Cassie Blake

In a dark room with only a small flickering light bulb as a source ofh light, a man was tied to a chair. His face was covered in black cloth, and his hands and legs were tied to the chair.

Muffled screams could be heard as the man tried to scream, but a gag in his mouth stopped him from doing so. He struggled for some time but to no avail. Even the chair was stuck in the ground, and he couldn't move it.

He was helpless.

It was then he heard light footsteps coming closer to him. The man stopped struggling and waited for the person to come near him.

Soon, the black cloth from his head was removed, revealing a handsome face with deep black hair. However, that handsome face was contorted in anger and pain.

He glared at the young man who had removed his black cloth and tried to say something, but the gag again stopped him. He could only look hatefully at the man before him.

"Don't give me that look," the young man smiled. "Do you wanna say your last words?"

The young man waited as he looked at his wristwatch while whistling, "Hmm, so you don't have any last words, huh."

The man tied to the chair screamed and struggled against the bindings and glared at the young man.

"Ah! Sorry, I almost forgot about that," the young man chuckled and removed the cloth he had used to gag the man. 

"Do you know who you are messing with?" The moment the gag was removed, the man growled, "I'm Song Behan, the sole heir of the Song corporation. You won't even find your corpse if my family gets to know about this."

"Woah! So scary," the young man pretended to be surprised and backed up. Then he chuckled and slapped hard at Song Behan.

Blood and teeth flew from his mouth as his head became dizzy. He shook his head and spat the blood from his mouth.

"Tsk! So weak, and still dare you lay your filthy hands on our young miss," the young man shook his head in disappointment. 

"What do you mean? Who's your young miss?" Song Behan asked, understanding the situation. 

The young man was going to answer, but he heard the clicking of heels against the floor and smiled. He gave Song Behan a meaningful look and stepped backward.

Song Behan gulped and looked in the shadows from where the noise was coming from. He at least knew that he had probably messed with the wrong people. They were powerful since they kidnapped him in broad daylight.

However, he was also confident in his family and was thinking of escaping from there.

His thoughts came to a halt as a figure emerged from the shadows. 

It was a tall woman who had wavy, shoulder-length hair that cascaded gracefully. Her eyes were a striking shade of red, exuding a sense of mischief and determination. Her complexion was pale, with a delicate yet captivating beauty.

He recognized her. How could he not since she was the one he wanted to marry? How could he not recognize someone he had tried to drug?

Understanding showed in his eyes as he gulped in fear. He knew this woman was powerful, but not to this degree. How could she just kidnap him so openly?

"M-My dear Cas, what's the meaning of this?" He tried to smile, but it was obviously a fake, stiff smile. 

However, before the woman could answer, Song Behan again received a hard slap, turning his cheeks bright red as finger markings appeared on them.

"It would be good if you didn't speak Young Miss' name with that filthy mouth of yours," the young man said, wiping his hand on his suit. He looked at Song Behan in disgust.

"It's fine, Jack," the tall woman named Cassie smiled and sat on a different chair before Song Behan. "It's going to be his last night anyway."

"What do you mean?" Song Behan asked cautiously. His fingers fidgeted behind the chair, looking for a way out of these bindings.

"I don't have time to waste on you, you know," Cassie smiled. "So, I'll directly come on the deal I've come to offer. I can give you a quick death or a long, painful death according to the choice you choose. So, tell me, are you willing to disclose secrets of the Song Family?"

"Never!" Song Behan gritted his teeth. "I love you, and this is how you repay me. You're a bitch, Cassie Blake. You would never understand what love means."

"If this is the love you speak of, then I'm fine without love," Cassie stood up, done with her business here. "And guess you've chosen the painful death then."

Then she turned towards the young man and said, "See as you fit. Just bury his body somewhere where nobody can find them."

A maddening glint passed in Jack's eyes as he bowed, "As Young Miss orders. Don't worry; his body won't be a human body after I deal with him."

A chill ran past Song Behan's spine, hearing the exchange as he pleaded, "H-Hey, we can talk. We're friends, right, Cas? Can we talk this out?"

However, Cassie had already made the decision, and after giving Jack some more orders, she left.

Now, in the dark room, only Jack and Song Behan remained. Song Behan gulped in fear, looking at Jack, who looked like a devil with horns to him. 

Cassie walked into the corridor leading outside and heard a scream that could not have come from a human's mouth.

"Guess he has not lost his touch," Cassie chuckled and exited the building. 

The evening sunlight fell on her as she squinted her eyes to look at the distant car. She walked towards the vehicle and entered it. A beautiful woman in her late twenties was already waiting for her in the driver's seat. 

"Shall we go, Cas?" The woman asked.

"Yes, Sky. Please head to the nearest club. I'm exhausted," Cassie sighed and rested her head on the cushion. "And now there's a whole new mess to deal with."

"Well, I have been telling you to get in a relationship. If you had a boyfriend, then nothing like this would have happened," Skyler giggled as she drove the car on the empty highways. They were pretty far away from the city.

"Get into a relationship? With who? Man like Song Behan? No thanks, I'm fine as I am," Cassie waved her hand before her.

"Not all men are the same, you know. You're also 24 and still single," Skyler tried to convince Cassie.

"Says the woman who's reaching 30 and still single," Cassie scoffed and looked away.

"My dear Cas, you shouldn't bring this up, okay?" Skyler's lips twitched as she gripped the steering wheel tightly. Seriously, it wasn't her fault that she was single.

Cassie rolled her eyes and looked outside at the disappearing empty grounds as they entered the metropolis city. 

"Cas, you're 24, don't you want to be in love? Don't you want to feel that feeling?" Skyler asked.

"Love is giving each other something they lack," Cassie scoffed. "And I don't have anything that I can't get with my own efforts. If I want something, I'll work hard to take it."

Skyler sighed as she thought, 'I hope you understand that not everything can be achieved alone, Cas. I don't want you to end up like me.'

"You know that you can't escape your marriage, right?" Skyler asked. "Unless you have a proper excuse, you will have to do the arranged marriage. What will you say to your father when you turn 25? That you don't want to marry? That won't work, Cas."

Hearing about the marriage, Cassie's mood turned sour. She had escaped it, but she needed to do it when she turned 25. Skyler was right; she could do nothing to prevent it.

"What does getting in a relationship have to do with marriage?" Cassie asked.

A glint passed in Skyler's eyes as she said, smiling, "I mean, the great Cassie Blake wouldn't want to be on the losing side in the marriage, right? Your partner will certainly have much more experience than you in the matters of relationship and will always be on the dominant side. Do you want that? Do you want to be on the losing end?"

Cassie remained silent for a while, then she said in a low voice.

"I'll think about it."

'And it worked. Just how much of a sore loser is she?' Skyler shook her head with a smile and drove faster towards the club.

She knew Cassie's nature too well and knew how much she hated losing, so she used this to her advantage.

Cassie rested her hand on the window and thought about Skyler's words. It brought the memories of the past.

How she, Cassie Blake, had run away from her Blake Family.