Ep. 119


Muriel, who was sitting in the commander's camp within the defensive position, glared at the monitor with a cold gaze.

The biosignal graph, which had been fluctuating violently just a moment ago, was now drawing a straight line without any movement.

What does this mean?

"Boss, there is a large amount of blood left here."

A puddle of blood was visible in the video sent by his subordinates. After testing with a genetic tester, it turned out that all blood was shed by the Mother of Heaven.

If that much blood had been shed and the chip's location could not be detected, one could imagine what would have happened to the Mother of Heaven.

Aimov does not make companions. By now, the Heavenly Mother would be broken into small pieces and swimming in Aimorph's stomach.

"Tch. "It's annoying."

The reason Muriel kept the Mother of Heaven alive was because her like-minded colleague wanted a female Wolff slave.

The Mother of Heaven was the subject of her colleague's exacting tastes. I was planning to send him after giving him some training, but things went wrong.

'That damn bastard!'

If that infamous Morphbak gained its characteristics by eating the Mother of Heaven, it would be a pain in the ass.

She also knows that the probability of Amorph gaining the trait is low.

But you don't know what's going on in the world.

'I don't think I'll lose, but…'

Muriel opened the safe in the camp.

The safe contained an old communication device and a diamond-shaped kit.

Among Muriel's weapons, the one with the most destructive power is the 'Thunder God'.

However, the Raijin is merely a means to give the battle an advantage.

The weapons she 'uses best' are the ones included in this kit.

She placed the communicator in her bosom and sat in front of the computer, carefully holding the kit with both hands.

"Tsk, I guess I'll have to replenish after this fight."

She clicked her tongue but slowly opened the kit as if she were handling a precious item. Inside were various kinds of drugs and small mechanical devices.

Ultra Controller, a drug that greatly improves the precision of Psionium Psychic Power technology, which takes the user's potential to the next level. Nano Spartan Module, which makes the body's skin extremely hard while increasing recovery, etc.

Although they were all powerful, they had serious side effects. If she didn't have a 'different' body from a normal person thanks to a 'perk', she would have thought twice about using it.

After examining the items carefully, she closed the kit and called her subordinate outside.

"Did you call me?"

"Oppa, there will be an attack soon. Gather all the captured slaves in the central square."

"You mean slaves? All right."

All of Wolff's slaves were intended to be used as reinforcing materials for the short spear.

For a moment, she thought it would be a waste to throw away all the toys she had collected, but she shook her head.

Because you can get those consumables again at any time.

Even more than that, the Mother of Heaven, a cruiser that was hard-won, and even precious drugs and reinforcement modules.

The damage Aimov caused to her was by no means small.

'Give up the thought of Morph Park dying gracefully.'

Until now, Muriel has never sent away anyone who harmed her.

Eimov, ranked 5th, will pay his debt with his own blood.

'It's complete.'

After confirming that the tenth nest was calling itself, I released the link.

Cute spores spew out mucus and toxic fog, and the black waves on the floor move forward without stopping.

So far I've been going around Muriel's camp, planting nests in a siege pattern. A total of 10 nests were completed, five on the ground and five underground, and nine of these were already in contact with each other and merged into one.

Within 10 minutes, the tenth nest will join the other nests.

When that happens, my airstrikes against the enemy's nest will begin.

'I have something to check before that.'

I headed to the sixth nest planted through the previously dug tunnel.

The underground world that was previously filled with dirt, stones, tree roots, etc. no longer exists. It was filled with sticky, mucoid malignancies, pustules spewing out disgusting mucus and spores that constantly polluted the air.

I think some people might find it disgusting, but it was a familiar space to me.

As I passed through the long tunnel, I was greeted by the sixth nest I had dug.

Lying on top of the nest was Wolf, who looked like a half-man, half-animal.

She had a body that was a mixture of a lion and a human, with long hair similar to the head and mane of an eagle. The hands and upper body were like that of a woman covered with lion fur, and the lower body was that of a lion, but without a tail.

'Seeing as how close it is to a beast, it seems to be at a high level of deification.'

If she hadn't been seriously injured, it might have been quite a challenge.

She is currently recovering quickly thanks to the symbiotic spore effect, but it will take a few more days for her to fully heal.

I laid down in the middle of the nest and called out to her.

"I'm awake and I am."


I knew that she was awake ever since I entered the nest. Because her heartbeat was different than when she passed out.

Gryphon Wolf quietly opened his eyes.

"That's surprising. "You're not going to kill me?"



"Your body has something to use later."

Just because he didn't kill Gryphon Wolff doesn't mean he will keep her alive in the future.

I crawled closer to her, grabbed the blood on the floor with my finger, and put it in my mouth. The taste was so sweet that I could believe I was putting honey in my body instead of blood.

'It's a pity that I can't eat it right away.'

Having Gryphon Wolf alive is advantageous to me in many ways.

