Ep. 130

'Then where should we start?'

There are endless ways to hunt survivors at the research base. You can kill them by destroying the outer walls of the base and disrupting the internal pressure, or you can kill them by destroying the underwater elevator, which causes them to die slowly.

The first method is not bad, but it has a problem. If you make a mistake and the base collapses, No. 26 could get hurt.

'I have to eat anyway, so I'll have to go the traditional way.'

They track down the surviving members, harass them, and then kill them. This is the way it has been done so far.

'Before that, let's block the escape route first.'

After deciding how to cook the researchers, I moved with No. 26.

The area we are in does not have an elevator or passageway. To get to the central area where the underwater elevator and submersible are located, you must cross over to another area.

'We must destroy the underwater elevator and submersible before the survivors arrive.'

If they are destroyed, this base will not be a place to save humans, but will become a prison that confines them.

'I don't know if it's Fishrian, but humans haven't really modified it.'

With no way out, humans are left with only two options.

Either get caught in my hands and die, or take your own life.

Even if they are lucky enough to escape the base on another submarine, there is no future for them.

Fishrian Village, which is in cooperation with the humans at the base, is being attacked by Heavenly Mother and Adhai. A Griffon who has reached a high level of deification can easily clear a village of that size.

Plus, she's a ranker. He must have had more or less experience fighting Fishrian.

'Because when I fight with sea monsters, I get sick of it.'

Semi-boss marine creatures such as Sea Demon and Pale Mask have very good rewards, so high-ranking players often go to catch them. If you are a Heavenly Mother who has also served as a clan leader, you will have quite a bit of experience dealing with Fishrian.

'I had a hard time preparing the strategy alone.'

Marine bosses have many useful characteristics, so if you are an Amorph, you must catch them.

So, when other players had almost captured everything, I used a method of attacking from behind and taking out both of them.

It was a choice I had no choice since I had to catch a creature by myself that other people worked together to catch, but I got a lot of criticism for it.

Anyway, next to me is one of the scary raid bosses who uses disgusting fishmen as his henchmen. While continuously sending out chatty waves.

"Big baby. Big baby. Did you meet the little baby?」

[Zuzuz, zuzu, zuzuzu, zuzuzuzu (of course. Thanks to you, I was able to come here)]

「The little baby was hurt a lot, are you okay?」

[Zuuuu zu, zuzuzuzu, zuzu, zuzuzu (Adhai is I treated you. You're okay now)]

「Treatment? What is treatment? 」

[Zuzu zuzuzu zuzuzu (meaning that the pain has been cured)]

「Wow, that's amazing! "The big baby is cool!"

Number 26 was chattering non-stop from earlier, probably because he was happy to see me after a long time. I also don't find the conversation with him particularly burdensome or unpleasant, so I'm continuing to accept it.

「Humans who treat little babies poorly are bad.」

[Zuzu (yes)]

「Many of my compatriots died because of ugly humans.」

[Zuzu (huh?)]

「I tried to help my strongest friend before he died, but the humans caught me. That's why I couldn't help you."

What Issue 26 said next was unexpected.

"My friend died and my friend's family was in big trouble. "A bad boy comes and treats me badly!"

No. 26 calls me and Adhai "baby." There is only one person he can call family or compatriot.

'My kind is probably a bubble amoeba.'

If the bubble amoeba is strong, it will be there, so the strongest friend is probably the Sea Demon.

'Mr. Demon is dead?'

When limited to this planet, there are not many beings who can hunt the Sea Demon.

'Could it be Muriel?'

I thought that for a moment, but I guess that wasn't true. If you listen to what No. 26 said, it seems like the Sea Demon died after we came to this planet.

'That's strange. 'I don't see any weapons powerful enough to kill the Sea Demon.'

Even if there were weapons that I could not detect, it is unlikely that they attacked the Sea Demon. If that were the case, there would be no way the Fishrians would cooperate.

'…no wait.'

Let's change our thinking.

Before Adhai came to me, the beings who had seriously injured him were the human and Fishrian alliance.

Until now I thought the Fishrians served the Sea Daemon.

The humans are taking Sea Demon No. 26 hostage and demanding their cooperation.

No. 26 would have been helpless after being lured to this Black Silver base.

I thought so, but I was wrong.

'I put the first button on wrong.'

There was no way that Fishrian, who considered marine predators sacred, would quietly stand guard while No. 26 was imprisoned. Moreover, it made no sense to pass over No. 26, who was trapped and weakened.

In other words, the Fishrian villages in this archipelago do not serve the Sea Demon.

'Did humans and Fishrians form a cooperative relationship over a common enemy?'

However, questions still remain.

Fishrians are an extremely warlike race. When they see another living creature, their first thought is to sacrifice it.

'How did they attract those guys to their side?'

