Caiden and Gayle couldn't understand what was happening. How could this situation turn out like this?


Their eyes widened with fear. Horror crept in their veins upon seeing what was before their eyes. It was hundreds of warriors that had been killed by Khaos when he learned that Zuri might not survive the beauty blood.


"What's going on, Khaos? How could this be possible? How could you do this?"


Khaos didn't answer them immediately. Right now, behind him, there were hundreds of warriors. Dead warriors. It almost looked like the Lycan was creating a Walking Dead as his force and this was terrifying.


This was unheard of, this was a taboo.


But then, this was black magic that they were talking here. This kind of magic knew no boundaries between what was right or what was wrong.


Yet, in Gayle's mind, it was hard to understand how Khaos could pull it off such power. It felt very menacing.