Chapter 4

Knives?" I asked, stepping away from Greg. "Silvy, there is no way in hell I'm fighting this guy with a knife. Magic or not, I won't last a second."

"Oh, relax," she said, handing me a dagger with a long, thin blade. "Knife fighting is all about being quick and violent. Get in there and bleed him before he does that to you. And remember; knife fights are messy. You can expect to get tagged once or twice, so hopefully you're wearing armor."

I looked at the dagger in my hand, then over at Greg. A dagger had formed in his hand, its blade translucent and smoky. He held it ready to jab, with his other arm up to guard his face and neck. His black eyes were somehow simultaneously blank and filled with murder.

"You have got to be kidding me," I said, crouching down. Speed was everything, she said, so I planted my right foot and used it to drive my right hand forward. I moved pretty quickly, but ultimately Greg was faster. 

"God damnit, Greg!" I growled as his blade passed right in front of my face, narrowly missing me. Fake or not, the guy was relentless.

"That was actually pretty good," Silvy said. "Just be a little faster next time, and make sure you keep guarding your face. One slice there and you're done. Can't fight if your eyes have been cut out, after all."

I paused and looked back at the crazy goblin woman. She just shrugged.

"Okay, Greg," I said, turning back to the holographic man. He just stood there, knife in hand, ready to fight.

"How am I going to get past you, Greg?" I asked him. He didn't answer, of course.

I had to confuse the guy, and I had to do it quickly enough that he couldn't follow my movements. Right as Greg drew his arm back for an attack, I lashed out, moving as quickly as possible. I sent my dagger at his face, knowing he would get there in time to block it. Right before it landed, I pulled back and stabbed at his stomach, then changed course once again and aimed for his face. I managed to slip past his guard and my dagger blade went right into his fucking eye.

I felt my gorge rise as my blade entered Greg's eyeball, which sprayed fluids and leaked down his face. He didn't even react; he just went back to a ready position, holding his knife ready.

"Jesus," I said, looking at the gaping hole where his right eye had been.

Behind me, Silvy clapped. "Good job, Aaron! Now we just have to train you so you can do that consistently, and without getting gutted in return."

I turned and looked at her. "You really know how to motivate a guy," I said dryly.

She shrugged. "Well, your training partner is ready."

I looked back at Greg, whose eye had already healed.

"Well, shit," I said.

I continued fighting Greg for the next two hours under the watchful eye of Silvy. She offered surprisingly good advice, and even brought me some tea to drink when she noticed me working up a sweat. During that time she also chopped up a double handful of vegetables I didn't recognize and threw them into a pot that hung over a small fireplace carved into the stone.

"Are you sure I need to go see the elves?" I asked, wiping sweat from my brow. "You seem to know your stuff, and I can just practice with Greg here."

Silvy shook her head. "The elves know far more than I do. They can train you with a sword and a spear. This room isn't really big enough for either of those."

"I suppose you're right," I said. "Well, when do I start?"

"Tomorrow," Silvy replied. She looked around, then took a deep breath. "I suppose there's no more putting it off."

"What?" I asked.

"One final test," she said, eyeing me strangely. "I have to see if you're compatible with goblins." She pursed her lips, then walked over to the bed.

"What do you mean by compatible?" I asked, taking a step toward her.

Silvy uttered a few magical words and made a motion with her hand. Greg dissipated in a puff of green smoke.

"No need for an audience," she muttered. She turned to me and pointed at the bed. "On the bed with you. And take your clothes off."

My eyes widened. "Uh, what?"

"I have to see if you're compatible with goblins," she said again. "And there's only one way to do that. Now, take your clothes off and get on the bed."

She began unlacing the front of her dress, then pushed it down. She had to wiggle a bit to get the dress over her broad hips, but in no time at all she stood there, stark naked.

"Holy shit," I said without thinking.

