Ep. All characteristic skills that exist in

64 Space Survival belong to a specific series of categories.

For example, the characteristics such as the wings and chitinous shell that I first acquired are categorized as being of the supernatural power type, as is the superpower organ obtained by eating the body type Kisaragi.

So, which series has the most powerful characteristics concentrated in it?

If you were to ask rankers, including myself, they would answer as follows without hesitation.

An abyssal power series that contains characteristics exclusive to Vortex One.

And there are two types of dragon power that only Red Gallagon can use.

There is a reason why the two series are strong.

Vortex One is a species that appears as a boss in the final mission of Outspacer. Since it is a Boss-only plane, it naturally boasts overwhelming power.

Red Gallagon is one of the most powerful creatures in the game and an NPC that even rankers find difficult to deal with.

So these two powers cannot be used by regular players.

At least, Red Gallagon's dragon power can only be used in a limited way by the cult through certain artifacts. Even that is a relic that can be obtained with a low probability from a later quest in the cult, so only a small portion of it has been used.

So, let's change the question slightly.

Among the series of characteristic skills that players can use, what is the most powerful?

The answer to this question will vary depending on the ranker, but most will choose a class of psychic powers that deals with psychic power.

There are many characteristic skills in the superpower series that have versatility and can be applied in a variety of situations.

This is also true for the physical class, but there are critical limitations to physical technology characteristics. Because it focuses on physical attacks and defenses, it is vulnerable to immaterial attacks.

On the other hand, psychic power exerts strong physical power and also has destructive power against the mind and soul.

Due to this unreasonable game structure, Outspacer's cyborg, which cannot acquire psychic power abilities at all, is half-machine, so Star Union's cyborg, which must rely solely on its equipment to respond to psychic power, became more disadvantageous toward the end.

Players who choose a creature race such as Megacorp can acquire psychic powers through genetic modification. It's bound to be difficult because you have to compete with them without superpowers.

The only downside to psychic abilities and skills is that they are not easy to obtain, but that can be solved by playing Cult.

'Was there about 30% of cult users in the game?'

Rankers have a much higher cult following than regular users. Because 9 out of 20 rankers were cult members. You can guess its popularity by looking at the fact that it accounts for slightly less than half of the rankers.

For reference, one out of nine cult members is Korean. I know because I competed with him myself.

'He was a strong enemy.'

Since he was a ranker, I expected him to be strong, but he was a much better fighter than I expected.

'Cult's performance is good, but there aren't many really good players.'

Psychic power is something we commonly refer to as a motif derived from supernatural powers such as telekinesis and telepathy.

As a result, it is often abstract rather than intuitive and has a complex structure that requires a high degree of understanding from the operator.

In other words, depending on how creatively the user uses psychic power, its power can be said to be as different as heaven and earth.

The Korean cultist I fought with fell into the category of creative players.

'He was so stagnant that he was like a fossil.'

He showed me ways to use psychic powers that I had never imagined, and thanks to that, I felt like all my hair was falling out trying to think of ways to respond when fighting him.

'Thanks to you, I learned a lot.'

Although I won in the end, I also learned a lot of new knowledge through the fight with him.

I used to use a lot of my psychic abilities, but after fighting that Korean cult, my understanding of psychic powers increased a lot.

Anyway, now is the time to put to use the experience I gained back then.

'In order to properly use superpower-related characteristics, you need a type.'

If you secure a superpower enhancement type, it becomes subject to full organic application. Because the full organic effect strengthens the effect of the type you have.

In other words, all of my psychic power characteristics are doubly strengthened. Since I still lack the psychic power-related characteristics that I can use, I have to compete with output right now.

'I've waited a long time. Type unlocked.'

The text box that had received my permission disappeared as if melting into thin air, and my body began to mutate.

There are a total of two external organs in my body that use psychic power. It is an auxiliary organ located under the chin and a bundle of tentacles behind the head. There were no significant changes in the auxiliary organs, but instead, major changes occurred in the tentacle bundle and surrounding areas related to the 'monster's tentacle' characteristic.

