The medical team leader could not blink.

Is this what the beast arena operated by Star Union looks like?

Two monsters are now facing off as the stars watch.

His new master, Elchen Dvara, was like a hellish machine forged by the devil. Long, deformed, massive arms, wildly fluttering red mane, and alloy gloves with dried blood and flesh. There wasn't a single element that wasn't ugly.

Who is the monster that dares to face the machine of hell? His gaze turns to the other side.

There is a ghost there.

A shell that shines in a brown, almost black color, armor covering the head and chest, a pile of tentacles that hang down like hair, four arms that give the impression of armor covering human bones, and a long tail that seems to be twice as long as the body.

The medical team leader clearly knew how many souls that black ghost had swallowed. The short-haired horses of the soldiers dying before his eyes were still pleasing to his ears.

The Devil's Machine and the Butcher's Ghost.

A huge and heavy monster and a sleek and strong monster rushed towards each other.

The ship's hallways vibrated every time it took steps. The leader quickly approached me and swung his arm widely.

The bone shield surrounding my arm flies in to crush my head.

Since there was nothing good about being hit, I lowered my head to avoid it and shot my tail at the guy.

Just as its flexible tail was about to penetrate its gap and stab its chest, I stopped.


Do not hesitate during battle. The leader did not miss the enemy's loophole. The fist that pulverized the alloy plate exploded on my head.

A shock wave occurred along with a loud noise. The residual energy that the thick shell of my head could not absorb spread through my body and into the hallway. The lights hanging from the ceiling could not withstand the shock wave and broke one after another.


He made the same mistake as me. The hardest parts of my body are my chest and head. If the current attack was aimed at my arm or leg, it was an effective hit.

The guy looked embarrassed because I was standing there just fine. Without missing that opportunity, I lowered myself to the floor. I used my four arms and two legs to crawl out between the guy's legs.

The guy swore in a voice that mixed the growl of an animal with the sound of metal.

"Grrr damn bug!"

A heavy sole reminiscent of an elephant's foot hit the ground.

But I already pulled out.

I distanced myself and lightly shook my head. I feel a little dizzy, wondering if I have completely absorbed the shock.

'Was that really the plan?'

I wondered why they were talking about bombs, but I never thought they were aiming for this. If my head wasn't so strong, I would have died from that single blow.

'This is dirty play, right?'

It's something I do a lot, but it still makes me irritated when it happens to me.

Since the bomb trigger device is connected to the leader's heart, it is dangerous to aim for the chest area. I have no intention of touching the wrong heart and ending in an explosion.

'Then we have to target other parts.'

"Well, your attack is useless. "You bug."

The boss smiles triumphantly. He seems to firmly believe that he has no weaknesses.

In the current situation, this is not particularly wrong. Because there aren't many areas I can target in situations where chest attacks are impossible.

The strength of the bone armor surrounding my arms and legs is more than my strengthened body. It is impossible to break through unless you use a plasma weapon. Even if you try to target a part that isn't covered by bones, it will try to defend itself somehow.


There are two things he doesn't know right now.

One is that I have the 'neurotoxin gland' trait. If you succeed in stabbing the guy anywhere in the body, the fight is over.

'I think you already guessed it.'

The boss is paying particular attention to my tail. Even before going crazy, when I aimed at him with his tail, he chose to dodge rather than block. I don't know if it was a sense of the wild or if he got information from the situation room, but I guess you could say he knew that my tail was in danger.

'But what should I do with this?'

I don't know about you, but I can extract poison from my teeth and nails. If I break the shell and attack, I win.

So how do you break through the boss's strong trust?

It was focusing on my four arms and tail, but it actually had one more weapon.

The Sonic Blade, a thin stick held tightly by small arms near my chest. I grabbed it from the gym just in case, but I had no idea it would be used so quickly.

Sonic Blade is a weapon that excels only in cutting power. The moment you hit the bone shell, it will break, but it doesn't matter. As long as it hurts the armor, there will be no problem after that.

No matter how thick and gigantic a dam is, it can collapse due to a small crack.

The moment the bastard's imperviousness cracks is the moment when the Goddess of Victory smiles at me.


