Chapter 39 The Second Simulation Ends

[The following content is more routine. The Kingdom of Khaenri'ah discovered the energy of the ley lines and attempted to harness it. To avoid the fate of the Kingdom Sal Vindagnyr, they created a series of war machines, such as mechanical guards and mechanical hunters, to protect themselves. However, they overlooked one critical detail.]

[The ley lines record all the information of Teyvat, including the negative emotions of its people. Due to the Kingdom of Khaenri'ah's extensive use of ley line energy, these negative emotions permeated its citizens. Over time, these emotions led to paranoia and extremism, ultimately causing their self-destruction.]

[The people of Khaenri'ah attempted to use the ley line energy to create a mechanical demon god. Just as their project neared completion, the Seven Gods, under the directive of the Heavenly Principle, convened in the capital of Khaenri'ah...]

[The remaining pages of the notebook contain knowledge about alchemy.]

["If those who fail to light up all the constellations become fuel for Sky Island… then Rosalyne…" Your face turns pale, and you hesitate to think further.]

["No, it's impossible… It can't be true…" The notebook slips from your hand and falls into the snow. You clutch your head, memories of Rosalyne flashing before you.]

[During your time in Liyue, you learned about their customs, including their belief in reincarnation. According to Liyue folklore, after death, souls are reincarnated based on their deeds in life. A scattered soul, however, faces complete annihilation. Even the most wicked are reincarnated after suffering in hell, while scattered souls simply cease to exist.]

[You wonder what Rosalyne would become if reincarnated. Perhaps in decades, you might meet a girl who resembles her—her reincarnation.]

[If the notebook's contents are true, Rosalyne's fate may be... no, it is certain to be tragic.]

["It's absolutely impossible! How could someone as innocent and kind as her end up like this?" You grit your teeth, unable to accept or believe the notebook's contents.]

[To verify the notebook's claims, you need to access the ley line memories. The Kingdom of Khaenri'ah's special machine is required for this, but now that Khaenri'ah is destroyed, it seems impossible... No, wait! There is a place that might still have one.]

[You remember the capital of Khaenri'ah. If there are machines there that survived the Seven Gods' attack, they might still be operational. You know the location of the capital, but it's heavily guarded by mechanical sentinels, and your current strength is insufficient...]

[As you consider this, you look at the Calamity Queller Zhongli gave you and understand why he insisted on giving you this powerful weapon.]

[With knowledge of Khaenri'ah's location and newfound strength to overcome the mechanical guards, you decide to proceed.]

[At 27 years old, you return to Mondstadt. From a high vantage point, you gaze at the bustling city, feeling as though you're in another world. You visit your childhood village, but no one recognizes you. You see a few old friends and, with a smile, leave the village where you were born.]

[You come to Mondstadt. After several years, it has fully recovered from the attack by Durin. The streets are lively again, just as you remember. However, Rustam and Rosalyne are gone forever.]

[You visit Rostam's tombstone for the first time, sharing stories of your adventures over the years. Half-jokingly, you say that with your current strength, you could have bested him.]

[You place Rosalyne's tombstone at Wangshu Inn, not planning to visit. However, you post a task at the Adventurer's Guild in Mondstadt, asking adventurers to deliver a letter to the devoted girl still waiting for you at Wangshu Inn.]

[The letter reads: "If I don't return within two years, please forget me."]

[After completing these tasks, you embark on your final journey.]

[Three months later... after extensive searching at sea, you finally locate the entrance to the capital of Khaenri'ah as Sora described. To avoid disrupting your schedule, you purchase a timepiece and, fully prepared, enter the Abyss.]

[Five days later, you reach the third floor of the Abyss Corridor and face three mechanical guards, defeating them with Rock's Fury.]

[Three days later, you reach the fifth floor and battle a mechanical hunter, which you also defeat with Rock's Fury.]

[Another week passes, and you navigate through the eighth floor of the Abyss Corridor, successfully reaching the capital of Khaenri'ah...]

[One month into your journey through the Abyss Spiral, you find a machine capable of reading the ley lines in a corner of the capital of Khaenri'ah. You activate it according to the notebook's instructions...]

[You succeed in accessing the ley line records about Rosalyne.]

... (Following is Rosalyne's ending)

Find her… must… find her…

After leaving Mondstadt, Rosalyne headed towards Liyue but moved slowly. As a noble lady with limited experience, despite having the Vision, she struggled to survive in the wild and avoid monsters. With many monsters crossing the border into Mondstadt, her journey to the monster-infested Stone Forest area was perilous.

