[T/N: This translator is asking for powerstones guys, it's already Ch.83, this deserves at least one powerstone from each of you if you have read this far, doesn't it?]

Ep. 83

"Hey. "It's patrol time."

"Has it happened already?"

"Take care of yourself."

The three Wolfs who were in the security office on the 7th floor of the Monument went outside together.

"What was the route today?"

"It's always the same."

"ah. I don't want to go to the VIP room. "There's a strange smell coming from there."

"What smell? "I didn't smell anything."

Wolf, the dog-headed man, shook his head as if he was disgusted.

"It smells like a sick and dying person. You heard it too. "I hear coughing every night."

"Oh no way. "People who eat all kinds of precious food must be sick."

"Now that I think about it, the defense fleet is in a bad mood these days, isn't it?"

When Wolf the cat waved his hand asking if that could possibly be the case, Wolf, the woman with the cheetah head, retorted.

"Defense fleet? "Why are you there again?"

"There are many soldiers who suddenly become weak and go to the hospital. Among the officers, the majority took leave due to illness."

"Even an officer? "Is it because I ate something?"

"A friend I know went to the hospital and they said they didn't know the reason. Anyway, because of that, the defense fleet is currently having a manpower problem."

"Fuck manpower and nonsense. "It would be nice to work less overtime here."

"I know. "I haven't even been to the entertainment district so much that my balls feel like they're going to explode."

"You crazy bastard."

They patrolled and chewed the upper part of the monument diligently.

As I was swearing so hard that the most fun thing in the world is talking about other people's backs, I was already nearing the end of my patrol route.

"Now the remaining areas are the 3rd and 4th floors, right?"


The 3rd and 4th floors are the floors where the food material storage and storage areas are located, respectively. The two facilities occupy the entire floor and are not accessible to the general public.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but I'm going to go to the bathroom."

"Drink some coffee."

"okay. "We'll go around by ourselves."

While Wolf the dog ran to the bathroom, Wolf the cat and Wolf the cheetah took the elevator and went down to the fourth floor.

When I arrived at the 4th floor and was about to go to the storage room, there was a woman standing there.

Hanging on her chest was the 3rd Central Management Office Master Card.

"uh? You're that Anna from the management office, right? "Why did you come here?"

"hello. The flashlight is broken. "I came to replace it, but I couldn't get in with my card…"

Anna said in a troubled tone.

"For that part, you need to contact the equipment management team, submit a written explanation, and replace it."

"I guess so, right?"

Anna nodded in agreement, but showed no sign of moving.

Cheetah Wolff, who realized what she wanted, was about to say something, but Cat Wolff intervened between them.

"Hey, wait a minute. Anna, if you do that, you'll have to wait a long time and it's annoying, so I'll just help you."

"How do you patrol?"

"You have to check inside anyway. "I will help Anna and go right away, so you can go to the third floor."

"Oh, you really…"

Cheetah Wolf shook his head as he watched his colleague's actions.

There was no use in trying to stop her anyway, so she closed her mouth as if telling him to do as he pleased.

Cat Wolf got off the elevator with a bright smile.

"thank you."

"Oh no. "Shall we go then?"

Wolf the cat, who left his colleagues alone, walked down the hallway with Anna.

There were not many doors on the 3rd and 4th floors because two facilities each occupied the entire space.

At most, there is only an entrance to a storage area and a door leading to an emergency staircase.

"How is the management office over there these days?"

"Well, it's always the same."

"Yes? The security team here is really having a hard time because the higher-ups are so organized. "I'm being picky in case someone says it's a cult… Ah, you're not saying anything about Anna, are you?"

"ah. yes."

Even while we were walking together, Wolf the cat's mouth did not rest.

Anna's expression was bloodless and pale from the first time he saw her, but he thought it was because she was upset because the flashlight was broken.

"Then I'll open it for you."

Arriving in front of the storage unit, Wolf used the security team card to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, Wolf the cat stopped on the spot without going in. His pointed ears perked toward the inside of the storage room.


"Why are you doing this?"

"Uh, I think I hear something…"

The sound is coming from inside the storage room, where no one is supposed to be there.

It resembled the sound of insects chirping, and was so small that you could easily miss it unless you paid close attention and listened.

Nevertheless, the reason Wolf the cat recognized the sound was because it was a discordant sound serious enough to scratch his nerves.