It is unlikely that he was lured with a weapon or equipment. There is a high possibility that he gave information such as the Sea Demon's weaknesses, but I don't think those ignorant fish would have accepted that alone.

Also, even if humans tell the Fishrians about the Sea Demon's weaknesses, it is impossible for the Fishrians to hunt the Sea Demons. I have no idea how they managed to kill that powerful monster, the Sea Demon, when they had nothing.

'…There is too little information. Let's be careful first.'

What is clear is that, other than the Sea Demon, the sea monsters worshiped by the Fishrians exist somewhere in the deep sea.

'If it's not a Sea Demon, it's most likely a Pale Mask.'

There are also Dread Hydras, which are Sea Demon-class creatures, but they do not leave their territory. This is because the body structure itself makes it difficult to move in water. Dread Hydras only live in the deepest parts of the deep sea, so they have no contact with Fishrians.

On the other hand, Pale Mask is different.

They actively hunt for food not only in the deep sea but also over a wide area. Sometimes they go hunting close to sea level, so they often encounter fishrians.

'If Pale Mask is your enemy, it's actually a relief.'

Pale Mask is a deep-sea predator that is one level below the Sea Demon. Even countries that lack the characteristics related to underwater combat can still fight back.

'And I have number 26.'

In terms of strength itself, Heavenly Mother may still be stronger, but No. 26 has a lot of experience fighting alongside me. If he assists me, I can gain the upper hand even against Pale Mask.

[Zuzuz, zuzuzu, zuzuzu, zuzuzu (Let's find out after the humans scold the child who mistreats his family)]

「Yes. "Good."

When I clear out the humans, I'll have to leave at least one person behind.

After gathering my thoughts, I dived into the dark water with No. 26.

「How much damage do you estimate to the base?」

「Seeing that water is entering area A, it is expected that additional damage occurred in area H. 」

「After checking the elevator area, it is currently operating normally. 」

「Thank goodness. "This is it."

A hallway in Area B.

Twenty researchers were moving through a flooded hallway.

After the big shock, water was constantly pouring into the first situation room, so I couldn't stand it. They had no choice but to abandon the situation room and decided to escape wearing emergency reinforced suits.

The reinforced suits worn by the researchers had a similar appearance to a space suit, but they were designed solely for the user's safety and survival functions, so they were able to survive even in such cold water.

But it is still too early to feel at ease.

Because the most dangerous factor where they are now is not temperature.

"However, the internal pressure has become unstable due to the current influx of large amounts of water. The central area where the elevator is located is still fine, but I don't know how much longer it can hold out."

Areas A and B, which cover the entire base, are already submerged in water. It was no longer possible to command the central computer to drain the water.

'…Damn it!'

Mutant Mr. Demon's fate is unknown, and this precious research base has been flooded.

Ren An, the head of research and the 'captain', knew very well how expensive this research base was and how 'diverse functions' it had.

No matter how great his achievements were, if he messed up like this, he should have been considered very virtuous just to not be disciplined.

"Which area hasn't been flooded yet?"

"Area C and D."

"This is area B, so I think we should go there and take the elevator in the central area."

"It's not a bad idea."

Runan said . While we were furiously racking our brains to calculate profit and loss, the team members finished discussing what to do next.

「What should we do?」


「Team leader?」

Runan, who had been silent even when the team members asked for his opinion, finally opened his mouth.

"…First, move to area C. We will finish replenishing oxygen there and leave immediately."


"And as we go, we will manually close all the shielded doors that are not closed. If you do that, you will be able to buy more time."

Considering profit and loss is only possible if you survive. A huge amount of water is pouring into the base in real time.

Moreover, it wasn't just sea water that chased them.


「Okay. "Let's move again."

While moving through the corridors of Area B, I had to stop at every door that wasn't closed, so time was delayed, but there was nothing I could do.

The monster that caused this situation. It was following them.

Thump thump thump

"Damn it's that sound again."

"…I think we're closer than before."

"Don't be fucking ominous."

As proof of that, I could hear the constant roaring sounds from before. It was a sound that had been heard periodically since it first crashed into the base.

All researchers knew what that sound was.

That was the sound of something colliding with the shielded door.

As one of the team members muttered, the sound was getting closer.



Every time they heard that sound, the researchers felt their hearts tighten. Isn't this what a death row inmate feels like when he climbs the steps of the gallows?

Additionally, there were additional factors that stimulated their anxiety.



「A dead body…」

One of the team members fell backwards after encountering a drowned body floating in the water filling the hallway.

A colleague with whom I had eaten and participated in meetings until yesterday was now a pale-complexioned corpse, floating around.

"You idiot! What are the other guys doing? "Don't help that bastard!"

Due to his subordinate's foolish behavior, Runan almost shot him with the Gauss rifle he was holding in his hand. He could barely contain himself and became irritated and scolded his teammates.

