Chapter 37

I looked up at Leo surprised but gave him the benefit of the doubt and asked: Leo did your father tell you that I'm different?

Leo's eyes got big as his face turned pale, he shook his head yes and responded slowly: But… How did y…

He trailed off in confusion and I looked past him as Lorna explained: I am able to speak to Thorin and he told me that Leonidas didnt want to worry you because you were in pain, he was afraid that if he told you everything, you would want to kill yourself like the other Werewolves who carried the Primordial Gene had done in the past, due to the transition being so painful.

"Okay, first off who is Thorin and who is Leonidas?" Leo looked up at me once again in shock that I could know something he had never told me and responded: I have no idea who Thorin is but my actual name is Leonidas.

"As in the Spartan King who died at the battle of Thermopylae?" Leo gave me an amused look and smiled as he nodded just as Lorna said: Thorin is his wolf, I can mind link him the way you can mind link Leo. Thorin cant speak a human language well but he can communicate to me in the mind link.

I jumped off the ground in victory, it was my turn to say, or rather yell: HA! I told you so! Your wolf SHOULD have a name and he does his name is Thorin and apparently Lorna can mind link him and that's how shes able to tell me so much. Which leads me to secondly, what the fuck is the Primordial Gene Leo?

Leo gave a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose before responding: Okay, I didnt want you to be scared but basically the Primordial Gene is literally the dormant genes past down through humans from the original Werewolves as in the very first of our kind, it makes you more powerful then most Werewolves but it also means your transition is much more painful then other human turned. Some Prime wolves have even killed themselves because of the pain and I would not let that even be an idea in your mind. Lilly I cannot lose you, ever!

I smiled at him as I walked up to him and cupped his face in my hands as I leaned in to kiss him, his hands moved up my back to my shoulders as I straddled his lap placing my knees on either side of his legs. I whispered in his ear: As long as it is within my power, I will not ever leave you, I am yours now and forever.

Leo pulled me into a deeper kiss as he showed his passion and love for me. I felt myself become wet with arousal and I could see that Leo could smell me, his eyes shifted black and his muscles twitched as he gripped my hips. His cock hard and pulsing against my pussy as I sat on his lap. He groaned: Fuck Lilly I want you so bad. I lifted myself so he could enter me and my body fell forward unable to hold myself up due to the pleasure I felt as he filled me up. He put an arm around my waist and one on my back to steady me as he kissed my neck, he sucked on my mark making my legs shake as he lifted me up and down his hard shaft.

He rolled us onto the bed and pulled himself out of me making me whine. He smiled against my neck as he said: Patience Princess. Holding my breast and taking a nipple into his mouth causing my body to seize with pleasure then into a full convulsion as he reached down to slip his fingers inside of me, he worked his way down slowly making my body seize and twitch as he went till he made it to my pussy. I could feel his breath fanning my clit making me squirm. He started to lick my clit only for a few moments before I found myself on the edge of release, I grabbed his hair pulling him closer to me as he got more aggressive with his tongue. I yelled out: Fuck! Right there… I came hard and my body was twitching and seizing, my legs shaking uncontrollably and he lifted my body to him, putting my legs on either side of his as he entered me once more making me inhale sharply as he said: Home. He started to make love to me as he moved in and out of me slowly as he kissed my face, my lips and my neck. I softly moaned as I started to feel it building again inside of me. This was different then before, my need for him was different, my insides cramped as if my entire body craved his cum inside of me. I could feel his body stiffen as he got closer and closer to his own release, our breath quickening as his movement became faster. His eyes shifted black and his canines descended I pulled my hair all to one shoulder giving him access to his mark and moaning in approval for him to bite me again, as he did I felt an explosion inside me like I had never felt before, maybe a sign I was no longer human or maybe because of now having Lorna but It felt as if he reached inside of me and branded my soul with his essence. He leaned his head to the side giving me permission to do the same and as I bit down I felt hia body release inside of me as he growled so loud I am sure the entire house could hear it.

He fell back onto the bed with me on his chest my head rose and fell with each of his deep breaths and I whispered: Did you feel that?

"Yehh" Was all he managed to get out.

"That felt different then before didn't it?" I asked, slightly concerned but he shook his head and although out of breath, this time replied: That was unlike anything I've ever experienced, not just the sex but when you marked me again it was like I separated from my soul for a moment and then got shoved back in just in time to cum. Fuck Lilly that was amazing!

We laid breathless for a while before Lorna cleared her throat: Ahem… um Lilly? Now can we have food? For the first time since I gave over all of my inhibitions I found myself truly embarrassed and my cheeks once again turned red I didn't miss that "Its not a big deal Lilly, I feel everything you do but with Thorin, he is my mate as Leo is to you" Oh so this is how I speak to you without opening my mouth, good to know.

"Baby are you okay?" Leo looked at me concerned as he was putting his clothes on and noticed me just sitting there with my shirt halfway on. I looked up and him and giggled before replying: Sorry but this having a wolf in my brain thing is going to take some getting used to. Lorna was just telling me a little about the mate bond between her and Thorin and what that means when we, um… I smiled at Leo a little embarrassed at the whole idea. He smiled and walked towards me, taking my hand in his and kissing the crook of my neck: You will get used to it, you wont even notice after a while. He pulled me out of the door and we walked down the stairs.

The entire house was buzzing in preparation, everyone greeting us and bowing heads and they went to and fro preparing for I didnt know what. We walked into the kitchen and Claires eyes lit up when she saw me as she ran around the counter with a cup of coffee: Oh Miss Lilly I've been waiting for you to come down, are you feeling better?

She handed me the cup which I greedily took and instantly brought to my mouth to taste her heavenly secret recipe, I swallowed a sip before answering her: I'm feeling much better actually, I also got my wolf this morning, her name is Lorna.

Claire looked at me quizzically before looking to Leo who just shrugged his shoulders and then back at me: Okay? Well that's wonderful to hear Miss Lilly. Are you excited for tonight?

"Whats tonight?" I smiled unknowing before hearing a familiar voice: You Luna ceremony is tonight after your first full turn. Anna walked around the corner smiling at me. I stammered trying to find my words: Uh… I… what do you mean its tonight, I am completely unprepared for that.

Anna walked to my side placing an arm around my shoulder as she said calmly: You will be perfect and I will be there every step of the way, dont worry about a thing. She looked up and I followed her gaze to see Dom standing by the doorway smiling proudly at her. I looked back at her to see the love in her eyes, my heart melted a little at the sight, I gave them a moment before saying: Will you come and get ready with me tonight? She smiled and nodded her head.

Another figure came out from behind Dominick, it was William, he was taller then me by a few feet at least and yet it looked as if he was looking up at me, his face was solemn as he waited for me to call him over. William had a fairly large frame and he had bright blonde hair and blue eyes that looked somehow even bluer when he was sad.