Chapter 81 The Fourth Simulation: Adventures of the Little Doctor

[0 years old: You were born in a small mountain village not far from Mondstadt. Your father and mother are both well-known traveling doctors in Mondstadt. You come from a wealthy family.]

[1 year old: Your birth brought immense joy to your parents, and they cherished you deeply. After you were born, your mother gave up her job as a traveling doctor to focus on raising you. To ensure a comfortable life for the family, your father worked even harder.]

This start... seems pretty good, Tsumugi thought, feeling a bit more at ease compared to her last simulation where she was an orphan.

[2 years old: Your mother opened a pharmacy at home and cultivated a variety of medicinal herbs in the backyard. Thanks to the reputation your parents had built, the pharmacy's business thrived, and people from neighboring villages came seeking treatment.]

[3 years old: As you grew, your father contemplated retiring from his traveling medical career to help run the pharmacy.]

[4 years old: A sudden plague swept through Mondstadt, halting your father's plans. To treat the infected, he donned his traveling doctor's robe once again and traveled across the villages in Mondstadt.]

[5 years old: You became more aware of your surroundings and started assisting in the family pharmacy. Noticing your enthusiasm for medicine, your mother began teaching you about medical treatment and medicinal herbs. You were an eager learner.]

[6 years old: You mastered the basic operations of the pharmacy and learned the effects of various common medicinal herbs in Mondstadt. You could also diagnose most common illnesses, earning you the nickname of "little doctor."]

[7 years old: Your father had an accident while practicing medicine; he fell down a hillside and became lame. He retired from his traveling practice and focused on managing the pharmacy.]

[With his newfound free time, your father spent more time with you. You were overjoyed and often asked him to share stories from his days as a traveling doctor.]

[Your father began teaching you more advanced medical knowledge, grooming you as his successor.]

I love the stories my father tells. One day, I'll become a traveling doctor, just like him, Tsumugi thought, a determined gleam in her eyes.

Wait, what?! Tsumugi blinked in surprise. A traveling doctor? That's not what I had in mind...

Despite her confusion, she continued watching the simulation unfold.

[8 years old: An old man in a neighboring village fell ill, and someone came to your pharmacy seeking a doctor. Your mother decided to go treat him, and after much pleading, she agreed to take you along.]

My first medical tour... Tsumugi's excitement was palpable.

[However, when you saw the emaciated old man, his frail body barely clinging to life, your excitement evaporated, replaced by fear and shock.]

[Though you had seen many patients at the pharmacy over the years, you had always overlooked a harsh reality: the patients who walked to the pharmacy were often not seriously ill. The severely ill, like the old man before you, lay hidden in their homes, waiting for death to claim them.]

[The old man was fortunate. He was found shortly after fainting, and the villagers quickly sought help.]

[Your mother began diagnosing the old man with the same diligence she displayed in the pharmacy, the process more detailed and serious.]

[Afterward, she took you outside, where worried villagers swarmed around her, asking about the old man's condition.]

["He's not ill, just starving. Give him something to eat," your mother replied.]

[Though relieved, the villagers' faces were still clouded with concern.]

[You overheard their conversation. The old man's children had all passed away, leaving him alone in abject poverty. Fainting from hunger was just the beginning; it seemed he wouldn't survive much longer. The villagers were already discussing raising money for his funeral.]

[Your mother left some dried food for the old man and took you back to the village. On the way home, you noticed a heavy sadness in her.]

[But by the time you returned home, your mother had regained her composure. Having encountered many tragedies as a traveling doctor, she was adept at managing her emotions. But you, still a child, couldn't shake the experience.]

[You were distracted for three days after the medical tour. Your father noticed something was wrong and asked you about it. You told him the truth and asked if there was a way to help the old man.]

[He sighed, patted your head, and said, "A traveling doctor can't cure poverty."]

[A week later, you heard the news of the old man's death. The loss left you heartbroken.]

[The old man's death became a painful memory that haunted your childhood.]

[9 years old: Driven by this memory, you begged your mother to take you on more patient visits. After discussing it with your father, your mother agreed, believing it would benefit your medical skills.]

[However, she insisted on only visiting patients in nearby villages, fearing for your safety.]

[10 years old: With your experience growing, you asked to visit patients on your own. Your parents refused at first, but your father eventually relented on the condition that you train in swordsmanship for self-defense. You eagerly agreed and began training.]

Phew... Finally, Tsumugi sighed in relief, her spirits lifting. I'm on the path to becoming stronger, and I'm picking up useful medical knowledge along the way.

She subconsciously rubbed her waist, appreciating the knowledge she was gaining.

[11 years old: Through your relentless training, your swordsmanship improved rapidly. Realizing they couldn't deter you, your parents allowed you to visit patients alone. Your first solo visit was a success, and when you returned home, your parents threw a celebration for you. You were overjoyed.]