In the short term, she can provide useful information. Starting from the information needed to fight Muriel right now, to information about the player's existence.

You might think that it would be okay to just take out the information needed to battle Muriel and then kill her, but that's not the case.

Even if you capture Muriel and extract information about the player, if there is no one to cross-verify, it is difficult to know whether it is the truth or a lie.

'And Gryphon Wolff hates Muriel.'

From what I can see, Gryphon Wolff's skills are pretty good. If you take her like that and fight Muriel, it will be a good force.

Betrayal is impossible because parasites were planted in her when she fainted. Due to the enhanced infection type, the intensity of the pain inflicted by the parasite has also increased significantly, so if she betrays her, she will die instantly.

Unless I command the parasite to retrieve her, there are limited ways for her to escape from me.

In addition to the short-term advantages, she was also able to use it usefully in the long run.

'Because you can use it later to fulfill the ascension evolution conditions.'

After subadult, the evolution conditions become much more difficult than before. Evolving is not something you can do by eating a few sapients and acquiring a few types.

'Instead, you have to hunt specific creatures or acquire unique characteristics.'

I uploaded the newly updated evolution conditions.

「Some of the evolution conditions from 'sub-adult' to 'adult' have been met.

Apex 0/30 (not achieved)

Unique characteristic possessed 2/10 (not achieved)

Type possessed 4/6 (not achieved) 」

To evolve from a sub-adult to an adult, a rare creature classified as an apex predator, or 'Apex' 30 You must hunt Marie and obtain the 10 unique characteristics they possess.

What is different from before is that the condition is counted simply by successfully hunting without having to eat food. The change occurred because it acquired characteristics that affect the genetic essence absorption mechanism, such as the essence harvester's jaw.

'But it doesn't make it any easier.'

Apex contains very powerful creatures, from powerful psychic creatures like Gallagon to Skywhale and its higher-ranking species, Arcane Orca. All creatures classified as Apex are powerful and extremely rare, making finding them itself a difficult task.

'The reason I signed a contract with Aadhai was because it was necessary to pass the semi-adult stage.'

Gallagon is classified as a representative Apex. If you go to the dragon's nest with Adhai's guidance, you will be able to fulfill the evolution conditions without difficulty.

'There are other ways to actively utilize the transcendental system, but…'

Currently, I have two unique characteristics. These are all characteristics obtained through the transcendence system.

You may think that there is no need to obtain Apex because there is a transcendence system, but there is a problem with that.

'Not knowing the effect of the trait and being prohibited from using other traits.'

These two are big drawbacks of the transcendental system.

The only characteristic gained through the transcendence system is a completely new characteristic that did not exist in the game.

As a result, it is difficult to determine whether this will be useful to me right away, and I cannot know what kind of restrictions will be imposed until I acquire the characteristics.

'Both Apex hunting and transcendence systems should be utilized appropriately.'

In any case, keeping Gryphon Wolf alive is in the same context as signing a contract with Aadhai.

When ascending from the Eucharist to Ascension, conditions are incomparably more difficult than before. I don't know what will happen next, but at this point, there is a high possibility that her life will be needed.

"Oh, it's still the same."

She seemed to have a vague sense of why I didn't kill her.

However, he wasn't particularly angry or displeased with me.

'Even if you oppose me, there will be no point.'

Currently, her injuries are serious. And thanks to the symbiont I attached to her body, she is immune to contaminants from the healing nest.

Even without using parasites, she dies just by disarming the symbiote.

Of course, she is a player who knows me well. You probably know how foolish it would be to resist in this situation.

"doesn't care. "If only you keep your promise."

"Mu, Lee, L, will suffer, will suffer, will suffer, will die, will die."

"good. "I, the Mother of Heaven, will follow you."

It is as I expected.

She, who called herself the Mother of Heaven, made a wise choice.

Gryphon Wolf, who was lying down, forced himself to stand up and bowed his head to me.

"…I'll recover as quickly as possible so that I can be of help."

"It doesn't matter." "Need, need, one, large, large, use, cotton, that, only, this, ni."

In fact, the reason she can't get up isn't just because of the damage Muriel inflicted.

'It's half my fault, but there's no need to say it.'

When I decided not to kill her, I removed the vital signal from the back of her head with my ghost claws.

I made some mistakes in the process.

Removing the chip with only ghost claws without the dexterity trait was not easy, and as a result, a huge amount of bleeding and aftereffects were bound to be left behind.

'Well, if you're Griffon Wolf, you'll get better soon.'

A normal Wolf would have died the moment I removed the chip, but not her.

The 'deification' level is quite high, so even when not transformed, it has inherited the abilities and appearance it had when in Gryphon mode.

In addition to the Gryphon's recovery, she is also receiving the healing effect of the symbiotic spores, so she will be recovered enough to move when I hit Muriel.

Rather, there is something I need right now.

"Mu·ri·el·medi·medicine·divination. Say something."

