
"Hoohoo... It's so peaceful..."

Tsumugi Kujo murmured contentedly as she savored the sight of pink cherry blossoms dancing in the breeze within the courtyard, accompanied by the delicate taste of sake in her hand.

The gentle wind caressed her skin, warm and soothing, almost as if she were soaking in a hot spring. Yet, despite the beautiful scenery and fine sake, there was a lingering hint of regret in Tsumugi Kujo's expression.

It would be nice if my sister could be here with me, she thought wistfully.

However, Tsumugi knew that was impossible. As the general of the Tenryo Commission, her sister, Kujo Sara, was burdened with a heavy workload. At this very moment, Sara was likely drowning in paperwork at the Tenryo headquarters.

Tsumugi finished the remaining sake in her cup and clapped her hands.

"Second Miss, is there something you need?"

A samurai from the Kujo family appeared promptly from behind a corner of the corridor outside the courtyard in response to her call.

"Any news from Mondstadt recently?"

"Yes, Second Miss. A message arrived yesterday from Mondstadt. There are rumors of dragons in the area. Initially, people dismissed it as the drunken ramblings of someone who'd had too much to drink. But lately, more and more sightings have been reported, causing some unrest."

So, the dragon disaster in Mondstadt is about to begin... Tsumugi mused, recognizing this as the beginning of the main storyline of Genshin Impact. I wonder if the blond traveler who appears will be Aether or Lumine...

"Understood. You may go," Tsumugi dismissed the samurai, who then bowed and left.

She turned her gaze back to the cherry blossoms fluttering in the breeze, but if one looked closely, they would notice her eyes were distant and unfocused, no longer admiring the scenery. Instead, Tsumugi was engrossed in the system interface that only she could see.

[System startup in 7 seconds... 6 seconds...]

Finally, the day has come! Tsumugi cheered inwardly.

Since reincarnating into this world, she had acquired a system, much like the protagonists in many novels she had read. However, this system had been dormant, requiring twenty long years to activate...and today was the day it would finally come to life!

[System successfully started. Life Simulation System activated.]

[Life Simulation System: Experience a new life in the simulator and build new bonds.]

[Note: What happens in the simulation will affect the real world to some extent. After the simulation, the host can receive specific rewards (weapons, knowledge, and special items obtained in the simulation). The simulation system has no cooldown, but each activation costs one million Mora.]

As expected, it's this strange system, Tsumugi thought.

Twenty years ago, when Tsumugi first arrived in the world of Teyvat, she noticed the system. However, it wasn't fully functional at the time. It only allowed her to draw an identity before going dormant, leaving behind a countdown for its official activation—twenty years long.

Tsumugi, having read many web novels about systems before reincarnating, had expected something different—perhaps a salvation system, an evil system, or a sign-in system. But this Life Simulation System was entirely new to her.

And the million Mora per activation? Tsumugi's eye twitched involuntarily.

If I remember correctly, the Kujo family has only around 20 million Mora left...

That might seem like a lot, but as one of the three great families in Inazuma, the Kujo family's annual expenses were staggering. Furthermore, the current head of the family, Kujo Kamajiro, was a bit paranoid about Tsumugi touching the family's funds. He had once clung to her leg, weeping about the dire financial situation when she merely walked by the family treasury. He had even threatened to sell the house if she continued to dip into the family's finances...

How stingy! I only spent over 2 billion Mora to form a special forces unit. Is it really that bad? Tsumugi grumbled inwardly.

As a time traveler, she knew that war would eventually engulf this world, so she had spent a fortune forming an elite unit loyal to the Kujo family—"Hunter."

The "Hunter" unit was small, only 120 strong, but Tsumugi was confident in their abilities. In terms of combat effectiveness, they were the most elite force on the entire continent of Teyvat—after all, not every country had the resources to assemble a unit made entirely of Vision holders.

Yes, every member of "Hunter" had a Vision, and their armor and weapons were the finest, crafted by the best blacksmiths in Inazuma at Tsumugi's behest. Equipped with these, even other Vision holders would find it difficult to stand against them.

But the cost of this elite force had drained the Kujo family's coffers, leaving them nearly bankrupt. The current 20 million Mora was only there thanks to the new policies Tsumugi had implemented to recoup the losses; otherwise, the family would have gone under long ago.

What? You wonder why Kujo Kamajiro, not Kujo Takayuki, is the head of the family?

Well, Kujo Takayuki was killed by the Fatui while out for a walk near Inazuma Castle a few years back. With Kamajiro's position as the new head still unstable, he urgently needed a powerful backing, which allowed Tsumugi to push for the creation of "Hunter" with the family's full support.

In short, the Kujo family's finances were in dire straits, and it wouldn't be easy for Tsumugi to embezzle more Mora from the family.

As for embezzling public funds...she quickly dismissed the thought. If caught, her sister would definitely throw her in jail.

Looks like I'll have to borrow some money... Tsumugi sighed inwardly as she stood up, straightened her purple kimono, and tucked a stray lock of purple hair behind her ear. Suddenly, two pairs of black wings appeared behind her. One pair, nearly a meter long, grew from her waist for flying, while the other, smaller pair at her shoulder blades, maintained balance in the air.

