Chapter Three

Chapter Three

An unexpected visitor


Today was indeed a beautiful day. No. It was a breathtaking day.

Despite Ms. Griselda's yells and constant need for her coffee refills, I couldn't find it within me to be irritated or sickened by her bad mood.

Miss Griselda Crook was my boss, and ever since I had been accepted as an intern at the biggest library in town four months ago, she had lost a total of 9 assistants, courtesy to her bad temper.

The position had been left blank after that. Since no one was offering for the spot, I willingly volunteered, which made me her 10th assistant in a span of 3 months. I probably held the record for being her longest serving assistant too.

Most of the days, I breezed through her temper, but there were days when she exploded, and today was probably one of them.

I didn't mind her. I was still high from last night's (and this morning's) euphoria, and I wasn't going to let anything ruin it. Including my boss.

Ethan had left for work right before dawn, but even then, he had made love to me one more time. When I was drifting off to sleep again, we had shared a long passionate kiss right before he left.

"Stop daydreaming, missy. Get over here and work. There's a lot that is yet to be done." Miss Griselda yelled as she walked past me to get to her office, coffee in hand.

"Sure." I said, hoping to my chair and fighting the shit eating grin that was threatening to breath through. Miss Griselda could yell all she wanted, but I was extremely too happy to be affected.

Four hours later, I sat on a bench in a park that was only 20 minutes away from work. I munched on my wrapped chicken bruschetta, letting the flavors burst on my tongue.

While I ate, I indulged in a nostalgic reminiscince of my job the last four months. The Library of Calypso was my favorite library that I held dear from my childhood. The library sat in the heart of the city, having three stories worth of books.

From the ground floor to the second floor, there were books piled onto shelves that touched the roof. As a child I had always come here to read and I had spent hours lost in tales the writers told.

I had always hoped to some day work here, and when the chance had come, I didn't waste time and taken it.

My phone suddenly rang, tagging me out of my brain. I took my phone out of my jacket and checked the caller ID. It was Nicole. I grinned as I picked up.

As soon as I did, Nicole yelled I had to tug the phone away from my ear. "Woman, I've been waiting all day to hear how it all went with your husband and this is how you decide to treat me."

My grin widened and decided to tease her instead. "Good day to you. How are you? How's that McQueen campaign going?"

"Don't play with me, Raven. Give me the deets right now or else you'll face my wrath."

I burst out laughing, much to her annoyance. When I was done teasing her, I caved deciding to give her what she wanted.

I dove into the details, telling her about last night and this morning. At the end of my retelling, she let out a shriek, congratulating me on my success.

"So tell me. Is he big?"

I flushed, even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Quit blushing and answer me." I could here the laugh in her voice.


"Lucky b*tch." Nicole said, making me laugh.

She promised to take me out as soon as she got back to the country and I agreed that girl time was much needed. She was currently in Japan for her shoot which would be ending later this week.

As soon as I ended the call with her, I realized we had spoken for roughly 30 minutes and I was 10 minutes past the time I was supposed to report back to work.

"Oops." I gotta hurry.

As soon as I got there, Olga, one of my co workers whispered to me. "Where have you been? That Banshee has been looking everywhere for you."

"I got caught in traffic."

"Hurry, because she's going to completely combast if you don't show up any minute now."

I nodded, hurriedly walking past my coworkers who were currently rushing from place to place. What was going on? From the looks of it, everyone seemed to be in some sort of worry, doing this and that.

As soon as Miss Griselda spotted me she ushered me to her office, which surprised the hell out of me because I had expected an earful.

"Where have you been?"

"I was i-"

"Whatever. She said, adjusting her boobs and placing bra cushions under them to push them up. Now I was totally confused. This was behavior that I hadn't expected to see her do.

"I heard from Olga that you can style hair. " She continued, giving me a glance. I nodded. "Good, because I need you to fix mine. This wouldn't do." She explained, pointing her brown curls that just fell to her mid-back.


"Make sure to make it look chic and cute."

As soon as she sat in her chair, I got to work. The whole thing didn't take much time and I was done within five minutes. "Done."

Miss Griselda checked her reflection through the mirror and looked please with the results. Unexpectedly, her office door opened revealing a panting Olga.

"Miss, they're here."

Miss Griselda's eyes widened as she quickly rose from her seat. Turning to me, she asked, " Is my makeup okay?"

I started to nod, but I noticed her lipstick had left stains on her teeth. "Your teeth..."

She quickly caught on an immediately wiped them off. She adjusted her clothes and then we were waltzing out of her office.

I still hadn't caught on what was actually happening and which people were actually showing up. And what was all this with Miss Griselda's behavior. It looked like she fancied someone and that someone was part of the mystery people that were here.

As we got closer, she added a sway to her hips and I had to fight down a laugh.

"Gentlemen, you're welcome."

Raven looked up, watching the men. Without their security, there were four of them. A middle aged man I didn't recognize and another younger looking man that shared similar features with the older man. Cole Matthews, my childhood friend. What was he doing here?

I rolled her eyes at him and in turn, he raised his eyebrows at me and smirked . It was subtle, but I saw it anyway. I momentarily wondered if he was the one that had caught Miss Griselda's eye. If so, I pitied the woman.

I hadn't caught onto the other man, as he hadn't joined the others yet. However, he showed up, seemingly getting off the phone and as soon as he lifted his head, his face, I froze up.

Of all today's events, I hadn't expected to come face to face with my husband.