.

They were also news reporters , reporting the situation

" Sir we just found out that they is a huge mech blocking the entrance it's a death sentence for anyone charging through it " a man in police uniform informs his superior

" God damnit , which means the special ops will have no choice but go through the back of the mall and rescue the hostages" then the superior puts a something like an ear pod in his ear and begins talking , that was an advanced technologically microphone and he begins to speak

" You perpetrators of the law , we order you not to harm the hostages , but please release them for they are innocent civilians" the superior says as the hovering aircrafts broadcast his message

"Hahahaha , what an insolent fool do you think l would let them go , no way the government must heed to our demand" the terrorists send their message

" Okay what are your demands or how about we negotiate" the superior says

" They is no place for a negotiation , the Government must hand over the sum of 2.5 billion dollars and every family of each hostages will pay the sum of one million for their release if not they will die " the message comes from the terrorists everyone gets shocked at the terrorists demand

" Damn this bloody liers , they are evil they want the sum of 2.5 billion from the government and also want the sum of one million from the family's of each hostage" the superior slams his hand on his car in anger while the special ops prepare for the rescue

After that the special ops board their aircraft

" Here is the plan, we are to land on the roof and use the stairs to get to the hostages and also be careful as not to be detected and we take out the terrorists one by one , so those everyone gets it " the leader tells the team

"Roger" they all respond,meanwhile Inside the shopping center

Robert sees the bullets coming towards him and the girl behind him , he knows if he was to Dodge the girl behind him will be in danger .

So he immediately grabs her by the waist and takes cover at the back of a large freezer thanks to his speed , the girl looked at Robert's face as he protects her from the incoming bullets

" Look you will be safe here , stay here while l deal with that terrorist and save my mum" Robert was about to leave when the girl grabbed his arm .

" Wait , how will you do that, he has gun " she tells him

" Don't worry l have my way " he smiles at her and she blushes.

The terrorist was still firing at the freezer when he saw a figure leaping unto the shelves

Robert landed on top the large shelves and began running on it then the terrorist pointed his gun towards him on the shelves

" Damn brat , why don't you just die" he shouts in anger he was about to shoot when Robert's mum grabbed the terrorist by his arm to prevent him from shooting

" Don't hurt my son " she shouts at the terrorist

" Get away bitch" he pushes her away and she bumps her head against a shelf and she passes out .

Robert gets enraged upon seeing his mum get hurt then he uses spartial leap a technique he learnt recently and appears behind the terrorist in a flash

" We're the Fuck is he" the terrorist exclaims in suprise

" Behind you" Robert says coldly and the terrorist becomes shocked at when he got behind him

Robert grabs the terrorist by the head with brute force and the terrorist couldn't believe his eyes at such strength

" Nobody is allowed to hurt my mother" he said with anger and slams the terrorist into the floor killing him

This was Robert first time of killing a man but he definitely didn't feel remoseful nor shocked instead he had an unforgivable personality , because he knew , he would have been killed by the terrorist so killing him did not wave his moral , but when he sees the blood in his hand his body trembles as of course he killed a human not an animal but he immediately held himself.

Then two other terrorists appeared and they saw their comrade dead and Robert standing above the corpse then he turned to them as he glared at them coldly .

The two some how became scared for no reason and they couldn't understand why

" How dare you kill him , looks like you are tired of living " one of the terrorists says in anger and points his gun at Robert to shoot but before he could fire

Robert appears in front of the terrorist in the blink of an eye catching the terrorist off guard

" How did he get here so fast " the terrorist gets stunned and Robert lands a deadly punch with his fist at the terrorist in the face and it sends him flying backwards with great force

* Bam* the terrorist crashes into a fruit stall as his face was messed up and all bloody

Robert turns to the other terrorist.