Chapter 4 The first simulation begins!

As Shinobu Kuki and the others looked at the suddenly appearing little girl named Noelle in confusion, Thomas next to them nodded.

"In Mondstadt, if you need help for any reason, just shout Noelle's name toward the sky, and she will come to you as quickly as possible. I thought it was just an urban legend, but I didn't expect it to be true."

"I'm not exaggerating..." Noelle blushed slightly at Thomas' words but quickly regained her composure. Turning to Tsumugi Kujo, she asked, "Guests from a foreign country, is there anything I can assist you with?"

"Well, we just arrived in Mondstadt this morning and are trying to find a hotel to stay in. As you can see, we have a large group."

Kujo Tsumugi pointed at the hunters behind him.

"I understand. Leave this matter to me!" Noelle patted her chest confidently.

With Noelle's enthusiastic help, Tsumugi Kujo and his group soon found a pleasant hotel near the Deer Hunter Restaurant. Furthermore, since Noelle and the owner were old acquaintances, Tsumugi Kujo's group was able to rent the place at an astonishingly low rate—just one million Mora per week.

Given that there were more than ten people in Kujo Tsumugi's group, Tsumugi immediately handed over one million Mora.

"Thomas, come over here and help me."

Tsumugi Kujo withdrew two million Mora from the Vision space.

"Here are two million Moras. Divide them among the hunters."

Dividing two million Moras among ten people meant each hunter received 200,000 Moras. While this amount wasn't significant to hunters with high salaries, Kujo Tsumugi still made it a point to distribute the Moras. It wasn't just about the amount but about showing her appreciation for her subordinates.

Under Kujo Tsumugi's new policy, most soldiers of the Tenryo Bugyo and the hunters enjoyed at least a week's vacation during holidays. Those who stayed on duty received significantly higher pay and similar vacation benefits afterward. This generosity had even led some from the Sha Bugyo and Kanjo Bugyo to switch to the Tenryo Bugyo.

Of course, this generosity came at a price, with Kujo Kamajima's blood pressure rising and the family's warehouses growing emptier.

Clearing her thoughts, Tsumugi Kujo focused on her plans. She had intended to spend one million Mora on trying out the "life simulation system" and the other million Mora for expenses in Mondstadt.

After ensuring no additional expenses in the near future, she selected "yes" when prompted by the simulation system.

"Do you want to spend one million Mora to perform a life simulation? Yes/No"


The system continued, "Please set your birthplace: Mondstadt/Liyue/Inazuma."

With only these three options, Tsumugi Kujo frowned. Could it be that only countries she had visited were available? After a moment's thought, she chose "Mondstadt."

"Please set the character's purpose: ... (Note: the character's actions in the simulator will revolve around this purpose)"

Instead of a multiple-choice question, this was a fill-in-the-blank prompt. After some hesitation, Tsumugi Kujo wrote: "Live this life with my own pride"—a reflection of her own belief.

"Please set the character's code of conduct: Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic (Note: the choices in the simulator are related to the character's personality)"

Tsumugi Kujo chose "Neutral."

"Warm reminder: After the simulator ends, the host can choose unique equipment, memory, talent, weapon, bond, and other rewards based on their experience in the simulator."

"Warm reminder: After the simulator ends, what happens in the simulator will affect the real world to some extent. Please choose carefully when faced with various options."

"Simulation begins."

[0 years old: You were born into a noble family in Mondstadt, and your father named you Tsumugi Lawrence.]


Wait, is this Lawrence from Eula?

[1 year old: Lawrence is a noble family that has been in Mondstadt for thousands of years. Though it has declined, your material life is still better than many in Mondstadt. You live in a Lawrence family manor outside Mondstadt.]

[2 years old: Your parents love you dearly. Although your family is not wealthy, they do their best to meet all your needs. Under their careful nurturing, you grow up slowly.]

[3 years old: You begin learning literacy under your father's guidance. You are a prodigy, easily mastering a vast number of words. The Lawrence family starts to take notice of your exceptional talent.]

[4 years old: Your mother starts teaching you noble etiquette, and your father begins training you, hoping you will inherit the family's swordsmanship. Your playtime diminishes, filled instead with various courses. Yet, you persevere.]