However, unlike Wolf, who had developed hearing, Anna did not seem to sense anything abnormal.

She entered the storage room first, as if nothing had happened.

"I can't hear anything."

"is it? "I guess it's my imagination."

Wolf the cat shook his head and stopped paying attention to the noise.

He followed Anna into the storage room.

The inside of the storage room was very spacious.

The storage room was filled with numerous metal drawers and metal shelves so high that they reached the ceiling.

"What's wrong with the fire?"

Originally, the small lights on the ceiling should have turned on automatically.

But now there were far more lights off than lights on, and some of them were blinking frantically.

'It's fucking creepy.'

Is it because of the strange noise? Or is it because of the ominously blinking lights?

He felt the shaggy hairs covering his body stand up.

"Mr. Anna?"

Perhaps because of the darkness, Anna, who entered first, was not visible.

He turned on the flashlight and carefully walked between the metal shelves.

The unique smell of slightly rusted metal mixed with the smells of various stored items gave off a musty smell.

"Where are you, Anna?"


Perhaps it was true that the flashlight was broken, but she didn't turn it on.

'I can't see very well, but he managed to walk in.'

He followed the voice and went deeper inside.

With each step he took, the strange noise in his ears grew louder.

'Where on earth is it coming from?'

I couldn't tell where the sound was coming from as it echoed through the metal shelves.

One thing was clear: the closer I got to Anna, the louder the unpleasant noise became.

And finally he found Anna.

"Mr. Anna? You were surprised. "Why don't you answer?"

She was turning inside the shelves toward the wall.

Even when he spoke to her, she didn't move as if she were nailed in place.

"Mr. Anna?"


Only then did he feel that Anna was strange.

This was because her body, which had a delicate physique unique to the cult, was trembling.

As Wolf the cat approached her, the light from the flashlight suddenly cut off and went out.

"Why is this happening again?"

In the pitch-black darkness, he hit the outside of the flashlight with his hand several times.

"Oh, that's it."

At that moment, light returned to the flashlight.

At the same time, the annoying noise in his ears disappeared.

Before he knew it, Anna had turned and was looking at him.

Or, to be more precise, her eyes were looking over his shoulder.

By the time I realized that fact, it was already too late.

The moment his head turned, "it" that was hanging upside down from the ceiling attacked him.

"Why don't they come here?"

"Wouldn't it be like sleeping somewhere else?"

"Haha really."

Cult Kenneth, who was in the security team's office, frowned at his subordinate's words.

"Anyway, I'm going to get away."

He picked up the communicator to say a word to his fiddling subordinates.

A beeping sound was heard and soon a subordinate received the call.

"Hey, where are you? Are you still not here?"

「Tsutsu ji, something big is happening now, Tsutsu.」

"What? I can not hear well."

"Wet Tsutsu Attack Tsutsutsu Mouth Tsutsu"

Kenneth's face hardened.

It was difficult to understand properly due to poor communication, but I could clearly understand one word.


"Where are you? "I'll come down right now!"

「Literate tsutsutsutsutsu」

"Hey! shit! Everyone, grab your weapons!"

"Why are you doing that?"

"There is an intruder in the food storage area!"

At Kenneth's shout, the six Wolfs remaining in the office all tensed.

There are many VIPs staying at the Monument for important work. If an intruder occurs at a time like this, it would be a major accident.

While his subordinates were equipping the weapons stored in the office, Kenneth contacted the higher authority, the First Central Management Office.

"Why aren't you listening to me again? "Hey, does anyone have a communicator?"

When the communication device that had been working well until now stopped working, Kenneth received the communication device from his subordinate.

The moment I was about to call again, the office power went out.

Next, the emergency power was turned on and a red light flashed throughout the office.

"…It seems like there is definitely an emergency. "Everyone, get ready."

The Wolfs nodded at Kenneth's words.

They all wore plasma pistols on their waists and bracelets with small psychic shields on their wrists.

Meanwhile, Kenneth activated his psychic power technology.

The name of the psychic power technique is Body Strengthening.

This is an ability that greatly enhances the combat power of allies.

Kenneth, who gave each of his subordinates physical strength training, took the motion detectors provided in the office.

"Beep beep beep…"

When I turned on the motion detector, the movements of the Wolfs in the office and the guests in the rooms on the upper and lower floors were displayed.

