Chapter 21 The Attack of the Demonic Dragon Durin

[However, the leader of the Knights of Favonius rejected your request to leave the group because a dragon named "Durin" was wreaking havoc in Mondstadt at the time, and the Knights were short on manpower. Given the situation, Rostam was unable to convince the leader to let you leave Mondstadt.]

[Eventually, Rostam came to you, asking if you could temporarily postpone your plan to leave and wait until the dragon Durin was defeated. Considering your relationship with Rustan, you agreed.]

[Age 18: Two years after Rosalyne left, you remain in Mondstadt. Although you are still technically the captain of the guerrilla team, you have not undertaken any missions since discovering the truth about the so-called monsters a year ago. Instead, you have focused on practicing your swordsmanship daily in Mondstadt.]

[The situation in Mondstadt has become increasingly tense. The rampage of the Demon Dragon Durin has caused severe damage, and the wind god Barbatos has disappeared after eliminating the remaining Khaenri'ah people in Mondstadt. The leader of the Knights of Favonius is formulating a plan to defeat Durin, and the atmosphere in Mondstadt is extremely grim, like the calm before a storm.]

[At your coming-of-age ceremony, Rostam gifted you a set of pure white, exquisite armor. Unlike the flexible armor of the Knights of Favonius, this set is designed for practicality and offers much better defense. To your surprise, the armor is incredibly light. When you asked, you learned that it is enchanted with magic, making it light to wear and featuring automatic cleaning and temperature adjustment.]

[You are very pleased with the armor and express your sincere thanks to Rostam.]

[Soon after the coming-of-age ceremony, the plan to conquer the Demon Dragon Durin was finalized. Following orders from the leader of the Knights of Favonius, Deputy Leader Rostamled the elite knights to Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain, determined to defeat Durin. You are part of the expeditionary force.]

[You resolved that after this battle, you would travel around the continent while Rosalyne was still away from Mondstadt to verify whether your theory was correct.]

"Wow, this is a major flag..." The real Kujo Tsumugi shook her head as she saw this news. She knew the outcome of this expedition—although Durin was indeed defeated, Deputy Commander Rostam would die from his injuries, and the expeditionary force would suffer heavy losses. Less than one-tenth of them would return to Mondstadt alive.

Tsk tsk, it seems this simulation is almost over, Tsumugi Kujo thought, shaking her head. She, as an ordinary person without a Vision, doubted her chances of surviving this battle.

[After traveling for half a month, you have entered the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain area. The Demon Dragon Durin is currently at the mountain's summit. Under Rostam's leadership, the expeditionary army is advancing toward the top with unwavering determination.]

[Another week has passed. You are now less than half a day's journey from the summit and begin to rest and prepare for the upcoming battle.]

"Entering the important plot, then activating immersive mode..."

"Triggering side quest: Sudden Attack."

"Mission objective: While you are resting and gathering your strength for the next battle, the Demon Dragon Durin, having observed your activities over the past few days, plans to give you a surprise."

As soon as you entered immersive mode, the sudden drop in temperature jolted you awake. The biting cold wind pierced through the gaps in your armor, making you shiver.

Even though your armor has temperature-regulating features, the frigid temperatures of the snowy mountains are still overwhelming. It's hard to imagine how the other knights can march here in such severe cold.

Along with the biting cold came a profound sense of impending doom, far stronger than anything you had felt before. It was reminiscent of the terror you felt when you faced the Fatui executive officer "Scattered Soldiers," but now the danger felt a hundred times greater.

Looking around, you noticed that the other Knights of Favonius seemed oblivious to the danger and were busy with their own tasks.

"Everyone! Return to your posts and prepare for battle! The Demon Dragon Durin is coming soon!" you shouted urgently in the temporary rest camp.

The knights around you looked stunned and confused at your warning.

"Why? Didn't you hear me?"

With no time to explain, you ran to the largest tent in the camp to find Rustan.

"Hurry up and alert all the knights! The Demon Dragon Durin is approaching!"

"What?!" Rostam was immediately on high alert but asked in confusion, "How did you know?"

"There's no time to explain. If you don't take precautions now, it will be too late!"


Just as you finished speaking, a thunderous dragon roar echoed through the sky. You and Rustan rushed outside the tent to see a massive dragon, over 20 meters long, circling ominously in the sky, emanating a dark aura.

"Everyone, ready your bows and arrows and prepare to engage the enemy! All Vision bearers, gather and proceed according to the plan!" Rustan, true to his nickname "Little Wolf," quickly took charge and issued orders.

The knights responded swiftly. Ordinary soldiers picked up their bows and arrows, aiming at the giant dragon, while the Vision bearers gathered to concentrate their elemental powers. The dragon would be met with a barrage of arrows and elemental attacks should it dare to descend.

To everyone's surprise, the Demon Dragon Durin showed no signs of threat. It merely circled above, roaring occasionally, which heightened everyone's anxiety but led to no other actions. After about ten minutes, Durin spread its wings and flew towards the summit of the snow mountain.

It's leaving?

The knights were puzzled by Durin's behavior. They had expected a fierce battle but were taken aback when the dragon simply departed. The knights collectively exhaled in relief.

But for you, the sense of crisis not only persisted but intensified after Durin's departure.

As if to validate your unease, you watched in horror as the enormous body of the Demon Dragon Durin crashed violently into the summit of Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain...