Jungle two

"Why are you wearing a scarf?" Daren asks quietly after he sat down on his place, in front of Kazs desk, eyeing others quite clear outfit. Sure, it was getting pretty cold outside, but someone wearing a light scarf inside the classroom.. That was always suspicious. Usually Daren would immediately think it was to hide THOSE marks around a neck. But to think this guy would have those felt somehow wrong. That Jake guy wouldn't dare to make those to schools celebrity.

"I think it's a punishment..," Kaz just answers, not even so sure himself either. Wasn't what happened last evening more like a reward? He was so sure everyone would be done with him after what he did yesterday, but instead Luna was very calm about it and all Jaxen did was leave this incredible painful mark on his neck, then fed him all the sweets he could possible give him.

Everyone in the school too.. None has come and said anything bad about him. None has ignored him. Everyone were like he hasn't done a thing. Except the guy sitting in the front on his seat, of course. Carlos came in after Kaz, made sure not to look toward him and just sat down and start changing words with his classmates sitting around him. That was fine to Kaz, he definitely didn't want to talk to Carlos either. That would have been so awkward.

"Punishment, ha..," Daren wonders. Doesn't want to know more when it clearly was what he thought it was. "Did your parents get a call?"

"I don't think so," Kaz has to admit. Well, if someone has tried to contact them, they would be talking with Kazs nanny, who was his only contact in schools contact list. And Kaz himself would have had a phone call already. That man was fast to react.

"Maybe he didn't report you after all.."

Kazs eyes went wide open, staring Carlos. Then he sighs and wears again his tired face. Lowing his head down to lay it on his hands. "Yeah, right.."

But indeed, nothing unnormal happened during the first classes. Kaz and Carlos kept their distance, when everyone else were as lively as ever. That normal atmosphere made those hours go easy and fast, relaxing Kazs mind. When he would be called to the principals office, he should do just as Jaxen told him to do. Apologize, explain himself and get his punishment. He shouldn't stress about it before, but concentrate on studying.

When the lunch break was just about to start, Kaz didn't have a change to go find Jaxen when the older was already waiting him at the doorway.

"Kaz. Someone is here for you," Alishia, who was just about walking out, calls smilingly, intendly speaking loud enough Carlos to hear her. That was kind of pointless, really, when Carlos was indeed sitting very close to the exit. Ignoring both Alishia and Jaxen, he calmly walks past them. "A date?" Alishia adds her guestion while smirking happily. Not only she get to tease Carlos, but also show her support to this cute couple here, as their biggest fan.

Jaxen hums for answer, eyes locked on the guy who has stand up by now, smiling toward him, starting to pack his stuff.

"I want to eat with Jaxen too..," a girl sitting next to Kazs seat sighs.

"Jaxen is mine. I will not share him with you," Kaz says to these girls who were swarming around his desk, smoothly ending their previous conversation. Totally wearing his flirt smile on. "Eating with him should be my privilege. You girls, be sure to get back in time before the art class if you go out again. Last week you made me do your parts as well while you were shopping. That's a no no."

"Aww, but you made it look so cute!"

"No excuses," Kaz adds, using this gently voice while he spoke. "You can't always make me draw everything. I want to see your beautiful art as well." Finally Kaz leaves them and walks to meet with Jaxen whose look at the moment was a little irritated. "You wanna eat in the canteen?" Kaz asks smiling.

"Sure," Jaxen answers and pushs himself to move. "Is that your harem?"

"Harem?" Kaz repeats, fastly turning to look at the girls who have taken over his desk and seats around it. Realizing what Jaxen mean, Kaz couldn't help but smirk. "Is there any way me talk to girls in my class to not make you jealous the same time?"

Jaxen tsihs while they were walking. He wasn't jealous! But seeing this guy wheedle around like a freaking playboy really made him feel annoyed. "There is. Stop flirt with them.."

If there was something to calm others mind when ever, it was the physical contact from their lover. So Kaz didn't hesitate when he grabs Jaxens hand, pulls him back and gently pushs the guy against the wall, blocking Jaxens way with his hand. When he finally could make Jaxen look at him again, Kaz leans his face a little closer.

