Fate's Reckoning

After an intense morning spent with Lilia, Allen now found himself lying back against the pillow, his eyes tracing patterns on the ceiling above. The room was silent except for the soft sounds of his breathing; his gaze focused but vacant as he pondered his next move. 

Lilia was already gone. She had left a while ago, but he was too preoccupied to notice her departure. He had been thinking about many things, such as his current situation, his future, and what he should do from now on.

"I need to make a move soon," Allen muttered under his breath.

But then again, that was easier said than done.

After all, there was a whole world of problems waiting for him.

The biggest one being his current predicament.

As the sole heir and only son of the noble House Avington, his birth should have been celebrated, and he should have been able to enjoy a comfortable, privileged life as the apparent heir to the throne. Instead, he was the greatest shame of his family and the one failure of his father. 


This was because he was the only child in the lineage who possessed the rare ability to awaken their ancestral bloodline. While this should have been a source of immense pride and power, it was seen as a curse by his family.

And this was because of what their bloodline represented.

The bloodline of the Avington family was called the Demon King's Legacy, and it granted the user the ability to become a demon. It was a powerful ability that allowed one to transform into a humanoid, demonic entity and access abilities that were far beyond human capacity. These powers were the reason the Avingtons rose to prominence and became a family that even the royal family had to be wary of.

However, the powers came at a steep price. They were a curse that slowly corrupted the mind and soul, eventually leading to madness and destruction. This was because the power itself was the manifestation of pure demonic energy, the negative emotions that lurk within all humans. The stronger the emotions and the greater the power, the faster the corruption took hold.

Because of this, the Avingtons were forbidden from using their bloodline and were forced to seal their power away. This was done by a powerful ritual that suppressed the power and prevented it from ever manifesting. But the seal wasn't perfect. Every so often, an Avington child would still be born with the power. In order to prevent the corruption from spreading, the child was killed. The parents did so to protect the family's future, and the kingdom did so to ensure that no demon would rise and threaten the peace.

It was a vicious cycle that continued on for generations.

Until Allen was born.

Allen was the first and only male child born to Lord and Lady Avington after years of trying unsuccessfully to conceive a son. They should have been overjoyed at their son's birth, but the moment they discovered that he had the demonic power, their joy turned to horror and fear.

They were faced with a terrible dilemma: to either kill their son and protect the kingdom or risk losing everything.

After much discussion, they decided to take a chance and spare Allen's life. After all, he was their only son and heir, and they couldn't bring themselves to kill him. However, they also couldn't allow him to use his bloodline. To solve this dilemma, they hired a powerful wizard to cast a spell on Allen, which would seal his demonic power away and prevent it from ever awakening.

While this prevented the corruption, it also rendered Allen unable to ever use his bloodline. This, in turn, made him a failure and a disgrace to his family. He was a constant reminder of the forbidden power, and they viewed him as nothing more than a burden. As such, they did their best to ignore him and pretend he didn't exist.

Allen knew all of this. He has played the game, after all. It is why he has kept himself hidden and low-key for most of his life, keeping his abilities and intelligence a secret from others, and dedicated himself to blending in and following the predetermined events, just as the game intended.

However, his current predicament made him question whether his previous course of action was the right one.

The reason for this was because he was sent here to save the heroine's and kingdom's ass from the demon lord, who would win. If he simply continued with his original plan of staying out of trouble and following the main questline, he would die along with the rest of the world.

But if he tried to change his fate and stop the demon lord from winning, then the curse would activate, and his demonic bloodline would be awakened, and the corruption would slowly destroy him.

This left him with a very difficult choice.

"Do I keep trying to hide my identity, stay under the radar, and avoid causing any ripples that could change the outcome of the game? Or do I risk it all and try to change the outcome, possibly awakening my bloodline in the process?"

There was no easy answer to this dilemma. On one hand, he could stay on the safe side and continue to play it safe, hoping that everything will turn out alright in the end. On the other hand, he could make a move and risk changing his fate, possibly dooming himself and the world in the process.

Both options had their pros and cons.

The former was safe, but it left him with little room for action, and he would have to accept his fate and let the story play out as it should. The latter was risky, but it would allow him more freedom to try and change his fate and would give him a chance to possibly stop the demon lord from winning.

