Zia reached out and took my hand and together we walked through the forest, searching for food. The forest was rich with edible vegetation and Zia was quite knowledgeable in that area. She found mushrooms, bean pods, more of those strange orange potato things, and berries. My untrained eyes found nothing, but it seemed everywhere she looked she found something useful.

"I talked with my friend, Tressi, about you," Zia said as she glanced around herself, looking for more food. "She's excited to meet you soon. Oh, I hope she can learn magic as well."

I winced. "What did you tell her?" The last thing we needed was Zia spreading knowledge about me and getting me caught. That would be an absolute disaster.

Zia looked up at me and smiled. "Don't worry, Aaron, you're safe. I didn't tell her anything I shouldn't have. I just told her a little bit about you and that you're from far away."

"Does she know you're learning magic with Silvy?" I asked.

"Of course, and hopefully she'll be learning it with me soon," Zia responded. "She's my best friend. I tell her everything. Well, almost everything. She doesn't know you're here to kill Ralcor."

"That's a relief," I said.

"She's going to meet Silvy," Zia continued. "I want to see if she can learn magic as well."

"Isn't that talent incredibly rare?" I asked.

"Most people think so," Zia replied. "Personally, I don't believe that. I think it's rather common, but Ralcor is afraid of it so he spreads rumors to dissuade anyone from learning it. Our entire city was made with magic, you know. Not just the lights, but the caves and rooms and houses themselves. That took a lot of goblins working together to accomplish. And now, Silvy is the only one that knows magic? That doesn't make sense to me."

"You've got a point," I said. If all three of my wives knew magic—assuming this Tressi was nice and liked me—that would help a ton. I needed all the help I could get, and magic was the key, I believed. There was no way I was simply going to defeat everyone with a spear, after all.

"You're going to have to be really careful the next few days," Zia said. "They're going to be looking for whoever killed that soldier."

I frowned. "You're right. I suppose I overreacted, but he deserved to die. I feel no guilt for what I did."

"Oh, I don't blame you," Zia said. "Those tunnel guards are all known to be assholes. They're usually the toughest and meanest of the lot, as they're the first line of defense for our city. But now they're all going to be on edge and looking for whoever did it. It's going to be a lot harder for you to sneak in and out of the tunnel after that."

My frown deepened. She was right. I still had to leave every day, though, as I had to continue my training with Althidon. There was no way around that. I had definitely just made things more difficult for myself.

"I could just kill every single one that I see," I said, only half-serious.

Zia barked a laugh. "They'd scour the city for you every day until they found you, shadow stone or not. And they'd come for Silvy, and probably me, as it would be obvious they were killed with magic." She frowned prettily. "In fact, I already expect them to pay a visit to Silvy."

I had to be ready for that. I had promised myself that no harm would come to Silvy again while I was around, and I planned on keeping that promise.

Zia suddenly leaned over and smelled me. "At least you don't smell like sex this time. You know, I—" She stopped, her cheeks turning scarlet.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing," she said. "Just thinking out loud." 

She turned to me and looked up into my eyes. I pulled her close to me and looked down at her, smiling as our gazes met. She opened her mouth twice before finally speaking.

"I just don't think it's fair Silvy gets all the fun," she blurted out, blushing again.

Okay, here was my big chance. All I had to do was come up with a smooth line and Zia would be mine. Nothing stupid, nothing awkward, just something confident and casual, like what James Bond would say. Shit, what would he say though?

"Well," I began. "If you—"

"Can you pull your pants down, please?" Zia asked.

Okay, no smooth talking required, and Zia just proved herself to be awesome, as if I didn't already think that.

I hurriedly undid my jeans and she helped me push them down. It was a bit awkward, me standing there while she stared at my dick. Fortunately, Zia quickly turned things from awkward to hot.

"I've never really done much before," she said, looking up at me again. "Can I?"

"Of course!" I stammered. "Have fun!" Have fun? That was the best I could come up with? I was grateful Zia wasn't overly judgemental.

"I hope this helps," she said, unlacing the bodice of her dress. She grabbed the neckline of her dress and pulled it down with both hands, exposing her large, firm breasts. She looked up at me for a moment, biting her bottom lip, then knelt in front of me.

Zia took my cock in both of her tiny hands and gripped it tightly, smiling as it grew and became erect. She looked up at me again, then opened her mouth and took the head in. She sucked hard on it for a moment, her tongue twirling around, then pulled away.

