Flammery Fanged beast

Chapter 263

A week had finally passed in a blink of an eye. It was the previous week Jake had arrived at the Fang hunters' base where had fought with the red dragon again in the VR world and won then he was approached by someone with a somewhat ridiculous plea.

Anyway, Jake shut the incident out of his mind as he wasn't ready to go to war with the Iron Fist Guild for something that didn't involve him. Through to his word, Dame got Jake's and Alex's weapon ready in a week.

Jake had received his equipment and he was all smiles as the crystal Ice golems' core was turned into an armour, the toxic wolf crystal was turned into a sword for him and finally, Dame made his Famous werewolf slayer mask for him.

Even Alex got a sword made for himself but it wasn't giant like his former sword. And now after a few days, they stood in front of the portal room about to head off into the red portal planet.