Love Doll....?

Anos realized he was in deep trouble. Yet, he refused to be intimidated. Why should he fear when his weakness was the root of his problems? Becoming stronger was his only solution.

After school dismissed at Orchid Flower Academy, Anos returned home, only to find his sister, Luna, still at the office. He settled onto the sofa and opened his stats:

Name: Anos

Age: 21

Realm: Spirit Focus (2-Star)

Level: 12

Experience: 4,000

Scumbag Value: 751,800


Strength: 147

Vitality: 146

Agility: 145

Mental Strength: 145

Spiritual Energy: 550

Talent: Imperial Physician

Martial Technique: Spiritual Eye

Anos's strength had reached the esteemed two-star level of Spirit Condensation, a notable milestone. His Scumbag Value had skyrocketed to 751,800, yielding a staggering gain of 750,000 for the day. Though impressive, Anos knew it wasn't enough to guarantee his safety.

The system store offered three coveted items for purchase. Anos prioritized upgrading his realm, recognizing its crucial role in his progression. However, his curiosity lingered on the enigmatic Big Wheel of Fortune, priced at 500,000. This mysterious attraction promised a random item, fueling Anos's intrigue.

Would the wheel bestow a valuable treasure or a disappointing trinket? Anos weighed his options carefully. Should he invest in seven Experience Fruits to accelerate his growth or take a chance with the Big Wheel's unpredictable outcome?

If Anos opted for the Experience Fruits, he would undoubtedly reach the three-star level of the Spirit Focus Realm, possibly even surpassing it. Yet, the allure of the Big Wheel proved too great to resist. Anos's curiosity got the better of him, and he chose the wheel, surrendering to his human nature.

What if the wheel yielded a divine beast or a legendary weapon? The prospect was too enticing to ignore. Steeling himself, Anos confirmed his selection. The Big Wheel in the system roared to life, spinning faster and faster until it became a blur. Then, it gradually slowed, building anticipation... and finally came to a stop!

Anos froze, his eyes fixed on the wheel as it came to a stop. He held his breath, awaiting the system's announcement. But when it came, his excitement turned to bewilderment.

"Ding... Congratulations on successfully winning the [Love Doll]. The reward will be released immediately."

Anos's face fell. "What the...?!" Had he misheard? A Love Doll?! He couldn't believe his ears. The anticipation, the excitement, all for this?!

A blinding flash illuminated the room, and when Anos's vision cleared, a Love Doll clad in a pristine white dress lay on the sofa beside him. He gulped, his eyes fixed on the inflatable figure.

"What the...?!" Anos's frustration boiled over. "A 500,000 RMB scumbag value, and this is what I get?!" He glared at the doll, unwilling to accept defeat. Perhaps there was more to it?

Anos scrutinized the doll, searching for any hidden features or clues. But there was nothing – no unique markings, no special abilities, nothing. Despair washed over him, a crushing sense of disappointment.

Just as Anos felt like he'd hit rock bottom, another system notification popped up:

"Ding… Host's luck has exploded. You have obtained [Draw One More Time]."

Anos's jaw dropped. Was this real? Had the system taken pity on him?

"Seriously, if I get another Love Doll, I'll jump off the 20th floor!" Anos exclaimed, relief washing over him. The system's sudden mercy had saved his sanity.

Taking a deep breath, Anos steeled himself for the next draw. "Please, don't toy with me." His mental state teetered on the brink; another disappointment would push him over the edge.

With a mix of trepidation and hope, Anos initiated the lottery once more. His fate hung in the balance, as the wheel spun and his heart raced.

"Ding… Congratulations, you have obtained the Earth-class 8-star skill [Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon]."

Anos exhaled deeply, relief washing over him. Finally, something sensible! A martial skill, no less. This was exactly what he needed.

And what's more, it was an Earth-class martial skill! Anos's eyes widened in excitement. This was a game-changer.

"Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon"... the name itself commanded respect. Anos couldn't wait to unleash its power.

With renewed confidence, Anos opened the skill's description:

[Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon]

Earth-class, 8-star Martial Skill

Type: Offensive

Description: Summon the fury of the heavens, unleashing five consecutive thunderbolts to obliterate your foes.

Anos's heart raced with anticipation. This skill would elevate his combat prowess to new heights!

On" Horizon Down " World, martial arts techniques and spiritual weapons were classified into four tiers: Yellow, Mystic, Earth, and Heaven. Legends spoke of even more powerful techniques beyond Heaven Rank, but these remained shrouded in myth.

Each tier – Heaven, Earth, Mystic, and Yellow – had a star rating system, ranging from 1 to 10. This mirrored the Martial Artist Realm's ranking structure.

The Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon, which Anos had acquired, was an impressive Earth Rank 8-star martial arts technique. Only two Earth Rank techniques surpassed it: the coveted 9-star and 10-star techniques.

