Spiritual Eye?

As her name was called, Sasha strode confidently to the front, her slender figure commanding attention from the crowd. As the most beloved school beauty, she was accustomed to being the center of attention, and the whispers and gazes that followed her every move were nothing new.

But what did catch her off guard was Anos's sudden outburst. "Sasha, you can do it! Anos's woman can't lose!" he shouted, his voice booming across the crowded room, his words dripping with possessiveness.

Sasha's face flushed with anger and embarrassment as she gritted her teeth, her mind racing with curses. "Bastard!" she seethed inwardly, her eyes flashing with annoyance. How dare Anos claim her like that, in front of everyone!

The crowd around them erupted into a chorus of gasps and whispers, their eyes fixed on the unfolding drama. "Fuck! This person is Anos? Is he not afraid of Sasha's pursuers? Or is he not afraid of John?" someone muttered, awestruck by Anos's audacity.

"Unbelievable! That bastard is completely insane! He actually had the audacity to claim Sasha as his woman in front of everyone! I could only dream of thinking such a thing in my heart," someone whispered, shocked by Anos's bold declaration.

"Just wait and see. Let's observe how crazy he gets today. When John returns, we'll witness his downfall!" another voice chimed in, eager to see Anos's demise.

Meanwhile, Anos remained oblivious to the murmurs surrounding him, his focus solely on the excitement coursing through his veins. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he received a notification:

"'Ding... Successfully teased Sasha. Scumbag points + 10000. Mission completed. Obtained the reward [Spirit Eye]. Obtained additional scumbag points: 100000. Sasha randomly obtained 10% skin whitening. Are you sure you want to use it on Sasha.

"Ah, why not? Since she's my girlfriend in the future, it's all good. Whitening, activate!" Anos thought with a sly smile, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

As soon as he confirmed the action, his eyes felt invigorated, and the system sound echoed in his mind:

"'Ding... You have obtained the martial skill [Spirit Eye].'"

Anos's heart raced with anticipation as he viewed the details of his new skill:

"[Spirit Eye]: Unknown Grade Martial Skill. Owner: Anos. Effect: Each use consumes 10 Spiritual Energy. Able to see the attributes of a unit that is not higher than the user's level by 5."

With his new skill, Anos felt an surge of power and possibilities. He couldn't wait to test the limits of his [Spirit Eye] and uncover the secrets it held.

Anos's eyes widened in astonishment as he grasped the true potential of the Spirit Eye. Although it wasn't an offensive martial skill, its capabilities were unparalleled. With the Spirit Eye, he could uncover the hidden attributes of any person or demonic beast whose level was equal to or below his own martial skill.

This was a game-changer. In the world of martial arts, the God's Blessing System was a closely guarded secret, known only to the individual. The exact number of attributes was a mystery, hidden from prying eyes. Normally, one's level remained a secret until they released their spiritual energy, and even then, only the level was discernible, not the underlying attributes.

Anos's mind raced with the implications. The Spirit Eye would grant him unparalleled insight, allowing him to assess his opponents and allies with uncanny precision. He could uncover hidden strengths and weaknesses, gaining a strategic advantage in the world of martial arts.

The Spirit Eye's capabilities were nothing short of astonishing. Not only could it discern a person's level, but it could also reveal their attributes in vivid detail. This was an unprecedented level of insight, bordering on a bug-like ability. As long as Anos's level remained within five levels of his opponent, he would possess unparalleled knowledge of their strengths, weaknesses, and remaining spiritual energy.

With bated breath, Anos activated his Spirit Eye, focusing its gaze on Mia. The results were instantaneous:

Mia Grandsley: Realm: Qi Building five stars, Attribute: Wood, Strength: 31, Vitality: 29, Agility: 20, Spirit: 33, Spiritual Energy: 130

Anos's eyes devoured the information, his mind racing with the implications. He now knew Mia's every secret, from her attribute affinity to her remaining spiritual energy. This knowledge would grant him a decisive advantage in any encounter, allowing him to tailor his strategy to exploit her weaknesses and capitalize on her strengths.

Anos's eyes widened in disbelief as he gazed at the detailed attributes of Lu Yufan, his mind reeling with the sheer power of the Spirit Eye. "Fuck! This is insane!" he thought, his inner monologue laced with excitement and awe. Even Mia's Wood attribute was laid bare before him, a level of insight that bordered on the absurd.

"Invincible, invincible!" Anos exclaimed inwardly, his confidence soaring. He wouldn't trade the Spirit Eye for any offensive martial skill book, no matter how powerful. With this ability, he could instantly assess his opponents, comparing their attributes to his own and predicting the outcome of any battle with uncanny accuracy.

Just then, Mia noticed Anos's intense gaze and retreated, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "P-Pervert! Why are you staring at me like that!" she stammered, her voice laced with indignation as she hugged her chest protectively.

Anos's smirk returned, and he taunted, "If you want to flee, then flee. No need to cling to your chest, I don't have any ulterior motives." His words dripped with sarcasm, intentionally fueling Mia's embarrassment.

Mia's face flushed crimson as she struggled to respond, her indignation palpable.

The system's notification echoed in Anos's mind, acknowledging his successful ridicule: "'Ding... Successfully ridiculed Mia. Scumbag points + 10000. Mission progress: 50%.'"