And that move definitely get students attension in the hallway. "We are at school..," Jaxen points out quietly.

"I know."

"They are whispering about us.."

"I know that too," Kaz smiles, not dropping his staring. Boldly he raises his left hand to touch Jaxens chin. "This is me flirting seriously. You see me doing this with anyone else but you?"

Jaxen pushs Kaz away and turns his look away, keeps walking. "I get it!"

Kaz smirks and calmly walks behind him. That was probably too bold move. He totally made Jaxen blush here. And angry. But he couldn't help it. To constantly see how jealous Jaxen was made Kaz want to tease the older even more. But he also knew there was a limit what he shouldn't cross. Jaxen could be merciless when he really wanted..

Well, Kaz probably was talking too flirtly with those girls. If that really annoys Jaxen too much, he should learn to keep it minimum. He didn't want Jaxen to feel uneasy so Kaz has to take his words seriously too.

"Have you been okay?" Jaxen suddenly asks then.


Older slows his steps and actually turns to look at Kaz. "This morning.. They haven't call you in?"


"And Carlos?"

"We kinda avoid each other.."

Jaxen stares him wondering. And lets out a long breath when he turns his face back forward. He was as worried as Kaz was, but you didn't see him showing it out. No doubt, he was preparing to take all the responsibility over Kaz if someone intend to accuse him. Jaxen can tolerate a lot, but he didn't like to see the younger be so anxious, looking like he just wanted to cry it all out. Not on his watch. "I have a feeling he might not even plan to report you.."

"Ha? Why?" Kaz asks confusedly, hasting his steps to get next to Jaxen.

"Because it's not you he was angry with from the beginning. Or me, to be precise," older explains what he meant, now showing a calming smile. "Yesterday.. don't you think he would have just walk straight to the office downstairs if he really wanted teachers to know? About what you did?"

Kaz was listening him quietly. Then he lets out a deep sigh, wondering. Jaxen has a point.

Jaxen hums after he knew Kaz realized what he meant. "Right? He didn't wanna make a fuss about it, he tried to deal what you did alone. Instead of being actually mad at you, didn't you say he was simply against me?"

"Well, Carlos did say he doesn't care who I date. But you he questioned," Kaz remembers. "Sure, I thought this was because of Alishia. Since he doesn't even know anything about you. I was about to leave, but then he drag Alishia in it."

That doesn't surprise Jaxen. "And.. did they fight?"

"They had a quarrel," the younger stops his steps. Like just now realizing something he shows this unbelieving look. "Actually, after that he, like, ignored me.. Wait, it was all about Alishia?"

"I'm the bad guy who got suspended from yelling to her. If they end their relationship on bad terms, they might still have issues between them," Jaxen speculates out loud. "We just get dragged between their fight. And.. To be honest, I bet he wasn't prepared you would actually attack him like that. It look to me he just unravel his anger to you 'cause you were an easy target. That he regrets now. He might be actually worried you will get in trouble for real."


Jaxen pets Kazs hair, makes him walk with him again. "I heard Carlos saying he didn't want to go to the hospital, but after all he didn't really refuse when I went with him," he explains. "Probably because Alishia might hate him for good if you get expelled or something. Since their fight between them had originally nothing to do with us."

Kaz was just staring Jaxen, really processing all that. Somehow that really made sense. Maybe Carlos really didn't care of Jaxen at all. But was just angry because his ex girlfriend took Jaxens side. Defend someone who in Carlos's eyes should have been the bad guy here. However their relationship was quite toxic at the moment. "You think Carlos was the one who report you?" younger then finally asks.

"Who else?" Jaxen tsihs while they were walking down the stairs, slowly heading toward the canteen area on the other side of this huge side lobby. "He tried to protect his girl who in the end didn't want his help but instead get mad at him from that report? That's a blow. Hurt his pride."

Younger sighs out a shaking breath. Deeply thinking. Only when he could feel Jaxens hand on his neck he snaps out of it. "When you get a change, apologize properly. He might not accept it, but at least you can be less sorry. Kicking him was wrong, but damn didn't he beg that foot on his face himself. I would have thrown him out of the window myself.."

Kaz grins and laughts a little. "Wow, harsh.."

