
"Anos has the crystal, go after him!" "He's jumping so quickly!" "Catch up to him, catch up to him! I've had enough of him for a long time! Let's teach him a lesson now!" "…"

Anos reeled and almost fell over upon hearing the third person's words. Had their resentment towards him grown so strong?

"Sasha, let's join the chase after Anos too! What do you say?" Mia's eyes gleamed with cunning.

"Agreed! Let's give him a good beating when we catch him!" Sasha, a refined lady, was driven to such extremity by Anos that she wanted to physically harm him! It was a testament to Anos's remarkable ability to provoke.

"Go, go, go!"

The instructors, with years of experience, some exceeding ten years, were stunned by this unprecedented spectacle! Initially, everyone's goal was to snatch crystals to earn points. However, when Anos secured one, the crowd's focus shifted to him, and a large number of students who were initially chasing the other four crystals suddenly abandoned their targets and joined the pursuit of Anos. But their true intention was not to snatch the crystals from Anos; rather, they were using it as a pretext to vent their frustrations and beat him up!

"What has this kid done to deserve such universal condemnation? Why is everyone so furious with him?" a male instructor asked Sofia, baffled by the situation. Sofia smiled wryly and said nothing.

What have I done wrong? Anos felt aggrieved! He hadn't done anything out of the ordinary! He had simply flirted with the school belle, so why was everyone so intent on making him pay?

As Anos sprinted towards the second target, he suddenly turned his head to assess the situation, and his eyes widened in astonishment! What's happening? He found himself trapped between a "wolf" - a fierce and agile opponent - in front and a "tiger" - a powerful and relentless pursuer - behind. Yet, despite being surrounded, Anos was only exhibiting the strength of a Qi Building Realm Five Star, his speed barely surpassing that of his adversaries.

However, Anos's advantage lay in his higher realm, which granted him access to advanced techniques and maneuvers. With lightning-fast reflexes, he employed intricate jumps, rapidly changing his trajectory and angle to evade his pursuers. His unpredictable movements made it extremely challenging for those chasing him to keep up, their faces contorted in frustration as they struggled to match Anos's agility and cunning.

"Give it to me!" Anos exclaimed, his speed unwavering despite being chased by the crowd. In fact, the more people that pursued him, the fewer were left to guard the other four targets, making it easier for Anos to close in on them! He sprinted towards the next crystal, his approach unpretentious, and simply pushed it to the ground without any elaborate maneuvers. The crystal then automatically rose into the air and flew into Anos's waiting hand!

Sofia's eyes narrowed as she checked the time, her elegant eyebrows slightly furrowed in concern. Anos was moving at an incredible pace, having already secured two crystals in a remarkably short period. Despite being chased by a large group, he showed no signs of slowing down, his speed and agility seemingly unfazed by the relentless pursuit. This led Sofia to wonder if Anos might actually manage to claim three crystals before the time limit expired, leaving only one remaining. Her concerns were validated just thirty seconds later, as the third crystal fell into Anos's hands with ease, completing his impressive trifecta.

With only sixty seconds left on the clock, the atmosphere electrified, and the crowd's urgency reached a boiling point! "Go! He's carrying three crystals, so whoever takes him down gets all three! Go!" The announcement sparked a frenzied rush, as even the most hesitant pursuers now sprinted forward with wild abandon, desperate to claim the prized crystals. Anos's eyes widened in alarm as he realized he was now the prime target, his voice escaping in a vehement curse, "Damn it!" as he braced himself for the impending onslaught.

As Anos gazed out at the sea of faces surrounding him from all sides, he suddenly realized he was in a precarious predicament! Every individual who had previously obtained three crystals was now converging on him, their eyes fixed greedily on the prized crystals in his possession.

The incentive was too great; by defeating Anos, they would claim all three crystals without hesitation. The crowd's desperation was palpable, their eagerness to claim the crystals hung in the air like a challenge.

"Let's see what you're going to do now!" Sofia sneered, her smile dripping with confidence. Encircled by over a hundred adversaries, escape seemed impossible. The crowd's sheer numbers made it a daunting task, their collective strength suffocating.

Even if Anos had managed to snatch three crystals, wouldn't he ultimately be forced to surrender them? The thought sent a shiver down his spine as he frantically scanned his surroundings, searching for a glimmer of hope in the midst of the encroaching horde.