Mia's anger reached a boiling point, and she shouted, "Ah ah ah! Anos! I'll confront you!" As she charged towards him, Anos took off in a sprint, the two engaging in a comical game of cat and mouse.

Meanwhile, Sasha observed the chaos with a mixture of confusion and amusement, still focused on assessing the spiritual energy before her.

The system's notification sounded again, recognizing Anos's scumbag behavior: "'Ding... Host has angered Little Miss. This is considered a scumbag behavior. Scumbag points + 30000.'" Anos's reputation as a master troublemaker solidified, his scumbag points skyrocketing as he continued to provoke Mia.

Anos's eyes widened in astonishment, "Fuck! This system is incredibly intelligent! Awesome!" He exclaimed, impressed by the system's capabilities.

As he ran, Anos taunted Mia, "Don't run! I'll kill you! Lady, lady, I want a lady!" His words were laced with playful sarcasm, further fueling mia's anger.

Sofia watched the chaos unfold, a hint of exasperation on her face. "Not again..." she thought, shaking her head. Anos had a talent for pushing mia's buttons, and it seemed he had done it once more.

Just then, the male teacher intervened, his voice stern and authoritative, "What are you two doing! Pay attention to discipline, or you'll fail the test!" His words echoed through the room, a stark reminder of the consequences of their actions.

Anos and Mia halted simultaneously, before Anos raised his hand and declared loudly, "Teacher, she's been chasing me! I rejected her, but she won't give up!" His words were laced with feigned innocence, designed to provoke Mia further.

The room fell silent, with all eyes on the commotion.

The system notification sounded in Anos's mind, acknowledging his successful flirtation: "'Ding... Successfully flirted with Mia. Scumbag points + 10000. Mission progress: 60%.'"

Mia's face reddened with rage as she gritted her teeth, "Bastard! If you didn't tease me, I wouldn't chase you!" Her anger was palpable.

Anos adopted a serious expression, his tone dripping with sarcasm, "You wouldn't chase me? Then who was pursuing me just now? Girls must learn to restrain themselves. I know I'm incredibly handsome, and it's natural for you to be smitten, but please, for your own sake, be reserved, reserved!"

The system notification sounded again, recognizing Anos's continued flirtation: "'Ding... Successfully flirted with Mia. Scumbag points + 10000. Mission progress: 70%.'" Anos's scumbag points continued to accumulate as he expertly toyed with Mia's emotions.

"Wuwuwu... I'm so wronged," Mia pouted, her expression indicating that she would deliberately ignore Anos from now on, lest she invite more trouble.

The teacher's voice cut through the air, "Hurry up and stand there!" Anos obediently took his place at the side of the crowd, while Mia made a point to stand far away from him.

On the other side, Sasha had completed her assessment. "Qi Building Stage 5 stars, water attribute, spiritual power 5% higher than the standard. Not bad! Add 10 points," Sofia announced, beaming with satisfaction.

Sasha's face lit up with joy, "Yay!" as she celebrated her score.

Anos couldn't resist shouting, "Did you see that! My woman not only won't lose, she's also incredibly strong! Sasha, you're the best!" His words were laced with pride and admiration, causing Mia to roll her eyes in exasperation.

"'Ding... Successfully flirted with Sasha. Scumbag points + 10000.'" The system notification sounded, and Anos couldn't resist smiling. Even though Sasha's mission was complete, he could still earn scumbag points. It would be a waste not to take advantage of the opportunity!

Sasha's good mood suddenly soured as Anos's shout reached her ears. "Bastard!" she muttered under her breath, her eyes flashing with annoyance. She felt an overwhelming urge to kick him, but restrained herself.

The onlookers were perplexed by Anos's audacity in continuously flirting with Sasha. Yet, they were even more surprised by Sasha's relatively mild reaction. She didn't seem to be disgusted by Anos's behavior, which only added to the mystery.

The teacher called out, "Next, Mia!"

Mia strode past Anos, her cute snort and disdainful glance making her feelings clear. Then, she took Sasha's place, while Sasha descended from the stage, her expression still tinged with irritation.

"Anos, can you please restrain yourself? Don't you realize how dangerous it is for you?" Sasha's expression turned serious as she gazed at Anos, her concern evident.

Anos shrugged nonchalantly, his voice laced with confidence, "Isn't it just John? Don't worry, I know you care about me deeply. I'm also aware that, in your heart, I'm your treasure." He paused, his eyes locked on Sasha's, "But you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"'Ding... Successfully flirted with Sasha. Scumbag points + 10000.'" The system notification sounded, and Anos smiled to himself, pleased with his progress.

Sasha, however, was not amused. "I'm not talking to you anymore!" she exclaimed, turning her head to ignore Anos.

The teacher's voice cut through the air, "Next, Mia!"

A green light flashed as Mia's assessment began. "Qi Building Stage 5 stars. Wood attribute. Spiritual energy above standard by 1%. Bonus 5 points."

Mia's face lit up with joy, and she jumped three feet high, her excitement palpable. "Wow!" she exclaimed, thrilled to be above the standard.

As Mia descended back to the ground, she shot Anos a playful glare. "Hmph! Deduct points, deduct points, deduct points until you die!" she teased, making a face at him.

Anos chuckled, unfazed. "Sorry, no matter how many points you deduct, I'll still come out on top," he joked, earning a stunned silence from Mia.