Seeing Kaz getting more relaxed again, Jaxen lows his hand. "Actually, would I even get a change to that. Your fans might do it first. How huge this harem of yours is, anyway?"

"I don't have a harem.."

"Harem?" Milos voice asks behind them. And the next second he locks these two guys under his arms. "You naughty guys. Joining forces to play with innocent girls and boys. You are creating a cult? Am I in?"

"Hands off my guy," was all Jaxen states, while squeezing Milos fingers painfully. The third guy immediately backs off, grinning, gets his fingers released.

"Damn, you jealous shit..," Milo tsihs, while trying to remove the pain by moving his fingers. After cursing his best friend from this excessive action against his poor fingers, Milo invites himself to join with them, so now all three of them were heading to the canteen.

- - - -

And the moment they went in, Jaxen knew he should start bring packed lunches with him from now on and eat in the classroom. There was no way to eat in peace inside this school building with this freaking girl magnet. Not only there were bunch of girls who greet Kaz when seeing him, cramming pretty close too, there were way too many new short greets to Jaxen as well. And some of them used his real name, not Jake..

"I heard you played football during your freshman and sophomore year, Jaxen," one girl start boldly ask questions from Jaxen when the group of guys have just got their spot in the waiting line to order. "Did you really break your foot?"

Does he know this girl? "I did.."

"Was it painful?" "Does that mean you can't play ever again?" another girl joins the questioning. Now that started a few minute long chatting about Jaxen and random things about him. Half of those questions Jaxen left unanswered, mostly because he didn't get a change to answer when girls were just shooting him with more questions one by one.

When it was almost their turn to order, Kaz has to finally intervene. "Tina, you don't mind if I get him back now," he shows his handsome smile and moves his arm around Jaxens shoulder, switching their places. "I told you, lunch breaks are my private time with him. If you try to steal him from me, I get seriously mad."

"I'm not trying to steal him!"

"Oh, but you said so before, didn't you," Kaz leans his smiling face closer. "Aren't you just using me to get close to him. I won't give up that easily. I fight back." He smirks and touchs lightly on the top of her nose with his finger. "Give up. Or this means war."

"Hih, then war it is," Tina shows this happy smile back. "Jaxen might even like me more if he gets to know me. The only benefit you have is that you got him first. I will do my best."

"It's our turn to order..," Jaxen notes quietly, ignoring this simply weird conversation now. He was already tired of this all. Luckily, this Tina and her friends took a hint and move back to stand properly in the line, giving Kaz some room to give their order. "It's simple amazing how you can turn a declaration of war to flirting..," older awes then quietly, not even sure was he annoyed or simple just amazed. "Player.." Kaz pays their sandwiches and takes the tray with him while turning to look at Jaxen. He was smiling, definitely not commenting Jaxens cry. Actually, Kaz kind of enjoyed seeing his lover this pissed off from something that minor.

"Whats the point of that war? She has no change. You are gay," Milo wonders, paying his own bread. Ignoring him Jaxen sighs, takes the tray from Kaz and walks toward the nearest empty table area, young man loyally behind him.

They were one of the first groups in, so there were more people walking in little by little. Their school has two sliding lunch break time when you could buy lunch or snacks and eat in the canteen area. Basically everyone with a break were gathering in here. And more people mean more curious looks.

There was someone who even leaves his spot on the line after noticing Jaxen and the famous younger guy who he was with. They were eating and chatting about this and that, mostly about the Juniors incomming school project what they needed to get done before chrismas break. But the conversation ends when this someone suddenly sits on the empty seat next to Kaz, intently eyeing him. Young man turns to look at him, so do Jaxen and Milo at the other side of the table. Everyone keeping their silent.

This was an older student. A senior. While leaning his crossed arms on the table he kept just staring at Kaz, like examining him from head to toes. But before Jaxen could say anything, older guy opens his mouth. "So, you are the Kicker.."

Feeling quite confused, Kaz hesitates, but finally clears his throat and shows a defending smile. "Erm. Th-the kicker..?"

"I heard you broke that guys nose with one kick," guy continues, wearing intent look. "Look, I don't know a thing about karate but I know a talent when I see one. Join my gang! And become my attacker!"

