Chapter 7 Fall! Eula!

Certainly! Here's a more readable version of the passage, with internal thoughts in italics and staying true to the story of Genshin Impact:

"Sister Eula, do you think the Lawrence family is foolish?" Tsumugi Kujo asked, casting a sidelong glance at Eula.

"Even though the family has been in decline for a thousand years, the Lawrence family clings to the glory of the past, clinging to outdated and meaningless aristocratic etiquette."

"Despite being scorned by all of Mondstadt, they stubbornly maintain their noble status. Their words and actions are full of disdain and arrogance towards the people of Mondstadt."

"It's clear that both the main and branch families are in financial difficulty, yet they continue to host extravagantly luxurious banquets, all for the sake of so-called appearances."

"And even though no one in the family possesses a Vision, they overestimate their abilities and aim to overthrow the Knights of Favonius to restore their lost glory."

"What a bunch of idiots, don't you think?"

With a sarcastic smile, Tsumugi Kujo listed the flaws of the Lawrence family one by one.

"…Since you understand all this, why do you still want to stay in the Lawrence family?" Eula asked, hugging her knees. Despite her smile, it conveyed a sense of sadness and despair.

"Because... I can't leave."

"Sister Eula, have you ever wondered why, despite the discrimination from all the people of Mondstadt, no one in the Lawrence family wants to leave?"

"Is everyone in the Lawrence family an idiot? Can't they see that their dream of controlling everything in Mondstadt is utterly impossible? No, in fact, everyone knows it."

"Perhaps there were some fools who initially sought to restore the Lawrence family's rule, but with time, the members of the Lawrence family have come to realize that their dominance over Mondstadt is gone forever and will never return."

"But even so, they refuse to leave the Lawrence family, because they know that abandoning it would mean certain death."

"The people of Mond won't treat you kindly just because you leave the Lawrence family. To them, the Lawrence bloodline remains tainted, and you'll always be seen as a sinner of Mond. They won't view you differently just because of your noble morals or exceptional skills. Instead, they'll think you're a spy or that your skills are merely a preparation to overthrow the Knights of Favonius."

"That's why the Lawrence family endures the discrimination and hardship. Though they know their family has declined, the family manor offers some protection. Without it, they'd face the wrath of the people of Mond as ordinary people, either starving to death or fleeing to other lands."

"No! Even if they carry the blood of sinners, as long as they act correctly, there will surely be Mond people willing to trust the Lawrence family!" Eula retorted firmly.

"Oh, really?" Tsumugi Kujo maintained a faint smile, as if she had expected Eula to say that.

"It's been a thousand years since the Lawrence family was overthrown. Surely, during this time, some members of the Lawrence family must have tried to change people's perceptions, right?"

"If even one of them succeeded, the reputation of the Lawrence family wouldn't be so dire."

"If no one has succeeded, then I'll be the first!"

Eula's determination only seemed to grow stronger despite Tsumugi Kujo's words.

"If I fail, I will let my descendants continue the effort! I will prove that even with Lawrence's blood, the Lawrence family can earn the recognition of the people of Mond! The path we've taken has been wrong!"

At that moment, a strong fluctuation of ice elements appeared in the air. The chilling presence made Tsumugi Kujo step back involuntarily. The ice element condensed into a jeweled amulet and floated into Eula's hand.

I didn't expect the Visions to be so powerful... Eula thought, astonished by the divine gift that confirmed her belief.

With the Vision in hand, Eula's resolve only strengthened, making Tsumugi Kujo's task of persuasion even harder.

In response, Tsumugi Kujo maintained her composure and suggested, "In that case, Sister Eula, would you like to make a bet with me?"

"What bet?"

"Since you believe that Mondstadt people will accept a sinner with the Lawrence blood, let's make a wager."

"I bet that you will never gain their recognition. The duration of this bet will be your lifetime. As long as you live, this bet will continue until your death or until you admit defeat."

"You set such a long time. Don't you believe in me?" Eula raised her eyebrows, feeling slightly offended.

"It's not that I don't believe you. I just have faith in the people of Mondstadt," Tsumugi Kujo replied, shaking her head. "If you win, I will leave the Lawrence family and live with you. If you lose, you'll have to perform the ritual dance for me again. How does that sound?"


"Well, since this is Mondstadt, let's say... the contract is concluded, and anyone who breaks it will be punished by being struck by wind blades!"

I knew it would be difficult to convince Eula, Tsumugi Kujo thought with a sigh. At least, Eula was willing to take the bet, which was a small victory in itself.

Just as Tsumugi Kujo and Eula were about to part ways, a few Hilichurls suddenly jumped out from the nearby bushes, startling them.

"Careful!" Eula reacted first, immediately shielding Tsumugi Kujo and drawing her weapon. Though skilled in swordsmanship, Eula was at a disadvantage with an unsharpened practice sword.

Fortunately, Tsumugi Kujo, quick to act, joined Eula with her own sword. Together, they swiftly defeated the Hilichurls.

"Bah! What are those useless Knights of Favonius doing? Letting monsters get so close to Mondstadt!" Tsumugi Kujo grumbled.

The Seven-Day Statue in Windrise was only four or five hours from Mondstadt, and there were usually many Knights of Favonius patrolling the area. It was unusual for monsters to appear so close.

Even Eula, who was loyal to the Knights, couldn't argue with Tsumugi Kujo's frustration.