The guy leapt. A large figure that had jumped to an incredible height thanks to its enhanced leg strength came towards me.

I quickly got out of there using all six limbs. The place I was in was shattered and the hallway shook.

'Fast and strong.'

Because he is a guy with mixed genes, he moves very quickly. Even though I use all my limbs except my small arms to dodge it, it's still barely there. Normally, if you move fast, you have to have weak strength, but this guy shows no let down in either strength or speed.

'Of course, there is no perfection in this world.'

The Hulk mutant has a chronic weakness. You have to hold on until that weakness rises to the surface.

As we ran through the ship's belly, making a mess, we entered a huge space.

The jungle of containers and the musty smell of rusted metal greet us.

This is the world's cargo space that I first encountered when I opened my eyes.

All six legs exert strength at once, and my body rises high. As I'm jumping over the container, I hear yelling from below.


As if nothing like this could stop him, he rammed into the containers.

Rectangular metal blocks weighing more than several tons fall down in droves. The grating iron plates on the floor also fly and dance in the air in response.

Insects that had been hiding everywhere came out in a hurry due to the sudden apocalypse. I caught a running cockroach, put it in my mouth, and hid behind the container.

It is difficult to compete head-on in the face of such tremendous power. There is only one method I can take here.


So far I haven't just run away. Hulk mutants consume a lot of energy, so there is a short 'rest period' in between. If you force it to use force like that, its body will force it to stop attacking even if it doesn't want to.

'Not long left.'

The auxiliary organ reads the chemical reactions and energy coordination mechanisms occurring in his body at close range. So that I can strike at the optimal time.

The auxiliary organ tells me. The two hearts in his body regulate each other's output appropriately.

'Then I realized I had two hearts.'

Where is the trigger connected? The Hulk Mutant's main heart is on the left, so it is highly likely that he placed it on the left, but he is a clever monster. Not sure which side it will be on.

While I was momentarily distracted by my heart, the guy spotted me and rushed at me.



A fist with tremendous force, capable of throwing a container weighing over 10 tons like a toy, grazed the shoulder area.

A throbbing pain came over me, but it wasn't unbearable, so I fought back immediately.

The tail was lashed out at the part not covered by bone between the creature's joints, like a spear thrown by a master spearman.


My attack failed because the guy quickly bent his arm.

I quickly pulled back before the guy rushed at me again. A container crashed right into the spot I was avoiding.

"Gwaaaa! "You cowardly bastard who just runs away!"

'It was a mistake just now. 'Let's not be obsessed with the heart.'

You must not get caught up in his scheme. Out of his sight, I focused all my senses on the auxiliary organs.

A guy breathing heavily like an angry bear. At first glance, it appears to be operating normally without any problems.

But I could tell. The parts that make up its body are overloaded and are demanding rest.

As I carefully climbed up onto the container, I saw a guy destroying everything he could see.

"That ugh…."

Steam rises from between the muscle fibers exposed above the skin. This is a phenomenon that occurs when the heat inside the body cools down.

Normally, he would have to stop his activities and take a break, but he didn't stop moving. It is true that it has become duller than before, but its immense power has not disappeared and remains the same.

'They say he's an improved Hulk mutant, but his weaknesses have been reduced.'

Still, the rest period itself could not be eliminated. I didn't miss the opportunity and kicked the top of the container with all my might.

My body becomes an arrow and rips the air. Maybe it's because the dark cargo compartment matches my skin color, but he notices me a little late.


He stood there and tore off the grating floor with both hands.

Projectiles heavy enough to easily surpass the weight of a manhole cover are flying at me. Aimov's unique keen senses and auxiliary organs calculate the trajectory of those threatening obstacles.

My feet stepped on dented and torn alloy plates. Jumping up the metal stairs made in the air, I quickly got closer to him.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?! dare!"

Although he was taken aback by the almost magical movements I showed him, he did not lose his momentum. The moment I landed in front of him, he raised his arms high. He was trying to hit me with both hands as big as elephant feet.

An auxiliary organ warns me that the enemy's strength is formidable. I know. This guy throws away containers weighing over 10 tons like toys. The power contained in both hands would never be extraordinary.

In a split second, I made a choice.

'Forced breakthrough.'