"Ha?" thinking this was some kind of calling in street gang scared the hell out of Kaz.


"I'm not speaking to you, you traitor..," Daniel tsihs while he turns his grimming eyes on Jaxen. "I had a lot of expectation from you and you dared to betray me in the end."

"I didn't plan to break my leg during the first big event..," Jaxen sighs out, knowing very well this big showups habit to act dramaticly once in a while. "How that is betraying.."

"You should have protected your body from every possible threat!" Daniel announces proudly, pointing Jaxen with his finger. "It's dangerous out there in the field! Enemies everywhere!"

"Are you nuts..?"

"Were you in the gang?" Kaz wonders out loud, also staring Jaxen now, who immediately waves his hand.

"Football! He is talking about football!" Jaxen rushs to explain for his protection. Younger man catchs on now and lets out a long aha. Kaz really thought for a second this Daniel was a gangleader or something.

"Daniel..," another person arrives, tapping her fist on the older guys head. "Stop scaring younger students."

Daniel drops his tough act and smilingly turns to look at the older girl behind him. "I'm not scaring him. I'm inviting him to join in my team."

Girl walks to the head of this long table they were sitting at, eyeing Kaz who sat on her left. "Kazuro, you play football too?"

This girl Kaz knew. She was Mari from Senior year he has been hanging out with before. So immediately, like a reflex, he shows his smile to her. "I don't. It's all running, so.. I'm not into that."

"Too bad. That talent gets wasted..," Daniel tsihs and gets up, glancing Mari. Younger man clearly wasn't interested of football and trying to change his mind would be a waste of time so Daniel plan to drop the topic here. "I didn't buy anything yet."

"I can see that. Bring me a roll, would you," Mari reguests and sits down on Daniels seat, waving her hand. "Thanks, honey."

Daniel sighs. What he was, a servant? But without a real resist guy heads back to the line. When he left, Mari turns her focus back on Kaz. And the guy across the table. "I heard what you did, Kazuro. Couldn't believe Daniel was talking about you," she says then. "Don't mind assholes like that guy you kicked! I bet he deserved it. You have any idea how gentle this guy really is?" now Mari looks at Jaxen and points her finger to Kaz. "No way he of all would have done something like that lightly. This guy is an angel."

Jaxen sighs. Of course he knew his lover, how stupid even doubt that. Until now Jaxen and Milo were just quietly listening them changing words. "You know each others?" without answering her question Jaxen hits another question.

"Of course we know! Like I would ignore a guy this cute!" Mari smirks happily, explaining. "Was it the first week on term? Me and my cousin spot him in the mall and since I recognized him from school, we decided to attack him. Your guy is so super nice! Don't you dare to ruin him!"

"Is that Daniel your boyfriend?" Kaz rushs to ask. Jaxen was still calm, but definitely didn't want to hear more nonsense accusations from Kazs fans, as guy called them. Yesterday was definitely enough.

"Yeah, that's the guy I told you about," she states fastly and looks Jaxen again. "Anyway, has he told you? We kinda borrowed Kazuro to be our bodyguard. Random men in mall and in clubs stop bothering us when we were with him." Mari leans closer to Jaxen and Milo. "This guy has a fake IDs."

"I had," Kaz corrects, smiling. "Jaxens mother took them away when she found out."

"You were with her back then?" Jaxen asks now from Kaz.

Realizing what time Jaxen must mean, Kaz shakes his head. "Ah, the tequila girls? No. They weren't from our school. But I also met them in the mall," he recalls. "Those girls were together. But I had a feeling they must have known me beforehand, they were the ones who approach me first."

"We might have talk around you are the guy who doesn't force himself. The cute guy who always hang out in different malls. That's how you became our regular showman..," Mari admits, showing an apologizing smile.

"Really?" Kaz smirks. "I was wondering why I became so popular all of a sudden.."

So this girl here was the main reason of all those rumours around Kazuro, flying from girl to girl. Jaxen sighs. The more this kind of things came out the more he realized how prejudiced he really was before, believing simple rumors. Kazuro was far from being a real player. But him being so freaking confident and flirty toward Jaxen was indeed very misleading.