Until the nest is completed, you must know as much as possible about Muriel's equipment, her strengths, weaknesses, and habits during battle.

Because you can find out who the Mother of Heaven is and the information about the players after clearing up Muriel.

Even though it was the middle of the night, the inside of the defense position and the surrounding forest were as bright as day.

The large electric lights on the tall watch tower did not stop monitoring the walls surrounding the camp and the rest, and inside the camp, hundreds of pirates were keeping their eyes wide open, preparing for an enemy attack.

The pirate's appearance, not paying attention at all, could be considered a soldier. The reason they were so obsessed with security was because of their leader, Muriel.

She stabbed the Wolf slaves gathered in the square one by one with a javelin to death.

It's like slaughtering an animal.

The pirates of the Humanity Cartel knew very well what they would face if they looked down on their leader who was crazy with rage. So, of course, discipline has to be maintained properly.

In addition, the fact that all contact with the pirates who had gone out to search earlier had been cut off also made the pirates guarding the fortress even more nervous.

「No problem with watchtower 1.」

「No problem with watchtower 2.」

「Watchtower 3 suddenly foggy.」

"You can see fog here in watchtower 4, just like in watchtower 3."

"Watch tower number 5 fog? It wasn't raining, so why suddenly… Oh, I can see it from this side too."

While ominous radio signals were coming and going from the watchtower, three pirates were moving Wolff's corpse lying around the square to the warehouse.

"It looks like the boss is really upset?"

"Mr. Ha, I hope you get through tonight safely."

"Hey, I have a magical talisman. Do you want to buy it?"

When about half of the bodies had been moved, a thick fog settled over the defensive position.

It is not particularly unusual for fog to form at night in a hot and humid jungle, but it is rare for such thick fog to form even when there is no rain.

Plus, the fog had a bad smell. The smell was a familiar one that everyone who worked as a space dog knew.

It was the smell of death. A smell that only crows that prey on rotting corpses would enjoy.


"Kek, why the smell of a rotting corpse…?"

"Wow, let's take care of it quickly and let's go."

The pirates who were removing the body hurried to the warehouse, nauseated.

When they arrived at the warehouse, they dumped the bodies on the cart into the corner. Dozens of Wolff's bodies were already piled up there like a pyramid. The dirt floor of the warehouse was soaked with blood and pieces of internal organs that had flowed from the corpses.

The bodies piled up there all had their eyes wide open. As if you will not forget your sins even if you die.

One pirate was disgusted by the creepy sight.

"It's one of the three most fucking sights I've ever seen."

"Why don't you stop talking nonsense and help me?"

"Tsk, okay. "Tsk!"

The pirate who spat tried to help his colleagues move the protruding bodies to another place.


He certainly would have if he hadn't seen the corpse squirm before he looked away.

"What just happened?"

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the body again.

As if to prove that he was not mistaken, among the piled up corpses, those touching the floor were being 'absorbed' into the pitch-black dirt.

He tried to report this bizarre phenomenon to his colleagues.

The moment he was about to open his mouth, a long, huge hand emerged from the ground. He couldn't even scream and was dragged into the ground.

"hey! Help me…huh? "Where did he go?"

"Huh? "Were you there a while ago?"

There was a light hanging from the ceiling of the warehouse, so it wasn't that dark inside. My colleague had disappeared in such a bright place.

"You bastard! "Don't play around!"

"Is this even a joke? Come out quickly!"

Did their colleagues hear what they were shouting? The pile of corpses began to collapse.

The pirates expected it to be a prank by their comrade, but it was not their comrade who rose from among the corpses.

It was a snake with six sharp appendages.

The snake bit off the pirate's head with the speed of a bullet.

Blood gushed like a fountain from the throat of the pirate whose head disappeared in an instant.


The pirate next to him came to his senses only after receiving his comrade's blood. Only then did he realize that two of his colleagues had been murdered in the warehouse.


He screamed and fell backwards. Thanks to his fall, he narrowly escaped the attack of the snake that killed his colleague.

He was scared when he saw the snake stuck between his legs and crawled out of the warehouse.

As soon as he went outside, he blew loudly on the whistle around his neck. A sound like the cry of a bird of prey soaring through the sky echoed throughout the defensive position.

"It's an enemy attack!"

"where are you?"

"It's a warehouse!"

The voices of pirates shouting could be heard from all over the camp, and the pirate who blew the whistle somehow got up and tried to run away.

Then a roar was heard from behind him. It was clearly the sound of the steel bars supporting the building and the roof being smashed.

As he ran, he saw fragments of the warehouse building flying into the sky.

And as he was running away, an object as thick and long as a redwood fell on his head.


He couldn't even scream and was crushed to death by a huge object. That's why he couldn't figure out until the end that the huge object was the 'tail' of some kind of creature.


The 'thing' that struck a pirate with its tail and reduced it to a blood clot roared loudly.

As if they were going to start 'night hunting' within this fortress from now on.


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