Kenneth adjusted the motion detector so that it only detects other movements, excluding those of his colleagues.

"let's go."

Kenneth stood up while listening to the subtle signals every time the guests moved.

After leaving the office, they passed through the hallway and took the elevator.

Wolf in the middle activated his psychic shield, and the others pressed themselves against the side of the elevator door.

We arrived at the third floor and the door opened, but there was no one in the hallway.

The electricity had gone out here too, so the hallway was filled with darkness.

Wolf and Kenneth turned on the small lantern attached to the plasma pistol.

Numerous thin lights created shadows in the hallway immersed in the abyss.

"I smell a faint smell of blood from across the hallway."

"…also. "Everyone be careful."

They passed through the emergency staircase door in the hallway and stood in front of the food storage area.


As someone said, movement was detected inside the food storage area.

When Kenneth gestured, Wolffs holding psychic shields stood in front of the door, while other Wolffs stood behind them with plasma pistols ready to fire at any time.

While everyone was tense, Kenneth put his security team card on the terminal next to the door.

As soon as the door opened, a bundle of jet black fur came out from inside.

"Please save me!"

"Hey…wait a minute! Stop shooting! "It's an ally!"

He was a dog-headed Wolff.

After confirming that they were colleagues, Wolff lowered the muzzle of his pistol following Kenneth's orders.

"Hee hee hee hee we have to run away quickly!"

Dog-headed Wolff was completely unaware that he had just almost died.

His shaggy fur was drenched in sweat, and his always cheerful face was filled with fear.

Kenneth calmed him down as he was half out of his mind.

"Take it easy. "What on earth happened?"

"Well, I was angry and urgent to go to the bathroom, so I stayed away for a moment, but when I came down…"

"Try to talk calmly. "What about other colleagues?"

"When we came down to the Bo depot, the inside was completely covered in blood. "No guy was eating his fellow Taoists."

"You ate it?"

Kenneth felt strange at those words.

This is because before coming down here, I spoke on the phone with Wolf, a cheetah-headed woman who is a colleague of Wolf with the dog head.

If dog-headed Wolff's words are true, he was talking on the phone with a dead subordinate.

"No way. "I even communicated before coming down."

at that time.


The motion detector he had rang.

And right behind them there was a sound of a door opening.

Door leading to the emergency stairs.

Grasping the door handle were purple fingernails.

'9 wolffs with this.'

I bit off the dog's head that I was holding in my hand.

It had a bit of a fishy smell, but it didn't feel particularly unpleasant.

It feels like eating ribs at a lamb restaurant.

It smells a bit, but it has a taste that somehow makes you addicted.

After thoroughly brushing off the remaining hair and sucking on my fingers, I looked down at the newly captured cultist.


He was hit by a thorn hair and his entire body was paralyzed.

His handsome face was stained with tears and snot.

'Still, you're handsome.'

Would you say that they are a race filled with only handsome men and women?

I don't know if it will be any consolation to him, but he is not the only cult member here.

There were also cult members who worked in the central management office and became my slaves.

Because I called them together.

「" Gar, · · · · · · · Won · Lee · · ·

"uh? Wait…Kek!"

In other management offices, there is currently only one person left under my control, or two including the new personnel.

'If someone leaves a place like that without saying a word, they will immediately investigate from above.'

As seen in Anna's case, except for the first and second central management offices, the rest are operated by at least two to three people.

In that case, there will be no major problems even if the number of people in the 4th Central Management Office is reduced to two.

Of course, if you leave the company without saying anything, your superiors will think it's strange, but compared to other places, they'll pay less attention.

'Besides, there is no need to go to the area covered by the 4th Central Management Office in the future.'

In other words, I don't need the cult of the 4th Central Management Office.

Without hesitation, I grabbed his neck and broke it.

The tongue stuck out and a black threadworm escaped from the dead cultist's nostrils.

'Do you know where to go?'

Without hesitation, the parasite crawled straight to the face of the fallen security team member.

He looked at the other cultists with eyes pleading for help. At least there was nothing his compatriots could do.

While the cults turned their heads, the parasite found a new home.

I brought my face closer to the fallen security team member.


My face is reflected in his eyes.

As he was shaking with fear, I explained to him what he had to do next.

How much more Wolff should I give, how should I clean up after it, etc.

By the time he was paralyzed, his owner was no longer the city's general manager.

Now he serves his new master, Aimov.



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