However, what happened next left Sofia utterly astonished. Anos, seemingly unfazed by the overwhelming odds, chose not to flee. Instead, he stood resolute on the highest stone slab, his eyes flashing with determination as he awaited the impending onslaught.

The crowd, fueled by desperation and greed, launched themselves at Anos from all directions. The air was filled with the sound of grunting and snarling as they attacked, their movements a blur of frenzied energy.

Anos responded with a dazzling display of martial prowess, his fists and legs moving in perfect harmony as he struck down his attackers with precision and power. One by one, he kicked his airborne assailants, sending them crashing to the ground with a rhythmic "bang, bang, bang." The sound echoed through the air, a testament to Anos's unyielding resolve.

The crowd's aerial assault proved futile, as they became helpless targets, unable to move or defend themselves once airborne. Anos's strikes not only blocked their attacks but also imbued them with his formidable strength, sending them flying across the ground like ragdolls. The sheer force of his blows left them reeling, their bodies crumpling upon impact.

Nearby, Sasha and Mia stood frozen in awe, their eyes fixed on the chaotic scene unfolding before them. The air was electric with tension as they watched Anos take down his attackers with precision and skill.

"A-are we still going?" Mia stammered, her voice trembling as she turned to Sasha. Her eyes were wide with fear, her face pale as she gazed at the mayhem.

Sasha shook her head, her eyes equally wide with alarm. "I'm not going..." she whispered, her voice barely audible over the din of clashing bodies.

Just then, Sofia's voice pierced the air, her words laced with urgency. "There are only twenty seconds left!" she shouted, her eyes fixed intently on Anos.

Anos's heart skipped a beat as he heard the warning, but he didn't falter. With unwavering determination, he continued to exchange blows with his attackers, his punches and kicks flowing seamlessly. The clock was ticking down, the seconds slipping away with alarming speed. Twenty seconds, just twenty seconds left! The pressure mounted, the tension palpable as Anos fought on, refusing to yield.


Sofia watched in awe as Anos, unlike any other contestant, chose to stand his ground instead of fleeing with the crystal stone. The air was electric with tension as he took down his attackers with precision and skill, his movements a blur of speed and power. One by one, the students who had rushed towards him were beaten down, their attempts futile against his impressive martial skills.

The scene was so intense that many onlookers dared not approach, mesmerized by the display. They stood frozen, their eyes fixed on Anos as he fought on, his determination and strength inspiring a mix of fear and admiration.

"Five seconds left!" Anos finally breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he had secured his victory. But, in an instant, an invisible force surged forward, striking him with immense power and sending him crashing to the ground! The crowd gasped in shock, unable to react to the sudden turn of events. The sound of Anos's body hitting the ground echoed through the air, a stark contrast to the silence that followed.

Anos was stunned, his mind racing - what just happened? Someone had deliberately released spiritual energy to knock him down, a clear violation of the rules! He struggled to his feet, his eyes scanning the crowd for answers.

As he locked onto Sofia, he noticed her gaze guiltily evasive, her eyes darting away from his. Anos's eyes narrowed - it was her! She was the one who had used her last bit of spiritual energy to sabotage him! A surge of anger and disbelief coursed through his veins as he realized the truth.

Sofia's voice cut through the tension, her words dripping with nonchalance. "What a pity, just one second shy!" She declared, as if the dramatic turn of events had been nothing out of the ordinary. "Now, let's tally up the scores. Everyone, take a break."

Anos's eyes narrowed, his anger towards Sofia simmering just below the surface. He felt an overwhelming urge to confront her, to make her acknowledge her sabotage. His hands clenched into fists, his jaw set in determination.

"Miss Sofia, I object!" Anos exclaimed, his voice firm and resolute. The room fell silent, all eyes on him.

"Object to what?" Sofia asked, her tone innocent, as if she had no idea what Anos was referring to. Her expression was a mask of calm, but Anos saw the faintest glimmer of guilt in her eyes.

"The fact that someone secretly used spiritual energy to knock me down!" Anos accused, his eyes locked onto Sofia. "That's cheating, and it doesn't count!" His voice echoed through the room, a challenge to Sofia's actions.

"Oh? Do you have proof?" Sofia asked, her expression skeptical. She raised an eyebrow, daring Anos to produce evidence.

"Do I need proof?" Anos retorted, his voice rising. "Everyone felt the surge of spiritual energy! Am I right?" He glanced around the room, expecting someone to corroborate his claim. But the room remained silent, no one daring to speak up. The air was thick with tension, the weight of Anos's accusation hanging heavy over them.