"I've only done this a couple times, and never with anyone this big," she explained. "I promise I'll do my best." 

She sounded like impressing me was high on her list of priorities. What she didn't seem to get was that having my dick sucked by a woman so insanely beautiful was hot in itself. 

Zia began sucking on it again and my eyes about popped out of my head at the sheer force her mouth could generate. It felt like she was trying to suck my soul right out of my balls. She took me a bit more than halfway, until I hit the back of her throat, then had to pull away for a second. She kept a firm grip on the base and went back to sucking on me.

After a moment we built up a rhythm. I began gently thrusting my hips back and forth and her head moved with me, so that I was essentially fucking her mouth. Those thick lips of hers felt incredible. I looked down and watched in amazement as she focused on my member, sucking for all she was worth. Just below that, her large breasts gently swayed as she moved.

She may have been inexperienced with oral sex, but I certainly couldn't tell. Her enthusiasm more than made up for it, although after a minute she had to stop and work her jaw for a few seconds.

"Sorry," she said with a little chuckle. "That gets tiring."

"Hey, I'm not complaining," I told her.

She went right back to it, gripping the base of my shaft with both hands while intensely sucking on the end. When her jaw became tired and she had to take a break, she made up for it by vigorously stroking me with both of her small, slender hands. 

I wasn't the most sexually experienced guy in the world, but her eagerness to get me off was exhilarating and made it an intensely enjoyable experience. My breathing changed as I grew closer to orgasm, and she recognized it and redoubled her efforts. I suddenly wished I had something to hold onto, a tree, a bush, anything. 

Instead, I just stood there as my body suddenly trembled. My orgasm was intense and built up from deep inside me, growing in intensity until I suddenly exploded in her mouth. Without thinking, I shouted loudly, almost roaring as my muscles clenched and I squirted thick ropes of cum into her eager mouth.

Zia didn't slow one bit and swallowed every drop. She kept sucking, sending me into a fit of postcoital twitching and laughing. She smiled as she gripped me tightly and milked the last few drops out of me, swallowing those as well.

"That's an interesting flavor," she said, smacking her lips. "I think I like it." She smiled up at me, a bit bashful but much more open after our sex act. "I hope that was good for you," she said.

I almost laughed. That had been one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever felt. My heart pounded in my chest and I reached down and took her by the hand. She readily stood up and I pulled her into a tight hug, both of us ignoring my naked crotch pressing against her bare breasts. We just enjoyed that moment, even though the stark difference in height sometimes made hugs a bit awkward.

With that thought in mind, I reached down and took her under the arms, then picked her up. She yelped and laughed as I held her against my chest, and my hands went beneath her bottom to hold her up. Of course I grabbed and squeezed that amazingly round thing while I was there, but mostly I just held her close. Zia laid her head on my shoulder and sighed happily. Fortunately she didn't weigh too much so I was able to hold her like that for a while.

When I finally set her down, we walked around the woods for a bit, hand-in-hand, just chatting about boring things. I supposed it was kind of like a date; just us getting to know each other, a bit of flirting. All that was missing was a good restaurant. 

"So, tell me about Tressi," I said. I winced as soon as the words came out. Mentioning another woman twenty minutes after cumming in Zia's mouth was probably at the top of the list of things I shouldn't have done, but it didn't seem to bother her at all.

"Oh, I think you'll really like her," Zia said excitedly. "She's—well, I suppose to your human eyes she looks a lot like me or Silvy. Her nose is a little thinner than mine. Her eyes are brown, which is very rare among goblin women. Her hair, too. It's a sort of dark reddish-brown color that I've never really seen before."

At least I knew I didn't have to ask anything about her figure. All these goblin women were phenomenally breathtaking in how voluptuous they were.

"She's very kind, too," Zia said. "We forage together sometimes, and I remember one time we came across a baby bird that had fallen from its nest. She took it and climbed into the nearest tree and wouldn't give up until she had found the nest and returned the bird. Is there anything else you want to know about her?"

I thought for a moment. With goblin women there was no real risk of her being ugly, and they all seemed rather nice as well. 

"Not really," I said. "I think I'd like to just learn the rest myself when I meet her."

"Okay, great!" Zia replied, squeezing my hand. "You'll meet her today. She should be at Silvy's place right now as we speak, getting tested for magic."

I laughed. I wasn't a horribly impatient person, but life here really seemed to be pushing me in a certain direction; towards fighting Ralcor and marrying these beautiful women. Other than the whole risk of dying thing, I had no complaints.