But, of course, people wouldn't show their interest if Kaz really wasn't so handsome and nice behaving. Damn, Jaxen wanted to hide this guy from others. Feeling this jealous all the time was freaking annoying.

"How you can deal that?" Daniel wonders out loud after they all have finished their lunch and starting to head out of the canteen. Mari has stolen Kazs attention and talking with him on the entry area, waiting others to follow. "Girls practically force their company to him. Mari has talk about him non stop the whole school year, how they discovered some guy to bring with them in city when me or Bear were not around. I really thought she was cheating on me first.. Is that the thing when you are gay?"

"Deal? How you deal this?" Jaxen tsihs. After given up on football, he has totally ignored students who were not on the same year or older than him. Never even hearing from Kazuro until that very friday night. But everyone else seem to at least recognize him. Of course, in this huge school, you couldn't possible know everyone. But thinking how they have been walking on the same school corridors, in the same buildings, over a year and never meeting each others, felt like Jaxen has lost a lot while keeping his head down, just minding his own business. Even that made him feel incredible jealous. Even when it kind of didn't make that much of a sense. "Besides Kazuro is not gay.."

"Ha?!" older guy felt confused. "You are not together?!"

Younger just settles for only staring Daniel with an annoyed look, clearing that wasn't the case, they were indeed together. Older nods and smirks. "So you turn him one. How long exactly you have been a thing?"

"..Not long.."

Realizing Jaxen might actually feel very uncertain since they were just a newlyweds at this point, Daniel think he should cheer him up. "Well, I trust my girl. We have been together years, my thing with her is nothing lightly. We are serious. And..," he takes his arm around Jaxens shoulder. "I think you have nothing to worry. That guy couldn't take his eyes from you when we were talking. I would say he was a little jealous even."

Kaz being jealous? That was impossible with that high self-confidence. "It's not that I wouldn't trust HIM," Jaxen clears then. How he wouldn't when he already knew their feelings to each others were very strong here. That wasn't what bothers him. "It's those freaking bees around him. No offence.."

Daniel laughs, lowing his hand away. "Yeah, it gets easier during the time.. Don't act too possessive. Or you might scare him away."

- - - -

After the school hours were over and everyone was leaving the classroom, Kaz also packs his notebook away, eyeing his phone and closing the ebook app he had used during the class. Since it was Tuesday, Jaxen didn't have any shift today. Kaz doesn't know do they have any plans after school, so finding Jaxen was the main thing he wanted to do.

But when he raise his eyes up, Kaz realizes one of a few students still being inside the classroom was Carlos. Just also leaving. Kaz really wanted to do as Jaxen told him and apologize as soon as possible. It might be useless and might not change their cold relationship to what it used to be. But leaving it like this felt like Kaz was saying it was all right to just hit and run. Hell no, he regret it all still.

"Carlos," following Carlos out from the classroom Kaz finally calls the other. But he doesn't get any respond, as he was already prepared to happen. So he fasts his steps, blocks guys way and turns to look at the other, keeping this polite distance between them. Carlos was staring at him now, annoyed, searching a way to avoid the younger guy in front of him. But Kaz doesn't let him leave just yet.

This was the first time Kaz could clearly see the nose he broke yesterday. It was bruised, covered with white support, even a small area under his eye was yellow and dark colored. That was all his doings. His fault. Before Carlos could have time to leave, Kaz acts. Takes a step behind and bows. "I'm sorry," was all he says with a shaking and silent voice.

Carlos was staring at him. After a few second of silence he finally tsihs out loud and walks past Kaz. And whispers. "Whatta hell.."

Kaz straightens his pose, dares not to turn. To Carlos it might have been just annoying, but to Kaz, facing him and apologizing, felt incredible hard thing to do. But this was all Kaz could do. He can't force anyone forgive him. This very second Kaz knew there was no going back.

Daren was standing on the doorway, looking at his friend, and the other friend walking further away. Kaz could hear this long sigh coming out of him and he raises his eyes on Daren who was already walking toward him. Hitting his shoulder with his own, stopping his steps next to Kaz.

"You did your share. Let the time do the rest," Daren shows his supporting smile.