bear lion wolf.

These are carnivores that we easily encounter through the media. In the media, they are portrayed as murder weapons or the embodiment of violence who is not afraid of any fight.

A machine whose sole goal is to kill.

'Is that really the case?'

As anyone who knows knows, this is not true. Most carnivores avoid fights that they believe will result in significant losses. In the wild, even minor injuries can be fatal.

In reality, predators are not ruthless terminators, but are closer to cowards.

This is not a disparagement. Caution, which seems like cowardice, is what makes a carnivore a true hunter.

As someone who enjoyed playing Aimorph, I deeply engraved the lessons of nature in my heart.

No matter how strong my characteristics are.

Even if you have more information in your hands than anyone else.

'It's useless without caution.'

With that in mind, I searched for enemies.

Arnold's heart sounds were stable. As expected, pretending to be nervous a while ago was just an act.

While people were dying, they were probably analyzing and acting vaguely about me. I don't know that I sense objects with my assistive organs and vision, but I do know that I have something similar to a biological radar.

'It's pretty good.'

He deliberately killed the soldiers brutally to scare them, but it had no effect on him at all.

He smells like a hunter like me. The scent of a seasoned predator.

Unlike me, who received teachings from nature, I wonder who his teacher will be.

The plasma pistol spewed fire again. A mass of high-temperature energy burned the place where I was just moments ago.

I ran across the bridge with strong legs like a wild horse and thought about how to attack the enemy.

'First of all, his biggest weakness is location.'

This is the bridge situation room full of sensitive electronic devices. Even though the plasma pistol has weak firepower, it is only 'relatively' weak among plasma weapons. It is a weapon powerful enough to make a hole in a thick alloy plate. If you get one thing wrong, you never know what contingency may occur.

'I think I originally wasn't going to use it.'

Even in the future shown by his predator senses, Arnold pulled out a pistol right before he died. He also knew that it was not appropriate to use a pistol on board a ship.

"Crisis management team leader! "Don't forget that this is the situation room!"

"Be careful not to get hit by the machine!"

"…I will be careful."

Yoosung makes a fuss and the team leaders agree with him. Contrary to his answer, Arnold did not seem to have any intention of putting the pistol back.

'okay. 'I'm ahead of the boat, right?'

I think I was ranked higher than the safety of the ship in his opinion.

It's not that I don't understand. Because I'm the only obstacle to his plan. I decided that it would be better to catch me here even if the ship got a little damaged.

However, apart from having a powerful weapon, Arnold has many disadvantages.

At this point, his duty is to protect the captain and team leaders. Some of them were essential to the voyage, as he could not go to C-08 alone.

'There are many weaknesses, but…'

In my case, the conditions are not good either. Because it is an open area, the shooting angle is good. If there had been no cover like a computer, I would have been hit by a pistol a long time ago.

Even now, whenever I try to approach the team leader or captain, Arnold holds me in check with a pistol. When I hid behind the computer, he stopped shooting.

"What a rat."

Arnold cursed in the distance. He looked anxious or irritated, but I could tell by listening to his heartbeat.

'That's a deception.'

Arnold hopes the standoff continues. He kept me in check while calling the troops on the ship through the communicator.

"This is the bridge situation room. A monster attacked this place. "Assemble all available troops here."

'Is this really how it comes out?'

That bear-like fox was using its secret weapon to kill time. It was true that he was trying to catch me here, but it was clear that he intended to leave the actual task of killing me to the soldiers, not him.

Obviously, my movements became passive because of that pistol, so I guess his intentions were working well.

'under. 'It's funny that you fooled me.'

With that level of judgment, he is above mid-level among Space Survival users. It's definitely nerve-wracking to see a wolf mixed in among them after only preying on gentle sheep.

The first crisis I experienced since becoming a body, and even a difficult enemy.

It's been a while since I've been in a situation like this, so my fighting spirit boils over.

'I have to finish it before the troops arrive…'

I hid behind the machine to avoid the mass of energy that left the muzzle.

While I was thinking about how to get out, a fire extinguisher caught my eye. Although its appearance was different from that of Earth, it was the same as emitting a fire extinguishing agent that looked like white smoke.

'It would be useful.'

I quickly took out the fire extinguisher and pulled out the safety pin with my small hand on my chest.

At that time, Arnold with a plasma pistol appeared behind me. Before the pistol fired, the fire extinguisher was activated one step first. White fire extinguishing agent sprayed out from the end of the hose, blocking his vision.

"Huh?! "Such a trick!"

Beyond the white fuselage, a mass of green energy flew in this direction. It ducked to the ground to avoid it and started walking six-legged with four fighting arms and legs. Meanwhile, the small arms on his chest continued to spray the contents of the fire extinguisher everywhere.

"Cough! "Cough!"

"I can't see anything!"

The sealed situation room was filled with fire extinguishing agents. The coughing of survivors could be heard here and there.

"You idiots! "The weapons you guys are wearing are decorations!"

"I'm sorry!"

