After that, I hefted my spear, ready to train more. I was ready to train until my hands were blistered, heal them with my magic, and fight some more. I needed all the training I could get.

"Taranath, why don't you pick up a sword and have a go?" Althidon said with a grin. "Show Aaron what it's like fighting a complete amateur."

Taranath rolled his eyes. "Oh, sure. You know I prefer the bow for a reason." He walked over to the weapons rack and selected a wooden practice sword. 

When he came back towards me, I noticed he didn't hold it the same familiar way Althidon usually did. He held it slightly to the side, almost awkwardly. I began to wonder if Althidon's joke hadn't been a joke after all.

"Don't hurt me, now," I said, raising my spear and shield.

"From what Althidon has told me, I doubt I will," Taranath said. "Should I spar as though we're wearing armor?" he asked Althidon.

"Do the goblin soldiers wear armor?" Althidon asked me.