Silvy's body was something that I didn't even think was possible without loads of plastic surgery. Her overall frame was small—I mean, she was barely four feet tall. But each of her breasts was a double handful and topped with a beautiful pink nipple, and her hips were nicely rounded to match. She turned and raised a knee onto the bed as she climbed on, giving me a splendid view of her impossibly round ass. Even the scars on her arms, faded with time, couldn't take away from the beauty of her body. Once on the bed, she sat down and looked at me.

"Are you coming up here or not?" she asked.

I tore at my clothes in my struggle to get naked as quickly as possible. My shirt caught on my throat and choked me as I tried to yank it off in one motion, and my jeans chose that one moment to catch on my ankle as I tried to kick them off. It took me a moment, but soon I was naked, as well as fully engorged. 

Silvy looked down at my crotch and smiled. "Impressive," she said. "Take it easy on me, okay?"

I looked down at my perfectly average penis. Well, she was four feet tall, after all.

I practically flew into the bed, eager to be next to her. Her previous spell had given me a taste of her—and quite literally—so I was pretty excited to go all the way.

"So, how do you want to start?" I asked, reaching out and caressing her thick thigh. It was surprisingly muscular, although her skin was smooth and soft.

"Don't get too excited, young man," she said to me with a hint of a smirk. "This isn't so you can try to romance me or anything. I'm just checking to see if you are compatible with goblin blood. Lie down."

"Uh, okay," I said, lying back on the bed. My eyes stayed on Silvy's ridiculous figure, which helped me maintain an erection that couldn't have possibly been any harder. 

She reached over and took my cock in her small hand, then gave it a squeeze and a stroke. She gave me a smile, then moved so that she could put it in her mouth. Opening wide, she took it nearly all the way to the base, then closed her lips tightly around it and sucked hard as she slowly pulled it out of her mouth. The sensation was incredible.

After that one single suck, she gripped me by the base and spat on the head of my dick. Then, she crawled over to me and threw one of her thick, muscular thighs over my hips and straddled me. The sight of her tiny-yet-voluptuous body hovering over me was quite possibly the most incredible thing I had ever seen. 

Reaching between her thighs, Silvy took hold of me and lined the head of my cock up with her pussy lips, then rubbed it back and forth a few times. She made a faint grunt and smiled at me.

"It's been a long, long time for me. I had almost forgotten how good this could feel."

I was tempted to make a joke about blowing cobwebs out of her pussy, but instead I just smiled back and let my hands go to her round, full hips.

Silvy sank down on my cock, taking just the head, then raised herself back up and sank down again. She repeated that process, taking a little more of me each time, until I was fully inside her and she sat on my lap.

She closed her eyes and trembled for a second as she exhaled. Her hands went to my chest and she held onto me as she began slowly working her hips up and down. As for me, I kept my hands on her hips for a moment, then let them move back to her impossibly round ass and gave it a squeeze.

In only a matter of days I had gone from dying in a black hole to raw-dogging a beautiful goblin woman. I should have been weirded out, but as I watched Silvy's beautiful face, eyes closed and breathing deeply while she slowly rode me, I didn't feel weird at all. In fact, as one of my hands moved up to caress her large breasts, I felt quite the opposite of weird. This was like being in heaven, albeit some strange version where green-skinned women fucked my brains out.

"Gods, that is good," Silvy said, still riding me slowly. 

I had no problem with her slow pace. Her pussy was honestly the tightest I could ever remember being inside, so the slow pace was fine with me. While she insisted I wasn't there to impress her, the last thing I wanted to do was blow in three minutes.

I bent my knees to better support her and she leaned forward, caught in the moment. Our lips met, and thankfully her kiss was just as aggressive as when she had cast the spell on me. Her tongue pushed into my mouth and I did the same to her.. My hands gripped her big, round ass and I squeezed it while thrusting up inside her incredibly tight pussy. 

Silvy's hand moved up and laid against my cheek as we kissed. Her other hand rested on my shoulder, where she held on tightly. Using my grip on her bubble butt, I helped her move her hips up and down, giving her my full length each stroke. 

