Chapter 14

I ran around the corner and finally found the elevator and hit the lobby button What a fucking Psychopath. Once again just as the doors were closing a Sinclair came running only Dominick actually made it in time to jump in: I'm sorry but please let me explain.

"Well you have until we get to the ground level and them I'm gone" I said with my lips pursed together and a brows raised.

"You're right, this is my fault so please blame me, not Leo. I told him you wouldn't come work for us unless we got you fired. I told him to do it. Also, that night was a bad night for me. My mate saw your friend on my arm and she got angry and left and I was upset and took it out on you and I'm sorry Lilly, please forgive me.

"Your mate?" my brows furrowed at him "What are you British? I rolled my eyes at him.

"What, no sorry mate was just a slip of the tongue, I meant girlfriend" He said looking embarrassed but I didn't know why

"Okay? Well either way it doesn't matter. Your brother is an adult and older then you, he knew what he was doing and he did it anyways when all he had to do was come ask me. We're on the ground floor and unfortunately you're out of time so goodbye" I had my leg out of the doors before I could even fit my body through and I made it out the front and into the parking lot. I started to walk towards where I had parked only to see that my car was no longer there Great so I get fired and my car gets stolen. I also realized that all of my things were also gone and I had not phone or money to get home.

I only lived about 15 minutes away by car and although not the safest I decided to walk. I made it 10 steps before a black SUV pulled up beside me and the window rolled down to reveal Leo: Lilly, let me take you home.

"No thank you, I'll walk" I said without even looking at him I continued to walk.

I heard his door open and by the time I turned around he was there beside me grabbing my arm: Lilly! You will not walk, get in the car NOW!

"Excuse me? I don't think so, Fuck you very much!" I yelled as I jerked my arm away.

He stepped in front of me so I couldn't walk and sighed deeply and raised his hands as if he was yielding. He lowered his voice to a little above a whisper and said in a calm tone: Lilly, you hit your head and most likely have a concussion, it isn't safe on the streets so please get in the car and let me take you home. If you never want to speak to me again than I will respect that, but for right now let me do this for you, Please?

He leaned forward and it was as if he was about to pet a feral cat, with caution in his eyes he very slowly reached for my hand. I guess I sort of acted like a feral cat since waking up in his office. I allowed him to take my hand and lead me to the car. He opened the door and helped me into the car, he even put my seat belt on, his scent filling my nose as his lips came dangerously close to mine as he reached over my waist to grab the buckle and pull it around me. He gently shut the door and walked around the car to get in.

I sat there wondering what the fuck I was doing in this mans car. Good god I'm turning into Sam, this man is literally destroying my life and everything I've worked for and here I am like: Please sir can I have some more? He got in the car but didnt say a word to me as he started to drive out of the parking lot. As we pulled into my driveway I saw my car, my brows furrowed and I looked at him with a glare.

"I had a Dr. look you over at my office and he said you likely had a concussion and to not let you drive. I knew you were pissed and most likely would listen to me so I took the liberty of having someone drop your car off." He looked at me apologetically and although I was now furious at him I also knew that I absolutely would have tried to drive home and in all reality he probably saved my life.

I just turned my head back looking straight at my house and I wanted to walk away and be done with the situation once and for all but I couldn't move, I knew if I got out of the car at this moment I would never see him again. I took a deep breath and as I went to get out my arm didn't move: Let go of me Leo.

"I'm not holding your arm Lilly, your holding mine" He looked at me partly smiling with his eyes hopeful and I looked down to see that he was right, at some point I had grabbed his hand and wasn't letting go and I didn't even know why. My knuckles were white from squeezing so tight and I forced myself to let go: Sorry, I didn't mean to.

I went to get out of the car but he grabbed my hand and asked for me to wait. He jumped out and came around to open my side, he helped me out of the car and to my door. I turned around and he looked at me with soft eyes full of regret and for the first time since this morning I felt myself calm again. Maybe it isnt all for nothing, just swallow your pride and say what you want

"You owe me a job Mr. Sinclair and don't think for one second that I'm not going to collect on that debt" His eyes lit and he smiled at me. He started to lean forward as he stared at my lips like he wanted to kiss me but he leaned back again. Just do it I hesitantly lifted my hand to his cheek as a took a step closer, I stood on my toes to reach his face and I kissed his cheek. When I leaned back his eyes were closed, he slowly opened them and looked at me lovingly.

"You wont regret it" He said "I didn't meant to hurt you Lilly, I swear but promise I'll never hurt you again" The way he spoke gave me a shiver down my spine and although I could feel he was telling me the truth, my thoughts went to Sam and all the men that had said very similar fine words. All I could say in return was: Actions speak louder then words Mr. Sinclair.