"Which is the right choice?"

Allen had no idea. He was caught between a rock and a hard place, and no matter what he did, it seemed that he would be doomed.

"But I can't just sit around and wait for my fate to catch up to me," Allen mused. his resolve hardening. 

He understood that inaction would only seal his doom, and he was determined to seize control of his own destiny, even if it meant risking everything.


--Knock, knock.

As he wrestled with these thoughts, a gentle rapping at the door snapped him out of his reverie.


"Who is it?" He called, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"It's me, Allen," replied a familiar, feminine voice, one that was immediately recognizable to him. "Your other half." 

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Allen's lips, and his expression softened as he sat up straighter, his posture more relaxed.

"Come in," he responded, his voice warm and welcoming. 

The door creaked open, and the face of a young woman peeked through the doorway, her bright blue eyes fixed upon Allen. She smiled at him and walked into the room, her long, silver-white hair trailing behind her. Her name was Alma; she was Allen's twin sister, also a heroine from the game. 

She had the same pale skin and golden eyes as her brother, though her features were more delicate and feminine, while his were stronger and more masculine. They were identical twins, with the only difference being the gender of their bodies.


Her presence always brought Allen a sense of comfort, and he was genuinely glad to see her. Alma was the one person in his world who did not judge him and who genuinely cared for him, perhaps because of their twin bond or maybe due to her intrinsic kindness and unwavering support.

"What are you doing here?" Allen asked, raising an eyebrow in surprise.

Alma laughed softly. "I thought I would come and check on you," she replied. "You've been in here all morning, and I was worried about you."


Allen sighed, his expression becoming serious. "I'm fine," he assured her. "Just thinking about the future, that's all."

Alma nodded, her own expression sobering. She knew how much pressure her brother was under and how difficult it must be for him. She was always worried about him, and she often found herself wishing that she could share his burdens and help him bear the weight of his responsibilities.

"You shouldn't worry so much," she chided gently. "Everything will work out, I promise."

"I hope so," Allen murmured. He glanced at her, appreciating her beauty, and couldn't help but smile. Alma was truly stunning. She wasn't much shorter than him, standing at an impressive five foot eleven, and a lot of that height was in her lovely legs. They were long and toned. Slender at the end but gradually growing thicker until they culminated in what was, to his mind, the most perfect pair of asses he had ever seen. It was full, round, and pert, giving her a delightful bubble butt that was both shapely and firm. It jiggled just the tiniest bit as she walked, and the sight made his mouth water. Her upper body was equally alluring. She had a slender waist, a flat stomach, and a pair of firm, round breasts that were at least a C cup, perhaps even a D cup. They were big enough to be noticeable but not so big as to be overwhelming. And, to his delight, they were topped with large, pink nipples that seemed to point towards him, inviting his touch.

Her face was a vision as well, with delicate features, high cheekbones, a pair of full, red lips that were made for kissing, and a small, button nose that was adorable. Her long, silver hair was styled in a braid, and her ears were adorned with a series of small, pearl-like jewels that caught the light and reflected it in a mesmerizing display.

In short, Alma was an absolute bombshell, and Allen couldn't help but harbor some very unbrotherly thoughts about his twin. Ideas about how she could serve him in ways she probably wouldn't like often crept into his mind. Although he wasn't about to share these thoughts with her, he had long since stopped feeling guilty about his attraction to his sister. She was stunning and the only member of his family who consistently showed him unconditional love; it was only natural that he would develop feelings for her. While he lusted after all of his admittedly outwardly attractive sisters, Alma was the only one for whom he felt a genuine romantic attraction. 


"Well, don't forget that you have me," Alma reminded him, giving him a reassuring smile. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

"Thank you, Alma," Allen said, his expression softening. "I know that I can always rely on you."

Alma nodded, her face brightening. She always loved it when her brother opened up to her, and she felt honored that he trusted her enough to confide in her.

"Now, why don't we go and get some lunch?" she suggested, her tone playful. "You've been holed up in this room all day, and I'm sure you're hungry."

"Hungry, eh?" Allen chuckled, his tone turning mischievous. "I suppose I could eat."

Alma laughed. "Good. Let's go then. I'm starving!"