"Let's move quickly. I have a bad feeling," Eula urged.

Tsumugi Kujo nodded, noticing a faint fire emanating from the bushes behind them.

Is someone there? Tsumugi Kujo wondered, but quickly realized it was unlikely for someone to start a fire in the early morning.

Suddenly, an idea struck Tsumugi Kujo. "Sister Eula, get out of the way!" she shouted, pushing Eula aside.

A beam of fire shot from the bushes, striking Tsumugi Kujo in the abdomen. She felt a sharp pain and saw a crossbow arrow embedded in her stomach.

The good news: humans don't have vital organs in their abdomen, so they wouldn't die immediately from a crossbow bolt.

The bad news: humans don't have vital organs in their abdomen, so they'll suffer greatly from such injuries.

The fire element in the arrow ignited, burning Tsumugi Kujo's insides. The intense pain made her roll on the ground, unable to maintain her composure.

Eula, shocked by Tsumugi Kujo's cry, turned towards the bushes and saw a Hilichurl crossbowman preparing another arrow.

"You bastard!" Eula's fury took over, and she dashed towards the crossbowman with a speed beyond ordinary, her sword imbued with deadly chill.

The sword inflicted only a small wound on the Hilichurl's shoulder, but the deadly cold quickly enveloped him, turning him into an ice sculpture.

Eula, stunned by the power of her new Eye of God, took a moment to steady herself before rushing back to Tsumugi Kujo, who was now sobbing on the ground. The burning from the fire element had subsided, but her condition was still dire.

If I hadn't come to Windrise out of anger, Tsumugi wouldn't be injured, Eula thought regretfully. However, there was no time for self-blame.

She lifted Tsumugi Kujo in a princess carry and ran towards Mondstadt.

"Tsumugi, don't worry, I'll take you to the West Wind Cathedral right away. You'll be fine! You'll be fine!"

Eula repeated these words, more to comfort herself than Tsumugi, as panic and hesitation seeped into her voice. Mondstadt was still hours away.

One hour... Two hours...

Even with the power of the Eye of God, Eula's strength was nearly exhausted after running for two hours while carrying Tsumugi.

As they approached Mondstadt, the windmills came into view from a higher hill.

"I'm sorry, Tsumugi, just... give me five more minutes," Eula pleaded, using her last bit of strength to gently lay Tsumugi down before collapsing to the ground, gasping for breath.

It seems there's no hope... Tsumugi Kujo thought as she felt her life slipping away. She wished to complete the side quest before the simulation ended.

Before she faded completely, she said to Eula, "Our conversation isn't over yet."

Strangely, despite her imminent death, Tsumugi Kujo felt calm and even a hint of satisfaction.

"I haven't explained why the Lawrence family maintains their dignity despite suffering."

"The wine produced in our estate is sold at less than half the market price. Only by doing this can we attract buyers because it's cheap. But when we need to buy things, we have to pay two or three times the market price, or no one will sell to us."

"The Mond people want the Lawrence family to live as miserably as possible. They want to see the once proud rulers of Mondstadt beg for forgiveness. It's their twisted way of seeking revenge."

"But we must never abandon our dignity! We must prove that even without relying on the Mond people, our Lawrence family can live decently in Mond."

"The Mond people want to see us impoverished and humiliated, so we dress in fine clothes and hold lavish banquets."

"They want us to forget our propriety and beg for mercy to survive, so we must uphold our noble etiquette."

"It seems our choice was not wrong. The Mond people realized they could not force the Lawrence family to surrender, and their fear turned into desperation. They discriminate against us because it's the only way they can cope with their fear of us."

As Tsumugi Kujo spoke, Eula listened in silence. When Tsumugi finished, Eula, on the brink of exhaustion, stood up and carefully carried Tsumugi toward Mondstadt.

Why is this side quest so challenging?

Although Kujo Tsumugi maintained a calm demeanor, she felt deep disappointment. Her first attempt at the side quest had failed due to her own mistakes, and she had given her all this time.

Well, this simulation is a learning experience for the future.

Resigned to her fate, Tsumugi Kujo closed her eyes and awaited the end of the simulation.

"Look! It's the Knights of Favonius! Tsumugi, you're saved!" Eula's voice rang with hope, but Tsumugi was too weak to open her eyes.

The location was close to Mondstadt, so encountering a patrol from the Knights of Favonius was likely. If they hurried, there might still be a chance for Tsumugi to survive.

"Knights of Favonius, help us!" Eula's urgent plea filled the air.

The sound of clanking armor grew closer.

"Don't worry, we'll take the injured to the Favonius Cathedral as soon as possible..." The captain of the Knights of Favonius halted abruptly upon seeing the Lawrence family emblem on Tsumugi's clothes. He changed his tone, "Sorry, but we still have patrol duties. You'll need to find someone else to help." With that, he and the other knights walked away.


Eula was stunned. She hadn't expected the chivalrous Knights of Favonius to abandon them. The disappointment hit her hard, leaving her dazed and momentarily forgetting about Tsumugi's condition.

A system prompt echoed in Tsumugi Kujo's mind:

"The side quest has been completed. Eula's special bond has been obtained. Rewards for this simulation have been increased."

I knew Mondstadt wouldn't let me down.

A faint smile touched Tsumugi's lips. If she weren't so weak, she would have sung, "Listen to me, thank you, because of you, the four seasons are warm."

Minutes passed, and Tsumugi's consciousness faded into darkness.