Ep. 66

"How did this happen? Please explain."


"Is that invisible evil spirit-like entity really a living thing?"

"…I don't know."

Lila demanded an explanation, but Denver had nothing to say.

Of all the people here, the person who wanted to know the most about him was Denver himself, not Lila.

'More than 3 types of abilities seen through camera. And that too is a very natural fusion state. It is the perfect upward compatibility with the Hulk Mutant.'

Denver is the general manager of the new Hulk Mutant development project. It is no exaggeration to say that his knowledge is comparable to that of the Eugene family.

'Invisibility, flame breath, thorn throwing and hard shell. 'No creature with all these abilities has yet been discovered.'

Among living things, there are many beings with various characteristics and abilities. However, the abilities shown by the monster are very difficult to combine artificially.

If a being could put those various abilities into a single creature without side effects, it would be safe to say that it was truly a god.

'…I covet it.'

It doesn't matter whether it's a product of nature or someone created it. It was clear that if they succeeded in capturing the monster, the Edgerton family would quickly surpass Eugene and become the leader in genetic engineering.

If that happens, the family's long-awaited promotion to Noble Capital will not be just a dream.

Even as Denver ate his food, the Templar's camera continued to move.

"This is Jacob. Vice-captain, is there anything you can see from the Team 3 camera?"

"Vice-captain. "You can't see anything because of the smoke."

"This is Team 2 Tennessee! I will enter the station!"

"No." They might surprise me. Vice-Captain Vickers, we must search the subway with all our might."

"…Your Majesty, please make a decision."

Denver shook his head at Vickers' words.

"This is a monster that killed six elite knights in an instant. Fighting unprepared on a battlefield that is underground and has limited space is nothing but suicide. Retreat and regroup."

「Jacob, I will return.」

「…Teris. Communication is terminated."

"Layla General Manager. I'm sorry. "I think it will be difficult to catch him with the Templars currently deployed."

"…All stations in the city will be sealed. And contact the Secretary's Defense Fleet."

Lila didn't react much to Denver's apology.

It was no longer an issue that could be handled with a verbal apology.

This issue is a matter to be discussed among the representatives of the families. That one goes, but not her. As the manager of a single city, she cannot handle things arbitrarily.

Denver knew that too, so he didn't point out that she didn't receive an apology. He continued what he was saying.

"The honor of the Knights has been tarnished. Can you give us a chance to wash it away?"


"This is not a matter between families, but a personal request of mine. "Give the Knights a chance to carry out their mission together with the National Guard."

"…I won't refuse you as long as you help me."

"Thank you."

Upon hearing Lila's acceptance, Denver gave her a lively expression and bowed his head slightly. She said nothing, but seemed pleased to have left the Edgerton matriarch in debt.

She didn't know, but Denver had something to gain, too.

'Good. 'We can capture him alive.'

Earlier, I couldn't give the order to capture him alive because Lila was watching. If he shows signs of obsession with the monster, Lila will definitely try to negotiate with him.

But now it's different. All you have to do is pretend to participate in the National Guard's operation and capture monsters separately.

Of course, the accompanying defense fleet soldiers may stop the knights' actions, but there is no need to worry about that.

'Accidents are common during melee.'

Denver laughed quietly with his head down.

'Wow. If I didn't have the endurance trait, I would have just collapsed.'

After the effect of the hunting symbol ended, I almost fainted on the spot.

It was better than the tentacles of a monster that shut down my mind against my will, but it struck me with tremendous helplessness and hunger.

Thanks to the newly acquired endurance trait, I was able to endure the lethargy, but the problem was the hunger that came as an aftereffect.

Although I was worried about the aftereffects of the symbolism of hunting, the actual experience far exceeded my expectations. Because my ego had faded and only my appetite controlled my mind.

'If there were no bodies, we might have eaten them.'

Fortunately, No. 26 responded quickly, so I did not attack them. He realized my condition was strange and handed the body over to me.

Only after swallowing a whole corpse on the spot was he able to come to his senses.

「Are you feeling better now?」

[Zuzuzuzu (feeling better)]

「Do you want one more?」

I looked at number 26 and waved my hand to show that I was okay. As I was about to remove the body he was holding, a small light caught my eye.


Currently, we are standing on the track before the passage to the nest. Because it was a dark space, the light was small, but it felt much clearer.

[Zuzuzu Zuzuzu (Can you give it to me for a moment?)]


I took the body from No. 26 and checked it.

Looking at the shallow red light coming from inside the helmet, the power of the reinforced suit was still alive.

'no way?'