First, the shape of the carapace covering the head changed.

Previously, it had a sleek and monotonous design except for the raised horns, but not now.

The carapace that protects the back of the head spreads wider to protect the tentacles.

Additionally, curves and patterns appeared on the surface, making it more complex than before.

If the head carapace before could be likened to a helmet with horns, now it is a crown. It's also a very huge crown.

When the 'Symbol of the Hunt' effect is over, it will shrink from its current size, but the fact that it looks better than before doesn't change.

Along with the change in the carapace covering the head, the bundle of tentacles also changed significantly.

The tentacles, which were previously thin and long enough to resemble hair, have become much thicker and longer. Now it was dripping down onto my shoulders.

The color also changed; before it was dark brown, the same color as its outer shell, but now it was a vivid purple, perhaps because it contained psychic power.

As soon as the tentacles completed their transformation, my entire body began to itch. Superpower resistance was strengthened and revealed on the outer shell.

Thanks to this, a vivid purple tattoo appeared on the black-brown coat of arms. Purple tattoos were engraved all over his body, as if following his veins.

Currently, I am blinded by the symbolic effects of hunting. However, perhaps thanks to the developed auxiliary organs, the changes that occurred in the body felt as vivid as if I was seeing them in person.

That's how all the changes ended.

'Something has changed.'

What I see and feel is different from before. This is because auxiliary organs also receive the effect of type, expanding the area and breadth of detection.

Now, psychic power can be detected even if the cult is not directly using psychic power.

Subtle purple energies flowing through this space of this hospital. These are things that were not seen before.

'This is what it feels like.'

In the game, it simply marks the appearance of psychic power users in purple on the minimap, but is this because it is reality?

I was able to relive the surprise and freshness I felt for the first time when I became a hatchling.

'If you're this sensitive, even when fighting a cult, you'll be able to sense it before it attacks.'

Originally, it was possible to detect the flow of psychic power with auxiliary organs, but it could not be captured as precisely as it is now. It will be much easier in the future when fighting enemies that use cults or psychic powers.

After getting the type, I returned to the first floor of the hospital feeling satisfied.

The metal absorption effect is not yet over. Now all that remains is to return to the nest where the children are waiting.

The moment I was about to leave the lobby, a strange feeling caught my senses.

"Twenty knights wearing silver armored uniforms come out of the alley."

"The knight with the picture of a woman in a bikini on the front armor says. We will divide the group into three groups: 7 people, 7 people, and 6 people. I will take the 1st group, Tennessee will take the 2nd group, and Paris will take the 3rd group."

"The rest of the knights chorus. All right. "Jacob."

"The knight called Jacob says. When you arrive at the Tennessee Hospital, lead Group 2 and enter through the back door. Group 3 will follow Ferris' instructions and wait at the station and provide support if necessary. Group 1 is going to the main gate with me."

"The knight with the eagle drawing answers. All right. Article 2 This way."

"The knight with the shield on it says. Jacob. "People are coming around the hospital,"

says Jacob. You must be a reporter. You can leave their handling to the police."

With those words, the feeling of watching a video in my stomach stopped.

'Predator sense?'

Only the method of quickly displaying the video is the same, but everything else is different.

The predator sense is activated only when death is imminent. Also, it only fragmentarily embodies the bad future that will soon come and does not show reality as it is.

On the other hand, what I just saw was much more detailed than usual. Because it showed everyone who was talking and where it was coming from.

'Is the predator sense also affected by the representational effect of hunting?'

The effect of the symbol of hunting strengthens all the characteristics I possess.

My guess is that the supernatural power enhancement type and the symbol effect of hunting triple overlap, making the predator sense more precise than usual, embodying a crisis that will occur in the future.

'So that means there's still time for them to come here.'

You might say that you could just run away in the meantime, but if you did that, your predator senses wouldn't have been triggered.

'There's a station near the road they come from.'

The cloaking effect is still effective, but the problem is that they can detect me. If you leave like this, you will be caught right away.