"There are traces of something on the team leader's body…"

One of the team members noticed something strange when looking at the body. I don't know if it was fish from the deep sea, but the corpses had bite marks from something small.

"shut up! There is no time to waste! We have to move quickly!"

"Yes, yes!"

However, Runan, whose mind was already strained to its limit, ignored his teammate's opinion.

'What crime have I committed that I should suffer such misfortune?'

Runan continued to mutter curses to himself.

According to the cultists, those who do not follow providence and commit sins go to hell. Among the types of hell, there is a hell where sinners are tortured in ice water, and the situation he was in was exactly the same.

Is it because I moved around non-stop while the mood suddenly worsened?

The end they hoped for has arrived. One of the team members shouted in a loud voice.

"manager! The remaining distance to area C is 20m! We're almost there!"

"Oh, thank goodness!"

"Wow, I can finally get some rest."

When they thought the high point was not far away, everyone gathered their strength and moved hard. Thanks to the reinforced suits that improved their physical abilities, they were able to step forward with difficulty even under high water pressure.

While wading through the water, one of the team members at the back felt a tickling sensation in his lower back.


I had been feeling itchy legs since I fell earlier, but the intensity was stronger now.

It felt as if something was moving on his back. I thought it was just my back itching, but that thought didn't last long.

"Uh huh? Oh my gosh!"

"Hey? "What's wrong?"

A colleague who was following behind suddenly shouted, and the nineteen researchers who were moving looked back at the same time.

「Oh, something got inside my clothes!」


「Take it out, take it out! Argh! "They're eating my body!"

The researcher screamed and writhed his body.

It would have been an extremely comical scene for someone who didn't know the situation, but no one was laughing at that scene.

"Damn it! Wait a minute!"

"Huh?!" "What is this?"

Two other team members checked the terminal on his wrist. They were immediately frightened when they saw the foreign matter inside the armored suit through the terminal.

This was because several palm-sized creatures were clustered around his waist.

The unidentified creatures were constantly crawling upward even during the confirmation process. By biting into the body of a researcher wearing a reinforced suit.

"Whoa!" After


moment, the blood the researcher vomited soaked his helmet. The inside of the helmet instantly turned red and the teammate's body went limp.

"Now wait a minute? hey? "No way?"

"I'll check the company's status!"

"You idiots! " "Don't open it!"

Ren'an shouted belatedly, but another researcher had already slightly opened his colleague's sagging helmet. Inside, there were five or six black flea-like bugs covered in blood and writhing around.



While the researchers were shocked, they jumped out of the helmet and disappeared somewhere on the other side of the water.

It's a sad story for the survivors here, but this was just a preliminary battle. Immediately after the bugs disappeared into the darkness, a loud roar was heard.

The shielded door they had passed through earlier had been breached.

"Everybody run!"

Run An shouted. The team members who heard the sound started running like crazy as if they had just woken up.

"Huff, gasp, gasp, gasp!"

"Heh, heh!"

While only panting sounds could be heard from the communicator connected inside the armored helmet, "it" was getting closer quickly.



The startled groans of the two people in the back were briefly heard through the communicator. And that was their will.

Communication was cut off with the sound of bones breaking .

Everyone who had their communicator turned on heard the sound.

They ran in silence and arrived in front of the shielded door of Area C.

「Open it quickly!」

「No time!」

「Damn it! hey! You, you, you, three! Go and stop that guy right now!"

"Huh? "Are you fucking crazy?"

"How can we stop that?"

Seeing his team members protesting, Runan aimed the Gauss rifle he was holding at them.

"I will not forget your sacrifice for your colleagues. Go and stop him.」

「Team leader, you fucking bastard!」

「If you shoot him with that weapon…」

「I say this for the last time. "Hurry up and block it."

While Run An sent the researchers as bait, another team member succeeded in opening the shielded door.

When an isolation space similar to an airlock existed in the middle of the area, sixteen people entered. Since the space was not large, it quickly filled up as soon as they entered because they were wearing reinforced suits that resembled space suits.

'I knew this would happen, so I sent three people.'

Runan briefly praised himself for making a skillful decision even in an urgent situation.

The other team members also sighed, as if they were relieved.

But their misfortune is not over yet.

「Team Leader T!」



A team member called Runan and pointed to the door. When Runan saw where his finger was pointing, he held his breath.

Beyond the small tempered glass in the airlock.

The eyes of "it" were there.

Its white eyes moved slowly, looking inside the airlock. It was as if he would remember how many people were inside.

Runan was so shocked by the guy's persistence that he screamed.

"Drain the water quickly! "Drain the water!"


The team member hurriedly operated the airlock terminal. They were able to enter Area C only after the water that had built up in the isolation space was discharged to the outside.

"what? Isn't this a sea of water too?"

"Team leader, what should I do?"


"Damn! He's following me!"

"Everyone, run!"

They ran down the half-submerged corridor of Area C without even taking off their armored suits.


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