If you avoid it now, you never know when the next opportunity will come. He is a cunning enemy. Once a weakness has been exposed, they will try to hide it somehow the next time.

So the only opportunity is now. I have to trust my brain, which can withstand even a plasma weapon twice.

His two fists collided with my head. At that moment, an enormous amount of energy, a mixture of weight, speed, and force, pressed down on my body. Because of the energy that my head couldn't let go, my feet went through the floor and part of the skin on my legs tore.


I blocked it with the thickest part of my body, but it was still an incredibly strong force. Dizzying pain and shock shook me.

'…But it's not unbearable.'

My current posture was broken because he was hitting my head with both hands. At the awaited opportunity, the small arm activated the sonic blade. A thin rapier-like blade protruded from the stick.

What needs to be cut is right in front of me.

The small arm swings the knife and cuts off the guy's forearm. The weapon, which created a thin diagonal line like a paper cut, completed its mission and fulfilled its purpose.

When the small arms were doing their job, they were not idle because they were fighting arms. Four arms firmly held his wrists.

"Huh?! "What!"

The guy shouting, "What are you doing?" If you ask me, I should give you an answer.

With your mouth.


A sharp tooth like a shark's tooth sank into the wound on his forearm. Because the bones surrounding the forearm were so hard, the teeth could barely scratch the surface, but it didn't matter. Because the saliva that came out of my mouth seeped into that thin wound.


The guy waved his arm wildly to shake me off. My body lost my will and control and fell into a pile of containers.

"How dare you bite me? "What the fuck…huh?"

The guy's voice became slurred as if he was drunk. His gaze went straight to the wound on my arm and then to my face.

He was startled when he saw the saliva flowing from the corner of my mouth.

"How much is it?"

The guy hit the injured area hard with his other arm. They probably tried to cut off the arm, but the bone armor covering the body was too hard for that to happen.

The castle wall that protected him has now become a prison that confines him. The one that failed to destroy the armor screams.

"My nagaaa nagaaaaaaa!"

A Hulk mutant with a pale complexion. It's a refreshing sight.

The guy took a step back to try to escape, but he didn't get far. As the neurotoxin is rapidly eating away at his body.

Due to mineralization, the body, which was now well over 3 meters tall, fell to the cold metal floor. The way he looked at me was animalistic, in a good or bad way.

A look of fear upon encountering a predator stronger than oneself.

"Please help me…"

Since it is clearly not a human, the paralyzing effect is weak. The poison should have spread throughout the body by now.

I walked up to him and stung him a few more times with the sting of his tail. After making him barely able to breathe, I ripped off the metal covering his chest. There was a trigger attached to the right chest. When I looked at it, it was not a synchronization device, but a timer that started when it received a strong shock.

'Of course it is.'

Since he's such a cunning guy, it somehow seemed like that.

If the opponent had some knowledge about the Hulk Mutant, he would have tried to destroy the right heart first. This is because the Hulk Mutant becomes very weak when his auxiliary heart is destroyed. Since it is the part that controls the side effects caused by genetic manipulation, if the auxiliary heart is lost, the body may collapse.

'If you lose your auxiliary heart, it's already a lost game.'

Perhaps the intention was to die together, or to make the other person agitated by knowing that there was a time limit. Since the bomb was planted by you, you can finish the fight quickly and go there yourself to disarm it.

Well, his plans don't matter anymore. It may take some time to disarm the trigger device, but I can disarm it with my little hands. After that, all that's left is to enjoy the genetic samples contained within the Hulk Mutant's body.


Someone called me and I turned around to see it was number 26.

[Zuzuzuzu (I told you to hide)]

"Baby, you're in big trouble!"

[Zuzu (why?)]

There's something strange about No. 26's reaction. It may seem restless or frightened.

I was about to ask again why, but suddenly my predator senses kicked in.

「The sharp wind cut down No. 26.」

「The sharp wind flew into me at an unavoidable speed.」

「I am dead.」


I quickly ran over to No. 26, hugged him, and rolled on the floor. At the same time, a beam of light like lightning split the spot where No. 26 was.

"what? "You avoided it?"

If it weren't for my predator senses, both me and No. 26 would have died.