'Fighting itself is not a problem, but…'

There are too many enemies. Even if we somehow manage to annihilate them, there is not much time left. There is a high possibility that the cloaking effect will be canceled during the fight.

'Even if you take a detour, there are people waiting.'

Six of the drivers are waiting in front of the station, so no matter what you do, a fight is inevitable.

'The problem is of course time.'

Since it is a state of hunting, it can easily kill about 6 people, but the problem is killing it without anyone catching it.

I came to the hospital in the first place to prevent the city from discovering my true identity. If you openly show yourself saying you will escape safely, you are literally telling the truth.

'Should I call the kids?'

The time is now 10:30 p.m.

During this time, inspections are conducted within the station due to preparations for the board meeting. Since the board meeting has not yet started, there is a high possibility that it will be inspected today as well.

'The last time I was here, I was caught around this time as well.'

I also explained this to No. 26 before coming here. They told me to come out if it was dark in the station when I contacted them.

Sea demons are creatures that live in the deep sea, so they are sensitive to light. Unit 26 is probably able to detect a wider spectrum of light than me, so there will be no difficulty in following the strategy.

'But words and reality are two different things. I have to get the timing right when I give the signal.'

I don't think a diversionary operation between me and the guys is a bad thing, but for it to be successful, it's most important for me to give the right signals.

'The performance of auxiliary organizations has improved, so if you just concentrate, it is difficult to understand the situation in the region… No, just wait.'

At that moment, another thought occurred to me.

I shot No. 26 with the same wavelength I usually shot.

[Zuzuzuzu(can you hear me?)]

「…Big baby?」

[Zuzu·zu·zu(Can you hear me?)]

「Big baby, what's wrong?」

'As expected!'

It may not work, but I tried it just in case and it was a success.

The means by which I can communicate with Number 26 is thanks to this tentacle psychic organ attached to the back of my head.

Without this organ, I could hear what Number 26 was saying, but it was impossible for me to talk to him.

Although it has now fused and been reborn as a monster's tentacles, its previous ability to communicate remains. Thanks to this, I was also able to use it well when talking to No. 26.

I was writing it so naturally that I forgot about it.

The function that helps you communicate with him is also subject to a superpower enhancement type effect.

"Are you coming to the nest?"

[Zuzu, Zuzuzu, Zuzu (no, because of something else)]

"What is it? "Can I help you?"

In this way, I don't need to call number 26 at the right time. Just say it directly.

I told No. 26 to get ready as I would soon give him a signal. While he's getting ready, I need to get ready too.

'Just in case, let's check all the characteristics we have acquired.'

When the text box passed, I skipped it because there were no features that were immediately needed, such as 'insight'. There was enough time to go to the nest and check.

But things have changed. I might be late for the nest, so I should get it now.

The number of characteristics I acquired at the hospital was 5, excluding William. Obtained from 3 knights and 2 civilians.

The symbol of hunting increases the probability of predation, but does not make it 100% obtainable.

Even if I ate more people than this, it is very unlikely that all of the predation effects will activate.

Still, compared to usual, I have acquired so many characteristics in such a short period of time that it is embarrassing to compare.

'Apply quickly and go full force.'

I opened the text box and quickly scanned the contents.

「Take over 'Space Bacteria' from the biological characteristics of 'Human'.」

「Do you want to apply 'Space Bacteria'?」

「Take over 'Breath of Fire' from the biological characteristics of 'Magmagator'.」 「

Apply 'Breath of Fire' Do you want to do this? 」

「Take away 'Endurance' from the biological characteristics of 'Human'.」

「Do you want to apply 'Endurance'?」

「Take away 'Thorn Fur' from the biological characteristics of 'Night Stalker'.」

「Take out 'Thorn Fur' Would you like to apply it?」

「Take over 'pheromone enhancement' from the creature characteristics of 'Insect Man'.」 「Do

you want to apply 'pheromone enhancement'?」

'There is no need to ask any more. Apply all.'

When I got the complete organism, the text box told me this:

There is no end to evolution.

The body evolved again thanks to the newly introduced genetic essence.