Get Me My Freedom

Hannah pushed Matthew off her, she hurriedly got up from the sofa, her head shaking from side to side, panicked at his sudden confession.

"Matthew, you don't know what you're saying-"

"Han, I still want you-"

She raised her voice, "You don't! Because, after what you did to me, you can't seriously think I'd still feel the same way about you." She straightened her clothes, then pushed her hair back, getting a clearer view of Matthew's hurt expression.

Her heart sunk, 'It's not fair, you're the one who hurt me, so why are you making me feel guilty?'

She turned to the door, and held the handle, "You want to get married? Go ahead, I'll support you. Just, don't ever say that to me," she gardened her voice, "Because it will never happen." She said then left the fitting room.