I looked up and saw a person standing at the entrance to the cargo bay. The person I was dealing with was a woman, as she had a slim body and long black hair.

'That's a woman?'

My auxiliary organs and Aimov's unique senses are sounding the alarm like crazy.

Don't fight that 'creature'.

'…Sihyeon Eugene.'

A mysterious being who boarded this ship with the pirates. The last enemy I thought I would have to deal with came to see me in person.

"Foreknowledge of the future. Which gene? "I want to hear something too."

She enters the cargo hold, chatting peacefully. Contrary to the way she spoke as if she was on an outing, her body was ready to cut me down at any time.

A white blade was sticking out of her hand, or rather the back of her hand.

It looks similar to the boss's bone armor, but I know which gene that blade comes from.

'I mixed the White Gallagon genes with the genes of other higher-level creatures.'

It is a gene that is so difficult to obtain that I worry about whether or not I will be able to obtain it until I become a semi-adult. Other than that, there are more than just one or two genetic characteristics that are immediately visible.

Not only are there a lot of them, but they are all filled with rare and useful characteristics. In the game, the only Megacorp players who had modified it to that extent were those who were on the verge of becoming a ranker.

'This is an opponent I can't beat now.'

You must retreat immediately, reorganize your battle lines, and prepare an attack plan.

But she didn't let me buy time.

"Do you have garlic…?"

"Thank you for your hard work."


She approached the incapacitated leader and pierced the trigger with her blade. He was stabbed in the heart as well, and he vomited a lot of blood and fell limp.


"We can't let it get away. is not it?"

The bomb timer must have already started. I don't know how much time was left, but it probably wasn't much.

My intention to retreat, gain time, and prepare for an attack was thwarted.

'What should I do?'

However, to fight back blindly is suicidal. If you fight without information about the enemy, such as their combat sense and what strategy they will use, you will only end up defeated.

As she carefully wandered around and observed the enemy, she smiled brightly.

"I have a suggestion."

'An offer?'

Si-hyeon takes a break with a relaxed attitude. I don't really like this attitude, but my current position is absolutely inferior. Rather than getting annoyed, it is better to think about how to attack her.

'Are the eyes the observer of the out-spacer? no. There is a possibility that you are a terrorist devil….'

"You seem similar to me, so I will save you."


"If you serve me. To put it simply, you become my pet."

I thought it was nonsense, but her expression was more serious than before. Even though I could see the reactions occurring in her body through the auxiliary organs, it didn't really feel like she was lying.

'…There's no need to lie.'

Just as I feel strong towards her, she probably knows that I am weaker than her. I guess that's why he comes out with such a relaxed attitude.

"You too are a creature that deals with genes. "I can be a suitable master for you."


"So come to me."

The overwhelmingly strong Sihyeon Eugene is speaking to me.

Serve yourself. To become her slave.


To be honest, obeying Sihyeon's words is a reasonable choice. That blade on her wrist is Gallagon's claw. Because its destructive power is greater than that of plasma weapons, it cannot be blocked even with a reinforced inner and outer shell.

Besides that, her body was full of weapons that could easily kill me.

I approached her.

It uses all six arms and legs, not just two legs, like a pet dog crawling in front of its owner.

"okay. "It's the right decision."

"Don't be scared. "I exist."

However, there is something that Sihyeon overlooks about me.

Why I like Amorph.

Why is it that people are so immersed in this rotten and useless character that they are called by the derogatory name Moff Park in the community?

she doesn't know

The reason I like Amorph is simple.

'Freedom of choice.'

I love Aimorph because he is a being who freely becomes infinitely stronger through my 'choice'.

Therefore, my choice has no choice but to be decided.

[Zuzuzu (It's okay)]


When the distance narrowed enough to see Sihyeon's satisfied face in detail.

He kicked his leg towards her face.


She quickly dodged my feet, but that wasn't my aim. Acidic blood flowing from the outer skin that was torn off earlier. The blood splashed into her eyes.


If there is a momentary gap, that is enough. Acid fatigue wouldn't be able to hurt her even a hair anyway.

[Zuzu (Hold on tight)]


While she was momentarily embarrassed, I ran, holding No. 26 in my small arms. As I was running away using all six legs, I heard the sound