Ch 24: Jealousy is a hard mistress

"Now remember, Lisa. It would be best if you smiled when someone speaks to you. And when the boss asks you how your day went, you need to tell him it went well, all thanks to me.

Treat me well, and we can have an amicable mother-daughter relationship with each other."

Clara patted Lisa's shoulder, but Lisa felt as if her shoulder was burning. She looked up, only to notice her mother looking down at her and Clara with a burning look of jealousy in her eyes.

She was not alone. The boss was with her, his arm around her shoulder. But his eyes were fixed on Clara.

Clara knew that but did not turn around to look at the boss.

For a girl who claimed to need Lisa's help securing her man, she knew something about keeping others pinning for her attention.

Lisa was finally left alone at the front door as Clara entered. Lisa immediately let out a sigh of relief she had been burying behind her mask.