Frayed Edges

"...B-But I will be completely naked if I take off my clothes. You cannot possibly be asking me to do something like this." Alma replied with a shy look as she snuggled her head further into the soft mattress so Allen wouldn't see her beet-red face.

Alma completely overlooked the fact that a large amount of her love juices just spilled out of her pussy right in front of her brother's very eyes, so her current position and situation were a complete irony.

"Does that really matter all that much right now, my dear, sweet, innocent sister? Surely you can see the state your clothing is in. Besides," he leaned in, his voice a silken whisper, "I have already seen you naked on several occasions. We used to bathe together, remember? Those innocent, carefree days when we were just children, unaware of the world's darker desires." 

Alma's heart raced, pounding against her ribcage as the memories of her childhood came flooding back with a vengeance. She could almost feel the warm water lapping at her skin, the soft suds caressing her body. And oh, the feeling of her brother's gentle hands as he scrubbed her clean, his touch igniting a spark within her that she had long since tried to extinguish. But most of all, she remembered the tender way he would hold her close, his bare chest pressed against her tiny breasts, the scent of his soap and skin enveloping her in a cocoon of security and safety.

Those moments had been so innocent, so pure—or so she had thought. Now, as she looked into his eyes, she saw a darkness that both frightened and captured her. He was no longer the caring, protective brother she had once known, but a man consumed by sinister desires. And yet, despite her better judgment, her body still craved him and ached for him. The forbidden temptation was a siren's call that she found increasingly difficult to resist.

"That was before I got breasts and a round plump butt, and... and everything else," Alma responded with a flustered look as she turned her head away. her voice trembling with a mix of shame and defiance.

"Yes, yes," Allen replied dismissively. "But as I was saying, there's no reason to be ashamed. I have already seen you naked. Does seeing you naked once more really make all that much of a difference? We are brother and sister, after all. Surely, there's no harm in me seeing your body." A lewd look spread across his face as he gently turned Alma over.

Alma's two mounds were now facing her brother as she lay on her back, the two succulent melons threatening to spill out of her tight corset. The outline of her hard pink nipples was visible through her sweaty wet clothes, and the tips of her breasts began to glisten in the sunlight with the sweat produced by her still convulsing figure.


Allen gazed directly into Alma's big golden eyes after fully appreciating the lusty view presented before him. "What's the matter, my darling sister? Don't you trust me?" His words were spoken with such sincerity that one would believe him without question. However, anyone who had any knowledge of the young man would know better.

Alma was no exception.

Despite the obvious ulterior motive of his seemingly innocuous request, she still found herself considering it. Her heart was beating rapidly, and her cheeks were flushed crimson with shame. But her desire for pleasure and satisfaction overpowered her sense of propriety, and she slowly nodded her head.

"Y-Yes, I trust you," she murmured, averting her gaze.

Allen grinned, his eyes gleaming with triumph. He knew he had her now. "That is the answer I wanted to hear, MY DEAR SISTER," he responded, his voice dripping with honeyed affection.

"Let's start with that sticky wet clothing of yours. It must be oh~ so uncomfortable. Am I right, my dearest Alma?" Allen asked with a mischievous look on his face as he slowly started to undress his sister.

Alma, who was akin to a lamb being led to the slaughter, simply nodded her head with a meek "Mhm..." in response.

Slowly, her sweaty wet clothes began to peel away from her body, revealing her flawless, creamy-white skin. First came her blouse, which Allen carefully removed and set aside. Then he moved onto her corset, gently loosening the laces and peeling them off of her supple curves. Alma's large, soft breasts tumbled free, bouncing slightly as they were released from their confines.

"...A-Allen, T-That is my-" Alma started to speak in a low, cute voice as she stared right back at Allen, who had his hands all over her voluptuous breasts.

"Sis, just relax. After all, I have seen these babies before. They are just as perfect as they were the last time I saw them," Allen spoke in a low, sensual voice, "and it seems they have grown quite a bit since then," he said, a wicked smirk tugging at his lips.

Alma, who was already a blushing mess, somehow blushed even deeper, her face resembling that of a ripe tomato. "A-Allen, y-you, why do you have to say such a thing, brother?" She said in a cute stutter, her voice trailing off into silence.

"Hehe, but it is true though, right? Your boobs have become so big that they could fill my hands," Allen answered as he cupped her melons once again.


Alma, who was still embarrassed by her brother's earlier comment, didn't pay attention to Allen's hands until she felt a small tingle coming from her breasts. "Eep!" she squeaked, her eyes widening in surprise.

Allen chuckled at her reaction, a mischievous grin on his face. "It seems like you enjoy being teased a lot, Sis," he remarked, his voice dripping with amusement. "You should have just told me if you wanted my hands on your breasts so badly."

"It's not like that; I'm not that perverted. "You just surprised me, is all," Alma stammered, her cheeks flushing crimson.

"Sure, sure, whatever you say," Allen replied dismissively. "Now, how about we move on to your lower garments? As much as I am enjoying the view, I'm afraid that the wetness of your clothing may be starting to affect your health."

Alma glanced down at her skirt, which was soaked through with a combination of her own arousal and the sweat produced by her recent orgasm. The material clung to her thighs, highlighting their smooth, supple contours, and the fabric of her panties was clearly visible through the wet, transparent cloth.

"I... I suppose you're right," Alma replied reluctantly. "Just... Just try not to stare too much, okay?"

"I will try my best, Sis," Allen responded, his voice dripping with faux sincerity. "But no promises."

"You're the worst," Alma groaned, her cheeks reddening once again.

With a smirk, Allen moved to her skirt and began to unfasten the button and zipper, which came away easily enough. Slowly, he peeled the wet garment off her hips and down her legs, revealing the drenched white panties that clung to her shapely thighs and womanhood.

Allen, who had already gotten an eyeful of her pussy from earlier, still couldn't help but stare. The sight of the wet fabric clinging to her womanhood and the outline of her puffy pink folds was simply too tempting to resist.

Alma, who was aware of her brother's lecherous gaze, quickly crossed her legs in an attempt to hide her intimate parts. "Hey, quit staring, you pervert!" she exclaimed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry," Allen apologized, a sheepish grin on his face. "I guess I couldn't help myself. It's not every day I get to see my beautiful sister's panties."

"Just... Just hurry up and finish removing them," Alma grumbled, her cheeks still tinged with pink.

"As you wish," Allen replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Without wasting any time, he began to slowly peel her soaked underwear down her long, slender legs. The fabric resisted, adhering to her skin like glue, especially where her wetness had soaked through. making the task a bit more difficult than Allen had initially anticipated.

"Nngh~" Alma groaned, her breath hitching in her throat. "W-What's taking so long?" She asked, her voice strained with frustration.

"Your panties seem to be stuck to your skin, Sis," Allen explained, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm just trying to be careful so as not to tear them."

"Just hurry up and get them off," Alma retorted, her cheeks flushed pink. "It's embarrassing to have you staring at my crotch for so long."

"Alright, alright," Allen conceded, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Here, let me just..."

With a bit of effort, Allen managed to finally pull her panties off her legs, exposing her glistening womanhood to his hungry gaze. The delicate pink folds were swelling with arousal, and a faint sheen of wetness could be seen coating her inner thighs.


"Look at all this naughty juice you have here, Sis," Allen whispered, his voice dripping with lust. "Making me go through the extra work to get these panties off because of how wet you are~Don't you think you deserve a little punishment for this~?"