Her kimono had been modified by tailors, with discreet slits in the back, allowing her to spread her wings without hindrance.

Then, Tsumugi transformed into a streak of purple lightning and soared out of Inazuma Castle at a speed no ordinary person could match.

Many people in Inazuma City saw the purple lightning streak across the sky, but they didn't panic. Tsumugi's flights had become a common sight, and most people simply glanced up before returning to their tasks. A few paused, wondering why the famous "Princess Ziyuan" was leaving the city at this hour...

After more than three hours of flying, Tsumugi finally arrived at her destination—Kamisato Estate.

The Kamisato Estate lay north of Inazuma Castle, east of Narukami Shrine, and served as the hereditary home of the Kamisato family. Tsumugi was certain the person she was looking for would be here.

"Please inform Lady Kamisato that the Second Miss of the Kujo family has come to see her on urgent business."

Tsumugi landed at the gate, folded her wings, and addressed the guard.

"Understood, Miss Kujo. Please wait a moment."

The guard, familiar with Tsumugi's frequent visits to Kamisato Ayaka, wasn't fazed by her sudden arrival from the sky. He quickly went inside to relay her message.

Not long after, the guard returned.

"Lady Kamisato is waiting for you in the reception room."

The guard nodded respectfully, allowing Tsumugi to enter.

Tsumugi navigated the estate with ease and soon arrived at the reception room, where Kamisato Ayaka awaited her.

Ayaka's beautiful silver hair was tied in a high ponytail, cascading gracefully down her back. Her blue eyes, which seemed to see through one's soul, sparkled with joy at the sight of Tsumugi. She wore a light blue haori over black armor, paired with a dark blue pleated skirt, perfectly embodying her graceful and approachable demeanor.

"It's been a while, Ayaka," Tsumugi said, feeling an unspoken tension ease.

Although they had met several times in their youth, they hadn't been close until five years ago. At that time, Tsumugi had just formed the "Hunter" unit, leaving the Kujo family penniless. The new policies she implemented to recover from the financial blow faced constant opposition, making it one of the most challenging periods since her reincarnation.

Similarly, Ayaka was struggling. The sudden death of her father left the burden of the Kamisato family on her and her brother, Ayato, both of whom were still minors. Although Ayato, being a man, bore the responsibility with grit, Ayaka, a delicate girl, was nearly crushed under the pressure.

They had met unexpectedly at a festival, like two wounded rabbits licking each other's wounds. Sharing their troubles, they gave each other advice, and through the cooperation of their families, they managed to climb out of the darkest valleys together, forging an unbreakable bond.

Their story spread among the people of Inazuma, eventually being turned into a famous short story. Ayaka became known as the "White Heron Princess" for her gentle and approachable nature, while Tsumugi earned the title of "Princess Ziyuan" for her fierce methods

Tsumugi Kujo left the room and headed to the gate of the Kujo family estate, where she inquired with the guard and learned that Sara Kujo had not yet returned. Sensing that something was amiss, Tsumugi immediately made her way to the office of the Tenryou Commission.

Although the Kujo family is in charge of the Tenryou Commission, their offices are not in the same location. During the day, Sara Kujo usually stays at the Tenryou Commission to manage affairs, returning to the Kujo estate at night to rest. The distance between the two locations is short, taking only about ten minutes to walk.

As soon as Tsumugi entered the Tenryou Commission office, she saw the elder sister who had been with her for the past twenty years. Unlike Tsumugi, Sara has short purple hair and wears a red Tengu mask on the left side of her head. Her kimono is heavily modified to allow for easier movement. At this moment, she was poring over documents on the table, her brows slightly furrowed, and didn't notice Tsumugi's entrance.


Tsumugi cleared her throat, trying to get Sara's attention.

"Tsumugi... you're here," Sara said, a flicker of joy in her eyes upon seeing her sister.

"Yes. Since you hadn't come home yet, I came to see if something was wrong," Tsumugi replied, walking up to the desk and glancing at the documents. Her expression darkened.

The document contained troubling news from Watatsumi Island: the soldiers and civilians, led by General Gorou, had risen in rebellion, vowing to rescue the "living god priestess," Sangonomiya Kokomi, who was imprisoned on Narukami Island.

Tsumugi narrowed her eyes, a habit Sara knew indicated deep thought. Not wanting to interrupt, Sara silently placed more documents in front of her sister. These showed the military strength of both sides—Tenryou Commission had a clear advantage in both numbers and quality. Yet, the rebels on Watatsumi Island had dared to rise up despite this disparity.

It was clear to Tsumugi that the rebels must have had powerful backing, and there was only one group in Inazuma capable of such support: the Fatui.

Since founding the "Hunter" unit, Tsumugi had launched relentless operations against the Fatui on Narukami Island and Yashiori Island, destroying many of their hidden Delusion factories. The remaining Fatui had fled to the western islands of Seirai and Tsurumi. It seemed likely that the Fatui had allied with the rebels.

