Their Home

The white moon was shining high above in the skies, with a few black clouds trying to cover it in a blanket of darkness.

Austin stood on the empty road as he looked at the obsidian black car. A smile appeared on his face, "Let's just say that your young master finally met his destiny."

[So, you have no plans of telling me, got it. Do you love her?]

"Probably not," Austin shrugged, as if the person on the other side could see him. "But I have a feeling she's the one so I'm going to work my ass off this time. I'm betting everything."

[You should actually because you don't have much time left. Master is already searching for you and you would have to go all out if you wanna hide from him. And if you're associating with this destiny of yours, it'll be very easy for him to get to you.]

"That old geezer can try everything he wants. If he dares to even harm her finger I'll ruin his little empire," Austin scoffed and added. "Also, tell him that he can fuck himself."

[ dear brother, if you wanna die then say so. Why are you trying to drag me into this?]

"You're my meat shield, after all," Austin smiled. "Alright, I'm hanging up and will probably won't call you unless necessary. That's why I called now."

[*Sigh* good luck, brother. I'll handle everything here and you there try to bring my sister-in-law to me. Call me if you need any help.]

"I will. Have a nice beating," Austin chuckled and then hung up the phone. After that, he put it into his pockets and began to pack his things up.

There wasn't much luggage to begin with so it was an easy and quick task. After a few minutes, he was standing beside the car with his luggage.

After putting the luggage inside the car, Austin came to sit on the passenger seat. However, he tensed up and turned towards Cassie who was ready to start the car.

"Hey, can I drive? You certainly aren't a good driver," Austin had a some past trauma now.

Cassie rolled her eyes and started the car. She accelerated it as the car shot on the empty streets towards her home.

She enjoyed the ride and casted a side glance at Austin who was sitting with his eyes closed, praying to some God. Her lips twitched as she muttered, "It was my first time."

"A person only has one first time, then it becomes a habit," Austin said in a strangely peaceful voice with his hands on his chest.

Cassie rolled her eyes and refused to entertain his nonsense anymore. The ride was a little awkward, nevertheless they reached Cassie's home in half an hour.

Austin got off the car and knelt on the ground, "Thank the Gods. I didn't think I would survive."

"Quit your act!" Cassie had an urge to kick his exposed cake like butt but held herself back.

Austin sighed and then stood up. He raised his head to look at his new home and whistled, "Now this is some rich stuff!"

In front of him was a tall skycrapper, standing in the Eastern side of the city. It was towering over them and the top felt like it was touching the black clouds.

"Let's go," Cassie walked past him and gave her car keys to the guard who just bowed before her.

Austin followed her to a private elevator and entered it. It was made of clear glass and he could see the whole city as he ascended to the upper floors.

Cassie looked at his expression full of wonders and smiled, 'Cute!'

The elevator finally stopped at the top floor and the two of them got out of it. Austin whistled again, "The penthouse is yours or this whole skycrapper is yours?"

"It's all mine. The apartments bring a nice amount of money as they're mostly occupied by upper middle class," Cassie changes her heels to a normal slipper and opened the door to her heaven.

She turned to look at him, and asked, "You're going to stand there all night?"

The sight was mesmerizing. Cassie stood there as the moonlight landed on her ivory skin through the glass roof, highlighting her flawless face and the curly black hairs.

Austin was dazed but her voice brought him back to reality. He looked sideways and scratched his nose, "Yes, I'm coming."

After that, the two of them entered her...their home. Austin also changed into slippers and put his luggage in a corner as Cassie turned on the lights.

"How about we talk tomorrow? I'm rather exhausted today," Cassie asked.

"Fine by me!" Austin shrugged, finding no problem in the suggestion.

Cassie pointed towards one of the rooms, "That one is yours and the one beside it is mine. Don't even try to peek. Alright, I'm off you can see yourself."

She turned around and walked off to her bedroom. But then stopped as she turned around and gave him a beautiful smile, "I forgot to mention, I have actually offended a very influential person and might have killed him so be careful, my dear boyfriend."

Austin was frozen in his place as he just looked at her playful smile with a dumbfounded look. Then he cleared his throat and asked, "I didn't sign any contracts so can I go back?"

"I don't think so. No one can run away from Cassie Blake," She grinned.

"I'mma call police," Austin tried to stand his ground.

"Sure, I'll just say you're my boyfriend and helped me in dealing with that person," Cassie had a playful smirk on her face as she gave a wink at him.

Then, without waiting for his answer, she strolled inside the bedroom and closed the door.

The panicked expression disappeared from Austin's face as he frowned, 'Who was she talking about?'

He looked at his bag and then took out his laptop from it. He tapped on it's surface as he thought, 'Time to get back, Austy.'