However, even Mystic Rank techniques, including the rare 1-star Mystic Rank, were extremely elusive. The Earth class itself was a formidable distinction, capable of unleashing devastating bloodbaths.


Legend spoke of Heaven-class martial skills shattering mountains and seas with unparalleled might. An Earth-class 8-star skill, mere stars away from Heaven-class, would undoubtedly unleash devastating destruction! And this skill, the Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon, wielded the fury of lightning – the most violent and potent attack attribute.

The skill's memory was seared directly into Anos's mind, granting him instant mastery. He could summon the Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon at will, unleashing its electrifying wrath upon the world.

With this skill, Anos's potential for destruction knew no bounds. His path to greatness was illuminated, and the prospect of his enemies trembling before him was almost too sweet to resist.


"No, I must try!" Anos declared, resolve burning within. "Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon!"

He opened his palm, focusing his spiritual energy as instructed by the memories implanted in his mind. Anticipation built as he awaited the electrifying manifestation of the skill. But... nothing.

The air remained still, devoid of even a spark.

"What the...?!" Anos's confusion deepened. He retried, meticulously following the technique, but the outcome remained the same – utter silence.

Certain he hadn't misstepped, Anos's frustration grew. Why wouldn't the skill condense? Was there a hidden requirement or a crucial element he'd overlooked?


Then Anos Shouted at System...

"Damn it! Did you freaking system give me a fake product?!" Anos exploded, his patience exhausted. "Either it's a Love doll or a dud! Is this system even reliable?!"

Just as Anos's frustration reached its peak, the system's gentle voice chimed in, "Detected host's dissatisfaction, taking countermeasures, please wait…"

Anos's scowl softened, replaced by a sigh of relief. "At least you know what's good for you!" He thought, hoping the system's intervention would rectify the situation. Surely, this countermeasure would make up for the earlier mishap... right?

The system's response had bought Anos's temporary trust, but he remained wary, awaiting the outcome of the countermeasures. Would they resolve the issue, or would further disappointment ensue?


"Countermeasures have been prepared. If the host is dissatisfied with the system's performance, a level one heavenly lightning will descend as punishment."

Anos's eyes widened in incredulity. "…What the?!" He thought, aghast. "You're using force against me?! This system is utterly ruthless!"

"Fuck!" Anos mentally cursed. "This scumbag system is truly despicable!" He realized that rebuking the system further would only invite more trouble. With a deep breath, Anos swallowed his pride and decided to acquiesce, choosing survival over defiance.

The system's ruthless countermeasure had effectively silenced Anos, leaving him to ponder his next move under the looming threat of heavenly lightning.


Anos's frustration boiled over. "System, if you're going to give me a martial skill, make sure it's a good one! It's really hard for me to accept a fake or useless one."

The System's response was curt. "Detected martial skill [Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon] is authentic."

Anos's skepticism lingered. "Then why can't I use it?"

The System explained, "Detected no lightning attribute in the host's body."

Anos's eyes widened as understanding dawned. The Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon required a specific synergy of spiritual energy and lightning attribute energy to be unleashed. Without the latter, the skill remained dormant.

The realization hit Anos like a ton of bricks. His body lacked the necessary attributes, rendering the Five Thunder Celestial Phenomenon unusable, no matter its potency. The skill's power remained an unattainable dream, a constant reminder of his limitations.

Anos's face fell, his mind racing with the implications. How could he overcome this hurdle? Was there a way to acquire the lightning attribute, or was he forever doomed to possess a skill he couldn't wield?

Anos's voice trembled with a hint of terror. "It's over! Does this mean I'm unable to release the martial skill?" The weight of his attribute-less existence crushed him.

He had never considered the implications of lacking attributes, but now the truth hit him like a ton of bricks. Without attributes, he couldn't condense attribute energy, rendering him unable to unleash martial skills - a crucial aspect of a martial artist's arsenal.

Desperation crept into his voice as he pleaded with the System. "Cutie System, what can I do if I don't have any attributes?"

The System's response was cold and unforgiving. "Ding... Unable to find a solution. My condolences to the host."

Anos's face fell, his mind reeling in despair. "Fucking hell!" he cursed, feeling like his world was crumbling around him. The darkness of his situation threatened to consume him.


Just then,the door swung open, and Luna walked in, bringing a warm smile to the tense atmosphere.

"Little Fairy, you're back!" Anos exclaimed, momentarily forgetting his woes.

Luna nodded, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "I'll clean up and start cooking. You must be starving."

As she spoke, her gaze drifted to Anos, then suddenly landed on the unexpected occupant on the sofa – a white Love doll. Luna's eyes widened in shock, her face frozen in incredulity.

"What... is that?!" Luna's voice trembled, her eyes darting between Anos and the doll, confusion and surprise etched on her face.