As for Kokomi, Tsumugi had indeed placed her under house arrest on Narukami Island two years ago during her coming-of-age ceremony. She had invited Kokomi to the ceremony and then found an excuse to detain her. Tsumugi, knowing the future, was aware that Kokomi would eventually lead the people of Watatsumi in rebellion and took preemptive action.

If not for Sara's intervention, Tsumugi would have executed Kokomi long ago. Despite Sara's persuasion, Tsumugi only agreed to spare Kokomi's life by taking away her Vision instead.

The removal of Kokomi's Vision had a profound effect. Without it, Kokomi had lost her will to protect the people of Watatsumi. She spent her days in Inazuma City, comfortably reading military books, drinking tea, and chatting, while Tsumugi was constantly on guard.

The situation in Inazuma had evolved significantly. Tsumugi's new policies had caught the attention of Raiden Shogun, who, after discussion, believed they would help achieve "eternity." As a result, Raiden Shogun did not issue the Vision Hunt Decree but enforced the Sakoku Decree as Tsumugi had advised. Without the Vision Hunt Decree, Kokomi had no reason to rebel, yet due to the existing feud, Tsumugi continued to keep her under house arrest. Now, the people of Watatsumi had risen in rebellion under the pretext of rescuing Kokomi.

"Sister, starting tomorrow, declare a state of emergency across Inazuma and issue a few new laws," Tsumugi instructed after some thought.

"First, under no circumstances should anyone refer to the Watatsumi forces as the 'Resistance.' They must be called 'rebels.' Anyone who disobeys will be charged with treason."

This law aimed to control the narrative and position the Tenryou Commission on the moral high ground.

"Second, inform the people of Narukami Island and Tatarasuna that the rebels have allied with the Fatui, aiming to seize the Electro Archon's Gnosis and overthrow her rule. They want everyone in Inazuma to worship a defeated god instead."

Although this claim was half-true, Tsumugi knew the people would believe it, especially with the long-standing animosity between Narukami Island and Watatsumi Island.

"Third, enforce strict military discipline. Set up a camp in Tatarasuna, but focus on defense rather than launching attacks."

"Why focus on defense?" Sara asked.

"Our real enemy is the Fatui, not the rebels. Ordinary soldiers can't match the Fatui, so we should avoid unnecessary casualties," Tsumugi explained.

"Fourth, recruit Vision holders from Narukami Island and Tatarasuna to search for the Fatui's strongholds. Once found, we'll send the Hunters to eliminate them. If any Vision holders prove themselves, we can recruit them into the Hunters."

Sara listened intently but raised a practical concern. "Where will the funds for this war come from?"

Tsumugi fell silent. Traditionally, the Kanjou Commission would handle military funding, but Tsumugi's new policies had strained relations with the Hiiragi family, making it uncertain how much they would contribute.

"I... I'll leave for Mondstadt and Liyue soon—no, tomorrow. I'll take care of the funding," Tsumugi decided.

"You want to go to another country alone? No, I won't allow it!" Sara protested.

"Of course not," Tsumugi reassured her. "I'll take some of the Hunters with me. We'll handle the negotiations together."

"It's still too dangerous," Sara insisted, worry clear in her voice. Tsumugi was her only family, and she couldn't bear the thought of something happening to her.

"Onee-sama~ I'm not a child anymore," Tsumugi replied, trying to sweet-talk her sister.

"No means no!" Sara remained firm.

Tsumugi blushed, thinking of a different approach. Ever since her coming-of-age ceremony, a secret had existed between the sisters—a secret they couldn't let anyone else know.

"Sister, you're the best," Tsumugi said in a sweet, sickly voice, slowly moving closer until she was leaning against Sara. They could both smell the faint fragrance of each other's presence.

"Please let me go to Mondstadt and Liyue. I promise I'll be back within two years," Tsumugi pleaded, gently stroking Sara's cheek. Her voice was still sweet, but with an added allure.

Tsumugi began to playfully lick Sara's ear, knowing it was her sister's most sensitive spot.

"Wait, wait, this is the Tenryou Commission!" Sara protested, flustered.

"It's okay. It's late, and there are only a few patrolling soldiers around. If we're careful, no one will notice. Besides, didn't you want to try that position the other night? We could do it now…" Tsumugi whispered, her words gradually breaking down Sara's resolve.

"I…" Sara hesitated, swallowing as she realized her lips were dry, as if she hadn't had water in days.

"Oh my~" Tsumugi noticed and teased, "Sister, are you thirsty? I have the best lip balm right here~" She stuck out her tongue, barely a few centimeters from Sara's lips.

That was the final push. Unable to resist any longer, Sara tightly gripped Tsumugi's hands, interlocking their fingers, and pressed her against the desk. Soon, the office was filled with sounds that no one else could know about.

This was the taboo relationship between the sisters, one that had started two years ago and was kept hidden from the world.

The next day, Sara was unusually late for work, and Tsumugi slept until noon. Even then, she could hardly walk due to her "internal injuries," forcing her to delay her trip to Mondstadt and Liyue for two more days.