[5 years old: Having lived your entire life within the family manor, you ask to visit Mondstadt. Your mother hesitates but promises you can go once you complete all your courses.]

[6 years old: Eager to leave home, you study diligently, often imagining what Mondstadt is like and sharing these fantasies with your mother. You don't notice her troubled and guilty expression.]

[7 years old: You hear that your cousin Eula Lawrence had a conflict with the family. When you ask your father about it, he avoids the topic.]

[8 years old: Your father begins taking you to various noble banquets. At one such event, you see your cousin Eula. You greet her and ask about her conflict with the family. Eula looks at you with hostility and leaves without speaking, leaving you hurt and confused.]

PS: Should I elaborate on these simulations? They seem too general. Would it be better to include the protagonist's thoughts and complaints?

Chapter 5: Eula Has Something to Say...

[9 years old: You have mastered all noble courses. When you ask your mother about visiting Mondstadt, she plans to take you there, but your father's discovery of this plan leads to a heated argument. To calm him, you abandon the idea of visiting Mondstadt. That night, your father promises you can go once you complete your swordsmanship training.]

You are puzzled by their intense reaction to a simple trip to Mondstadt, thinking it might be due to concerns about thieves.

[10 years old: You continue to study swordsmanship diligently.]

[11 years old: At another banquet, you see Eula again. You envy her for living in Mondstadt and want to talk to her, but she glares at you and leaves before you can approach.]

[12 years old: Having completed your swordsmanship training, your father takes you to Mondstadt under the guise of buying food. You are excited, but your father remains silent throughout the journey.]

After a day of travel, you arrive in Mondstadt. The city's grandeur and bustling streets overwhelm you. You decide to buy a gift for your mother and enter a store.

[You choose a bracelet made of ice-blue stones. When you go to pay, the cashier charges you double. Angered, you ask why, but the cashier only looks at you with disdain. Frustrated, you seek help from the Knights of Favonius, but they also react with disdain, claiming the issue isn't theirs to address. You suppress your anger, return the bracelet, and leave with proper etiquette.]

[Your father witnesses the incident but does not intervene, merely holding your hand in silence.]

As you walk away, you notice the disdainful looks from Mondstadt's people, hearing comments like "It's unlucky to run into the Lawrence family." Your father's demeanor is more subdued than ever.

[Back at the manor, your mother explains that over a thousand years ago, the Lawrence family ruled Mondstadt with brutality and was overthrown by Vanessa, the founder of the Knights of Favonius. Despite retaining noble status, the Lawrence family is despised in Mondstadt.]

You question why, even after so long, Mondstadt's people still harbor such hatred.

[Your mother offers no answer, perhaps unsure herself.]

[13 years old: Your personality becomes much more composed, almost adult-like. Your father develops a drinking problem and often laments that taking you to Mondstadt was his biggest mistake.]

[14 years old: Following the trip to Mondstadt, you intensify your practice in swordsmanship and noble etiquette, determined to prove that the Lawrence family can live proudly in Mondstadt despite the disdain.]

The character's purpose is now clear, and the narrative aligns with this revelation.

[15 years old: After your father's death from alcoholism and your mother's subsequent passing from grief, your relatives take you to live in the Lawrence family's main house in Mondstadt. You encounter Eula once more.]

[16 years old: Living with Eula for a year, you notice her odd behavior—sometimes engaging with you, other times avoiding you. Despite her seemingly strange behavior and strained relationships with others, you don't delve deeper, as you assume she's just a distant cousin and unlikely to betray the family.]

One night, Eula knocks on your door. Surprised to see her standing there, you decide whether to...

[1. Open the door and welcome her.]

[2. Close the door and refuse.]

Choosing to open the door and welcome Eula, you prepare for the next segment of the simulation.

"Entering an important plot, the host will enter immersion mode next. Please behave well and do not do anything contrary to the character of the protagonist in the simulator."

As Tsumugi Kujo entered immersion mode, the environment shifted. She found herself in an unfamiliar house with Eula standing before her in an ice-blue nightgown