
The auction house slowly began to fill. After a few moments, it was clear the demographic of people for whom the basic section was reserved—common merchants, adventurers, and opportunistic bidders hoping to make a fortune on the lower-end auction items.

The section had dim lighting, the seats were plain and packed very closely together. Soon after it was filled, conversation began to hum through the hall, along with a subtle tension.

Those seated here could only hope that what they wanted would not be eyed by those above them, as they would swiftly be outbid by those in the higher-tier sections.

Aric's gaze swept over the crowd, studying each face. Although most were unfamiliar to him, a few caught his attention. He recognized a lord's steward from the conquest profile, noting how they seemed out of place among the others.

"Hmm, is this going to be more than it should be?" the prince muttered.