Sofia's lips curled up into a sly, knowing smile as she asked, "Can you feel spiritual power?" But the crowd responded with a resounding "No!" in unison, their denial echoing through the room. Anos's eyes widened in frustration, his mind racing with incredulity.

'Unbelievable! She's so brazen!' Anos thought, his anger simmering just below the surface. He couldn't fathom how Sofia could deny her actions so blatantly, with such confidence.

Sofia then walked up to Anos, her smile still plastered on her face, her eyes gleaming with a hint of triumph. Her tall stature allowed her to gaze at Anos without needing to lift her head, her presence imposing and dominant.

As she approached, Anos could feel the air thicken with tension, the silence between them palpable. He sensed a challenge in Sofia's demeanor, a dare to confront her further. But Anos was not one to back down, his determination to expose Sofia's cheating burning brighter than ever.

"Are you unwilling to accept this?" Sofia said, her voice firm and authoritative. "You can't enter the Sky Martial Court with only 30 points." She added, her tone dismissive.

Anos looked at her helplessly, "You don't have to take revenge on me like this, right? You're a teacher." He pleaded, hoping to appeal to her sense of fairness.

Sofia's response was a cold, dismissive snort. "Hmph! I'm a teacher. Why don't I give you another chance?" Her words dripped with sarcasm, but Anos seized the opportunity, his eyes lighting up with hope.

"Yes! Of course!" Anos exclaimed, his voice eager.

"Alright, follow me," Sofia said, her expression unreadable. As she walked away, her sultry gait commanded Anos's attention, his eyes fixed on her curvy figure, particularly her booty, which swayed enticingly with each step. He followed her, his gaze captivated by her sultry walk.

The crowd watched in confusion, unsure what Sofia had planned, while Anos was lost in the distracting view.

Anos, a lean and wiry man with an chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes, stood behind Sofia, his heart racing with trepidation. His bronze divine skin seemed to glow with an otherworldly radiance, accentuating his sharp features and making him look like a captivating celestial being. His dark hair was messy and endearing, framing his face with a hint of rebellious charm. If not for the system's prompt, he wouldn't have dared to provoke this formidable woman, who had even made things difficult for him during the Sky Martial Court's assessment. Her intentions were unpredictable, and Anos wondered what she had planned.

They stood on the seventh floor of a teaching building, an eerie silence between them. The air was thick with tension, and Anos's nerves were on edge. "Miss Sofia..." he ventured, his voice barely above a whisper.

"What?" Sofia responded, her tone neutral, her expression unreadable.

Anos took a deep breath and asked, "Can you be my girlfriend?" His heart skipped a beat as he awaited her response, his eyes fixed on her face.

Sofia stopped and turned to face him, a seductive smile spreading across her face. Anos's eyes lit up, and for a moment, he forgot to breathe. But his excitement was short-lived, replaced by a growing sense of unease.

"Sure, but I have a question for you," Sofia said, her voice dripping with allure, her eyes glinting with mischief.

"Ask away!" Anos exclaimed, his enthusiasm momentarily blinding him to potential danger.

"I'm a woman with sovereignty," Sofia began, her voice husky. "If we're dating, will you listen to me?" Her eyes seemed to bore into his soul, as if daring him to refuse.

"I will!" Anos promised, his eagerness clouding his judgment.

"Alright! Then, jump down from the seventh floor!" Sofia commanded, her voice cold, her eyes glinting with a sinister light.

Anos's eyes widened in horror. "I'm not jumping! I'll fall to my death!" He refused, his sanity prevailing over his infatuation. He took a step back, his heart racing with fear.

"Then you don't love me," Sofia said, her voice dripping with mock disappointment, her eyes glinting with amusement. "If it were my ex-boyfriend, he would jump down without hesitation." She paused, her smile growing wider.

Anos looked at Sofia, his eyes narrowing, his mind racing with doubts. "Since your ex-boyfriend loves you so much, why did you break up?" he asked, his curiosity piqued, his voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Sofia's smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of sadness crossing her face, before she replied, "He fell to his death." Her voice was flat, her expression unreadable.

Anos's eyes widened in shock, his mind reeling with the implications. He stared at Sofia, his expression a mix of horror and fascination, his thoughts whirling with questions. What kind of person was she, to inspire such devotion? And what had driven her to push her ex-boyfriend to such a drastic act?