The signal soldiers remaining in the situation room quickly pulled out their laser pistols. However, in a situation where visibility was already limited due to fire extinguishing agents, the lasers they fired were not a threat to me.

"Where is he?"

"no way? shit! Everyone, take the captain outside!"

Arnold, who had somewhat read my intention, screamed. I guess they thought I was going to target the ship's core meteor.

Although he had a good sense of humor, he chose the wrong answer.

My target is not the captain.

The head of the cooking team collapsed in front of me. The tail stuck in his stomach retrieved its poisonous stinger and quietly retreated.

My teeth sank into his carotid artery, like a wild animal aiming for the neck of a herbivore. Human blood and flesh flowed into my body and the small organ in my neck responded.

Now I can imitate the voice of the kitchen manager.

"Not that way! "The captain is over here!"


The blind enemies were taken aback by my voice. Obviously, the captain is nearby, but it is absurd to suddenly say that it is not someone else.

"Don't be fooled! "He's using disruptive tactics!"

"Yes, yes!"

Arnold urged the soldiers, but the chaos did not calm down easily. They also heard Team AB being wiped out over the radio, but they probably didn't know that they would be the ones to suffer.

While the enemies were confused, my hands were stained with the blood of another victim. The luxurious uniform he was wearing showed that his status was not that of an ordinary high-ranking person.

I shouted in his voice.

"Don't be fooled! "He killed the team leader!"

"Ha, sailing team leader?"

The owner of the voice is the navigation team leader next to the captain in rank. In other words, he is in a higher position than crisis management team leader Arnold.

"He imitates the team leader's voice!"

"You fucking son of a bitch! "Don't be fooled!"

"I am the sailing team leader! "Trust me!"

"shit! You idiots! That guy is a monster! "Shoot him and kill him right now!"

I don't know about Arnold, but I feel it. The guns of the agitated signal soldiers were moving aimlessly between his direction and where I was.

The soldiers' faith is being tested in a space where they cannot see even an inch in front of them, as if there is fog. On one side is the team leader who is like the sky, and on the other side is a monster that flew from the abyss of space. What choice will they make?

"Ugh! Shibaaaal!"

One of the signalmen finally made a decision. The muzzle of his laser pistol was pointed at the enemy in the fog of suspicion.

A flash of red light split the fire extinguishing agent. After the orbit of light that could not be traced by the human eye passed, the smell of burning meat permeated the aircraft.


Arnold let out a groan mixed with pain.

His right shoulder had been burned black by the laser. His hand holding the plasma pistol sank toward the floor. If I had hit it right, my right arm would have been blown off, but this was enough.

'It's an opportunity.'

The disruption operation targeting the signal soldiers, not Arnold, was a success. During a battle, the side with the most people cannot necessarily be seen as having an advantage. An ally who is not in sync with one another is worse than an enemy.

He should have chosen to escape the situation room with the others rather than attack me. His biggest mistake was starting the battle with the thought of killing me himself.

"Damn the rain…!"

He did not give up and held the pistol with his left hand. Since the pistol was still left, it seemed like he was planning to resist until the end. The sight of him not losing his strength even when his limbs were damaged was an example of a true soldier, but unfortunately he chose the wrong opponent.

Thanks to the ventilation system on board, the fire extinguishing agent was slowly dispersed. I ran, hiding myself in the little white cover that was left.

"Ugh! "Is it there!"

Could it be because he suffered a serious injury to his shoulder? He didn't aim properly at me and the plasma bullet passed right by me. It was only a mere grazing, but the ultra-high heat energy left long burn marks on my fighting arms.

For a moment, pain that made me scream filled my mind, but I could barely hold it in.

There is no time to hesitate. The enemy is not free enough to wait for me.

A subtle vibration generated as the energy of the plasma pistol in Arnold's hand is charged is detected.

There were only a few seconds left before the little reaper sentenced me to death. On the other hand, there is still some distance left for my tail to sting his body.

So I decided to write the last card.

The muscles in my back move as they receive my message. In humans, the part that would be called the trapezius muscle is completely split. Something black and huge slowly pops out from between the cracks.

Something that has never been taken out since it became a body.

The first trait I acquired after becoming an Amorph.

Two huge wings spread out and my body instantly got closer to him.

His face zooms in sharply. I see Aimorph with his wings spread out as he watches me.

Aimorph, reflected in his red-brown eyes, was baring his teeth.

The index finger that was holding the plasma pistol gained strength, and the man-made god of death finally roared.

But the vicious bullet never reached its target.

Behind me, I could hear the sound of an aimless plasma bullet colliding with the alloy wall. It was like a celebration of victory.

Standing in the middle of the triumphal ceremony, I had Arnold's head in my mouth.


One of the signal soldiers came to his senses and pointed a laser gun at me. I glared at Arnold with his head in my mouth.


It would be nice to eat the meat leisurely, but I don't have time. Because the auxiliary agency is warning you to hurry and avoid the soldiers because they are coming.

I guess we'll have to postpone the dinner until later.

I passed by the signalman. He was completely frozen, like a deer in front of a tiger. He couldn't move until I crawled into the vent.