"You can speed up some," she said in a breathy voice after a moment, speaking against my lips. "I can take it." 

She went back to kissing me and I moved my hands to her tiny waist. I held her tightly and picked up the pace, giving her full-length strokes at a relatively fast rate. There was no way I could last long like that, especially considering her tightness, but at that moment I didn't care. My body was rapidly approaching the finish line and I wanted to be there. 

Silvy's faint moans began to increase in both pitch and volume. She finally broke our kiss and just held onto me, her eyes closed while I pounded her. Her breasts bounced with each thrust, and I found myself wishing she were a bit taller so I could suck on them.

As Silvy's moans grew quite loud, I found myself rapidly approaching orgasm. I held her tightly and really started going at it, thrusting into her hot, wet pussy hard and fast. Her moans became staccato, rising a bit each time my hips slammed into her. That familiar tingle grew inside of me and suddenly my muscles clenched hard as I fired my load inside her. Silvy worked her hips up and down, milking every last drop from me.

Once I had finished cumming, Silvy leaned forwards and planted a soft kiss on my lips. She gave me a warm smile, then laid against my chest, breathing hard.

"It's a shame all magic can't be like that," she said with a hint of a laugh.

"Tell me about it," I said, and wrapped an arm around her.

We stayed that way for a while, breathing hard, just enjoying the feeling of each other's skin in that post-coital moment. After a few minutes, Silvy finally straightened up. She sat on me for a moment, my softening cock still buried inside her, her cheeks glowing.

"Well, that was certainly fun. Time for the second part of the spell," she said.

I blinked at her words. "Uh, second part?" I found myself tensing up in anticipation of her pulling a knife on me. I mean, she had done it before.

She gave me a flat look and put her hands on her ample hips. "Oh, relax, Aaron. Besides, did you really think the entirety of this spell was just me having sex with you?"

I shrugged. "Hey, I don't know anything about magic. It could have been." I let my hands slide down to her hips and held her there, wishing I could go a second time right then. "But hey, it's a nice thought, right? What if the spell didn't take? Maybe we should do it again. I certainly didn't feel anything magical, other than this ass of yours," I reached around and slapped her on her plump bottom.

Silvy laughed and set both of her hands on my chest. She clenched her pelvic floor muscles and lifted herself off of me. I must admit to a bit of sadness as I watched her climb off the bed. Never in my life had I been with a woman that gorgeous before, nor that voluptuous. I don't think anyone on Earth had. My eyes stayed glued to her bubbly round ass as she walked across the room, toward the table that held all her magical equipment. That thing was simply incredible. Her ass, that was. Not the table.

Silvy sorted through the pile of magical items on the table and finally selected another magic wand, this one topped with a small ruby that caught the light and glinted. She stood there for a moment, waving the wand in small circles in front of her abdomen while speaking in the language of magic. The ruby set in the end of the wand suddenly flashed, then flashed again.

"This is wonderful news," Silvy said, setting the wand on the table. She turned back to me and stood there, stark naked, hands on her hips. "You are indeed compatible with goblin women. So, after you remove Ralcor and set yourself on the throne, you can take as many wives as you'd like and sire a tribe of children."

I ran my fingers through my hair. There was just too much in that sentence to unpack, but I was definitely going to need an explanation, and soon.

"So, uh, does this mean you're pregnant?" I asked her, and tried to think of what that would be like. My beautiful goblin woman, pregnant with my kid. I wondered if I would be raiding the goblin fridge at midnight and if I'd have to coach the little guy's goblin baseball team.

"Oh, of course not," Silvy said. She spread her legs and scrunched her face, then her stomach muscles tightened and she grunted. A wad of my cum squirted out of her vagina and splatted onto the floor. "I love sex, but I have no desire to be a mother again. Once was enough for me."

"Wow," I said, looking at the blob of cum on the stone floor. "That's some impressive muscle control."