I quickly ripped off the battery attached to the back of the armored suit. The light on the helmet flickered and then disappeared.

After confirming that the reinforced suit had completely stopped, I tore off the corpse's head. I threw the head inside to Adhai and looked inside the helmet.


A small chip connected to the inside of the translucent visor. I know what that is.

'…reconnaissance chip.'

It looks exactly like the parts used when customizing the mercenary armored suit in the game.

I've faced enemies in the game more times than I've played Megacorp. Perhaps that's why, at some point, I became familiar with the weapons and equipment they use, comparable to that of a Megacorp ranker.

'People who send mercenaries for reconnaissance usually use reconnaissance devices.'

It is said that in classic strategy games, the basic strategy was to send workers to scout enemy territory.

Among Megacorp players, there were often cases of planting reconnaissance chips on mercenaries to gauge the enemy's strategy or armament level.

'It's a little different from that example…'

The problem is that the enemy might find out the location of my nest. I put so much strength into my hand that I was holding the helmet and crushed it.

'It's as if the nest is caught.'

I noticed it before entering the secret passage, but it was still too late.

The enemy is not a very easy one. I don't know exactly where the nest is, but I'm sure they'll scour the city's subway tracks to find it.

'Even if we abandon the nest, it is difficult to go to another planet during the board period.'

Even if I board the ship safely, if the enemy mobilizes the defense fleet and chases me, that will be the end. No matter how hardened and powerful my body became, I could not survive the intense bombardment of the fleet.

Since I haven't acquired 'that characteristic' yet, it's impossible to fight the fleet directly.

'Let's think about it step by step.'

There is no need to think negatively early on.

'What are the pros and cons of fighting in the nest?'

I asked the kids to wait a moment and then calculated my advantages and disadvantages.

First, the advantages I have.

'There is a high possibility that the enemy does not know about the structure of the secret passage.'

According to the setting, the place where I built my nest is a simple passageway created by the city's construction workers for rest and movement. There are no maps or records left.

I don't know if the workers who participated in the construction at the time are still alive, but this city was built hundreds of years ago. There is no chance of it being alive unless it has been genetically modified.

'If you go underground, you don't have to worry about the fleet being bombarded.'

There is no need to fight a warship unless the enemy goes crazy and orders you to fire on his house.

'Plasma weapons can get caught, but…'

Now that the symbol of hunting has been lifted, any weapon bigger than the plasma bolter carried by the knight is a threat to me. Also, the soldiers in this city probably have plasma launchers.

Both weapons can inflict fatal wounds on me.

'I don't think it will be easy to shoot because it's underground.'

I'm not sure about this part. If they plan on completely burying me, they will order the launchers to fire wildly.

'I guess I should look at this as a shortcoming. Moreover, the fact that the terrain is narrow and straight is also a disadvantage to me.'

The structure of the secret passage takes the form of a complex maze, but the passage itself is narrow and straight. Since there are no structures for cover, it will be difficult for me to avoid it if a fire net is poured down from there.

'Even if we plan a strategy focusing on surprise attacks, there are limits if tens or hundreds of soldiers are mobilized from the other side.'

I don't know about the city's defense force, but the knights are veterans. It is unlikely that you will be attacked again after being attacked once.

'Disruption operations using darkness would also be difficult.'

The nest is so dark that not a single ray of light comes in, but the other side will also have full visibility.

'…Let's change our thoughts.'

Even though it's underground, it's a place I know well. And it is a place that is easy to defend by minimizing enemy attacks.

As far as I know, there is only one place that meets these conditions.


When I played as Aimorph in the city, I always wandered through the sewers.

When I first came to this city after the game became a reality, I debated whether to take the sewers or the subway. At that time, I chose this secret passage because I was concerned about the high security of the sewer.

'Because I was weak at the time.'

It was in a fluid state and there was only one type. And the trump card of the transcendental system was not obtained. So I chose a secret passage instead of a sewer, and as a result, I was able to hide from my enemies and build up my strength.

'But not anymore.'

Among the characteristics acquired at the hospital, there is a weapon that is good to use in such cases.

'Space bacteria.'

When this characteristic is applied, bacteria called 'space bacteria' are automatically produced in the body.

Space bacteria are like chronic cold viruses that appeared when Earthlings entered space. Even if we want to get rid of it, it continues to mutate and is not extremely lethal.

'Space bacteria only have the effect of lowering immunity…'

What would happen if an enemy were infected with space bacteria in a place full of all kinds of contaminants and viruses? For example, in a sewer full of polluted water.