Inevitably, Rosalyne became a target for monsters. Despite her Fire Vision, her lack of practical experience led her to make a desperate decision—she chose to burn herself to gain strength.

Rosalyne used her memories, blood, and soul as fuel to gain immense power, transforming into the blazing Witch of Fire.

However, the firewood eventually burned out, and upon entering Liyue, she lost her sense of purpose.

"I want to… find her, but… who is she? Where should I go?"

The Fire Witch's path diverted from her intended route, leading her towards Wuwangpo and Qingce Village.

In Qingce Village, the firewood was exhausted, and the Witch of Fire reached the end of her life. She no longer knew who she was or why she was there.

At this point, a man in peculiar clothing approached her.

"Hello, would you like to join the Tsarita and eliminate the greatest threat in this world?"

Though confused, her survival instincts compelled her to agree. Thus, Rosalyne ceased to exist, and the "The Fair Lady" emerged.


["Great! Rosalyne is not dead!" You are relieved to learn Rosalyne survived and are about to conclude, but another thought crosses your mind.]

[Why not... check on how the girl is faring.]

[You act on this thought, searching for information about the girl. The scene shows what happened after you and Zhongli started your journey and bid farewell.]

... (Following is the girl's ending)

How is she? Is she injured? Is she eating well?

The girl stood on the Wangshu Inn balcony, gazing in the direction you left, lost in these thoughts.

Since you departed, she found herself lacking motivation in everything. Her thoughts were consumed by you, whether she was working, eating, or sleeping.

No, no! I must work hard and surprise her when she returns!

Determined, she resumed her tasks, processing information from across the world.

"Eh? What's this?"

As she sorted through information, she discovered a Water Vision lying quietly on the table...

Time passed, and it had been three years since your departure.

With her new Vision, the girl's strength grew rapidly, not due to innate genius but thanks to your unseen guidance.

While you practiced swordsmanship, she observed you quietly, memorizing every move. Listening to your tales, she learned survival and combat skills.

Your teachings enabled her swift advancement.

Her intelligence organization expanded and strengthened under her leadership, now spanning every country except Zhidong. She received news of any disturbance across Teyvat.

Her desk often overflowed with information about the Bloody Knight, with her contributing significantly to its spread.

Years later, the person she had longed for finally sent an adventurer with a letter.

"If I don't come back within two years, please forget me."

Despite the despair in the letter, the girl maintained her pride, asserting to others, "She will definitely return safely!"

At night, she stood on the balcony, looking toward the capital of Khaenri'ah, praying for you.

A year passed... two years... still, you did not return. Her face grew pale with worry, and she feared the worst.

Three years... four years...

Gradually, she accepted the reality. The bloodied knight was buried in the ancient country's eternal darkness.

Resigned to your absence, she began training an heir for her organization, planning to pass it on and then follow you.

Then, she received crucial news.

"The Fatui executive 'Madam' is actually from Mondstadt, known as Rosalyne-Kruzchka Lohefalter

Seeing the name, her expression shifted to one of shock.

This name was all too familiar—one she had often mentioned and even erected a tombstone for...

"Never mind. I'll leave the intelligence organization to you." The girl patted her heir's shoulder.

"Prepare a false identity for me. I need to infiltrate the Fatui executive ranks to confirm the identity of 'The Fair Lady.'"

Despite objections from her subordinates, she was determined and went to the Kingdom of Snezhnaya alone.

The Kingdom of Snezhnaya values strength, and with her impeccable disguise, she faced no suspicion. Five years after joining the Fatui, she successfully obtained an audience with the Tsarita and was officially granted the position of Harbringer of the Fatui.

  "Yes, my name is Columbina. Eh? An Harbringer needs a code name?" The girl tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Then you can just call me... 'Damselette'."

  Thus, the "Damselette" was born.


  [After reading about the girl's future, you feel confused. You are obviously fine, so why didnt you appear in front of the girl in the future scene? ]

  [You suddenly thought of a possibility, and your expression suddenly became extremely ugly.]

  [You try to leave the leyline, but find that the machine does not respond at all. ]

  [This machine is not a complete machine at all! It was still damaged by the Seven Gods' attack, but the damaged part is the part that exits the ley line! ]

  [Unfortunately, you realized it too late. In the next few days, you made various efforts, but in the end, there was still no effect. ]

  [Four days later, you died of thirst.]


Unfortunately, this will be updated a lot slower than my other work "Infinite Dragon God Can't Find Peace" due to having to extensively westernize localization from names of characters/locations/objects, etc...