Silvy gave me a wry look, then fetched a washcloth. She knelt down and cleaned my semen from the floor, facing away from me so I got another incredible view of her backside. I didn't think she did it on purpose; she just wasn't used to another person being in her house. Holding the cloth in her hand, she spoke a magical command and the cum evaporated in a puff of smoke, leaving just a clean washcloth in her hand. 

If there was more magic that involved sex like what we had just had, then I wanted all of it. I stayed on the bed for a moment, just admiring the beautiful curves of her body as she tidied up around her place. She was fully comfortable in just her skin, even around me, a stranger from a different world.

"So, what's next?" I asked as she bent over to clean up a small spot on her floor, giving me a perfect view of her pink pussy lips and asshole. I found myself wondering if there were any spells that involved the backdoor. I didn't care what they involved, I would be down for them.

She straightened up and looked at me, giving me a small, knowing smile. "Oh, cool your blood, young man. As I said, I only did that to determine whether or not you were compatible with goblin women. Now that we know you are, we can finally continue." She looked around the room for a moment, then fetched her dress from the table. "As for what's next, I was thinking about dinner."

Much to my dismay, she stepped into her dress and pulled it back on, then laced up the front. She was still gorgeous in that dress, even though it covered her from neck to ankle. But then again, a rough burlap sack couldn't hide her figure. 

I hopped down from the bed and pulled my clothes back on. Dinner sounded great, especially after two hours of fighting a holographic goblin man. The aroma of her stew filled the next room and leaked into the room we stood in. While I had never really been much of a stew guy, it smelled fantastic and made my stomach rumble loudly. Silvy heard that and smiled.

"I'm glad you're hungry. I made extra." She fetched a towel and went over to the cookpot, then used the towel to grab onto the wire handle. After moving the cookpot to her stone counter, she grabbed two bowls and filled them with steaming stew.

"Thanks," I said as she handed me a bowl. "What is it?" I had noticed her frowning at the stew.

"I was just thinking that if you eat this much every meal, I'll need more food." Her frown faded into a sudden smile. "Oh, this can be a perfect opportunity for you to practice sneaking by the guards!"

I paused, a spoonful of stew halfway to my mouth. "Silvy, I think I would rather suck vomit through a straw than deal with those guards again."

If my comment bothered her, she showed no sign. "Well, then I know you'll take this seriously," she said with another smile.

"Oh, and what was that about me taking over the throne and having a bunch of wives?" I asked. She had mentioned me killing this Ralcor guy before, but the rest was new.

She nodded like I had said nothing out of the ordinary. "Well of course, Aaron. Once you kill Ralcor, you will be the new king. The king is expected to take at least three or four wives. More if you'd like. The king is often considered the strongest of the goblins, so he is encouraged to have many children, as they would of course be the strongest children. This is one of the ways goblin men have become so strong and tall over the years, and our women so…" she paused, gesturing towards herself. "Well, like me. Your wives will be selected from the most beautiful of our women."

I blinked. I didn't even know how to respond to all of that. I shoved a spoonful of stew into my mouth, pleasantly surprised at the flavor. It was earthy and herby and rich and absolutely delicious.

Her comment about the most beautiful goblin women left me thinking. The way she said it made me think that somehow, some way, Silvy was just average. Other goblin women would be far more beautiful, although I didn't see how that was even possible.

"I see you like my stew," Silvy said around another bite. "Good. You'll be eating plenty of that, although I'm already low on ingredients. We'll have to do something about that."

Fortunately, she had more of that rich, dark bread lying around, so I used a few slices of that to wipe the bowl clean once I was finished. All in all, it was a simple yet excellent meal.

"Thanks, Silvy," I said. "In fact, thanks for everything. You've fed me, giving me a place to sleep, and in general just been very kind to me. I really appreciate it."

Silvy watched me for a moment, then suddenly winked. "Nothing is for free, Aaron. You'd do well to remember that. Now, are you ready to learn how to be one with the shadows?"

I groaned. "Do I really have a choice?"

She smiled. "No."