In other words, the enemies chasing me must fight a double enemy: myself and the space bacteria inside my body.

'The truly scary enemy is the enemy within.'

Flying bullets can be blocked with armor, but attacks that eat away at you from the inside out are difficult to block.

Although the low-level reinforced suit has a built-in treatment, it cannot completely prevent viruses or diseases found in contaminated water.

Advanced reinforced clothing is no exception. If it was a high-level reinforced suit, I would have prepared an antidote, but that would only buy me more time. The ending is the same for both.

They will all suffer and die in the wastewater of the sewer.

'There is another advantage to defending. Sewerage is also important infrastructure.'

Failure of water-related infrastructure in artificial structures floating in the middle of space is a very serious problem. Water is an essential element for the survival of living things.

Of course, many people will not die immediately if the sewage system is damaged, but it is clear that the city's operation will be significantly affected.

'So they will also refrain from using plasma weapons as much as possible.'

The final advantage is that the drain is half full of water.

The enemy detection systems I have confirmed so far are heat detection and vibration detection. Neither is suitable for dealing with enemies hiding in the water. Even if I am hidden and ambushed, I will not be able to respond as easily as on land.

'However, they probably have a map of the sewer over there as well, so you have to be careful about that.'

When considered comprehensively, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The sewer is not a bad place to use as a new home or battlefield.

I decided to move to the sewer and called the kids.

[Zuzuzu Zuzuzu (Guys, this way)]

「Isn't that the house?」


[Zuzuzu Zuzuzuzu Zuzuzu Zuzu (I'm not going home, I'm going to another house)]

「Another house?」

[Zuzuzu (Yes, new house)]

To get to the sewer, you have to go outside first. If you go through the station, you will be captured by enemies, but it doesn't matter. Because of the signal device already attached to my armored suit, my enemies will know that I am wandering underground.

I took No. 26 and Adhai and crossed the tracks to another station. On the way, they shot thorns and destroyed all the cameras.

'Knowing that I go underground is one thing, but knowing my identity is another.'

The extended metal absorption due to the symbol effect of hunting is now over. Now that cloaking has been lifted, what you need to watch out for is the camera.

I quickly destroyed the camera and ran to the station gate with the kids. Perhaps because it was late at night, the station gate was closed. I broke down the station door and hurried out before the security and android arrived.

'The square manhole is connected to the sewer.'

I went out to the street and looked at the shapes of manholes on the road. Most of the manholes were round, but there was only one square-shaped manhole.

[Zuzuzu(this way)]



[Zuzuzu zuzuzu zuzu(Go while eating)]

「Can I eat?」


Anyway, the current hunting symbol effect is over, so let's eat now. It's not urgent.

After my permission was granted, No. 26 used his tentacles to tear off the corpse's arms, gave them to Aadhai, and then began to melt and eat the legs.

While the kids were eating snacks, I lifted the square manhole and checked underneath.

'There is no particular alarm device at the entrance.'

There is no alarm device within a 50m radius of the underground sewer. Convinced that it was safe, I crawled into the basement with the kids.

"and! "It's water!"

After letting them in first, I returned the manhole lying on the ground to its original state and jumped into the water.

'It's dirty.'

Aimov does not have a nose, but instead has a very sensitive auxiliary organ. I can feel everything about what this black water is made of and what that slime is floating around.

Still, it was bearable, perhaps because Amov's cruelty was beyond imagination.

「Big baby, I think this place is good.」

「Water」「Not bad」

Contrary to me, No. 26 and Aadhai seemed to like this polluted water. No. 26's hometown is deep, so it's reasonable, but Aadhai was unexpected. It was swimming naturally using its wings and tail.

I was planning to hide Aadhai separately when the enemies invaded here, but seeing that he has adapted so well, it seems there is no need to do so.

Lastly, I checked one more time to make sure there were no alarm devices or monitoring androids nearby.

'I don't know about other places, but not here.'

When I realized that I had finally arrived in a safe place, the tension left my body.

It was a short period of time, but it was a feeling of lethargy that came as an aftereffect of the fatigue and hunting that came from fighting without stopping against strong enemies.

For the first time in a long time since becoming Amorph, I felt tired.

'Finally, let's apply only the characteristics obtained from the predation effect and sleep.'

There remains one trait obtained by killing the three groups of knights standing guard at the station. I accepted the trait application and laid down on the water.

[Zuzuzuzu (I'll take a break)]

「Yes. great job. "Get some sleep. I'll wake you up when something happens."

[Zuzuzu (Thank you)]

I asked No. 26 to take care of the rest and fell asleep soundly in the polluted water.