A Player’s Awakening"

I was an ordinary 20-year-old college student, working part-time at a convenience store. My life was nothing special, and I lived with a very mundane routine.

I worked from morning to night, came home to play H-games and watch anime, and repeated the same process every day.

That was it. That was my entire life.

It was boring. So unbelievably boring, in fact, that I would often complain about it to myself.

However, all of that changed on a fateful day.


One Friday night, in my room, I was playing a porn game on my PC.

The title was something along the lines of "Kingdom of Corruption."

It was a simple erotic game where the main character would fuck the girls he came across.

There were all sorts of characters, like elves, demons, and even angels.

They all had different personalities and stories to tell, and the main character would get to know each of them intimately.


Each and every one of them would then have their own endings, and the player could choose which ones to pursue.

The game itself was pretty generic and didn't stand out at all, but for some reason, I really enjoyed playing it.

Perhaps it was because the art style reminded me of a certain anime series, or maybe because the girls were all very attractive, or perhaps because I was simply a virgin who had never even kissed a girl before.

In any case, I was really into the game and was looking forward to finishing it.

So I continued playing the game, and after a few hours, I had finally reached the ending that I wanted.

I was in the middle of a rather steamy sex scene with an angel character.

"Ugh, I'm almost at my limit! Take it, you slutty angel! Take my royal cum deep inside your womb!"

"Y-yes! I want it, my Lord! Please give me your baby! Impregnate me!"

Just as the angel character was begging me to fill her up with my semen, the monitor suddenly turned black.

At first, I thought that my computer had simply frozen up.

But when I tried to restart the game, nothing happened.

"What the hell?! Did my game just crash?!"

I panicked and quickly opened up the Task Manager window, only to find that the game was still running.

It was using 100% of my CPU, and the memory usage was constantly increasing.

"What the fuck is going on here?!"

I was absolutely stunned by the sight.

I didn't understand what was happening at all.

I had never experienced anything like this before, and I had no idea what to do.

"Should I just shut down my computer?"

I decided that was the best course of action and reached over to press the power button.

However, as soon as I did so, a blue screen popped up.

"W-what the hell?!"

The text on the screen was completely incomprehensible.

"Why the hell is my PC giving me a blue screen?!"

I could feel my heart rate accelerating as my mind raced to come up with an explanation.

"Could it be a virus?"

I had always been careful not to click on suspicious links or download random programs from the internet, so I couldn't think of any other explanation.

"Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have trusted that stupid game."

As I cursed the game and its developers, the monitor suddenly flickered back to life.

But instead of showing me the desktop or a game window, the monitor was displaying an entirely different image.

It was the character selection screen for the game I was playing, and all of the characters were replaced by a single, blank slate.

"What the...?"

I was completely confused and couldn't understand what was going on.

"What is this? A glitch or something?"

Just as I was about to exit the game and reboot my PC, a voice suddenly rang out.

"The Kingdom of Corruption has collapsed."


"The demon lord has taken over the world."


"The entire continent is now under his rule."

"Uh, what...?"

"What are you going to do, my lord? The world is at stake."

"Wait, wait, wait, hold on a damn minute. What the hell is going on here?! What's with this sudden twist?! Where did this plot come from?!"

"What are you going to do, my lord? The fate of the world is now in your hands."

I stared at the screen, completely dumbfounded.

"Oh, god... Why did it have to come to this? I can't believe this is happening. I mean, this is a damn erotic game. Who the hell wrote this kind of scenario into it? It's ridiculous!"

"What are you going to do, my lord?"

"Why the hell are you asking me?! You're the one who's in charge here! Do something about this!"

"But my lord, there's nothing I can do."

"Huh? Why not?"

"I am merely a program designed to guide the player through the game."


"There is nothing I can do. It is now up to you to decide the fate of the world."


"Yes, my lord."

"Wait, wait, hold on. What do you mean it's up to me?"

"It is up to you to decide what course of action you will take."


"Will you save the world or destroy it?"

"Hold on a damn second. What are you saying?"

"It is up to you to decide what path you will follow. You can either choose to save the world or destroy it. It is up to you, my lord."

"Wait, what the hell?! Why me?! What did I do to deserve this kind of responsibility?! This is insane! I can't do something like that!"

"Will you save the world or destroy it?"

"Stop asking me that!"

"Will you save the world or destroy it, my lord?"

"Stop it! Please stop! Just shut the fuck up and stop repeating the same thing over and over again!"

"Will you save the world or destroy it?

"Fuck you! Fuck this! I can't take this anymore!"

"Will you save the world or-"


I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice echoing throughout the room.

"I can't do it! I can't take it anymore! Just shut up and let me live in peace!"

I grabbed the mouse and started clicking all over the screen, trying to close the game, but it was no use.

No matter how much I clicked, the game refused to close.

"Dammit, why won't it close?!"

"It is up to you-"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!"

"It is up to you-"

"Stop! Stop it!"

"Will you save-"

"I said stop!

"The world-"

"Shut the fuck up!"


"Just shut up!"

"Destroy it-"

"Stop it!"

"It is-"

"Shut up!"


"Shut up!"


"Shut the fuck up!"


"Just shut up!"




"Shut up!"


"Stop it!"

"Destroy it?"


"You have-"

"Stop it!"


"Shut up!"

"Your choice-"

"Stop it!"

"So please-"


"Tell me-"


"What you-"




"Will you save the world, or will you destroy it?"

"Please! Stop!"

"Will you save the world?"

"I don't care! Please just stop!"

"Or will you destroy it?"

"F-Fine! FINE!! I'll save the damn world! Now stop fucking repeating the same shit over and over again!!"

"Will you save the world or destroy it?

"I told you, I'm saving the world! Just stop it already!"

"Thank you, my Lord. Please save the world. I am counting on you."

"Huh? What the...?"

Before I could say anything else, A blinding light flooded out from the monitor, and my vision turned to white.


 Then a long time passed.

No, it might have been a short time, actually.

I couldn't tell.

Eventually, my vision returned to normal.