Episode 5 - As the Shadow beckons...

"Justice may be harsh and unyielding, but it is the only force capable of changing the world for the better. Without it, we lose our way and the hope that what is right will ultimately prevail." - Aimi Yamanae

The next day had dawned. Today, the entrance exam would finally come to an end. The next test would determine who was truly fit to become a Sentinel. Aki was on his way to the exam site. This time, the meeting point was directly there. Fortunately, the location wasn't some forested area in the middle of nowhere. This time, it was just a ten-minute walk along a path, and you were there. Aki arrived almost exactly at ten o'clock. Most of the participants were already present. The meeting point was a large clearing in front of what looked like an entrance into the hill where they stood. While Aki searched for his friends and eventually joined Ryoko, Miho, and Shiroi, the last few participants arrived. Behind them, appearing last, was Viktor.

He stood in front of the large gate that led into the hill and began to speak: "Alright, everyone. First of all, congratulations on making it this far. You've certainly earned my respect. This test will determine who among you is truly suited to becoming a Sentinel. So far, we've tested your physical strength and survival skills. But now, it's about the modules. To put it simply, each of you will enter here with me, one by one, manifest your modules, and demonstrate their abilities. A Sentinel must be able to control their module, to create or dismiss it at will. This isn't something you can practice. You either have it, or you don't. When you consciously manifest it for the first time, it might be exhausting and difficult, but after that, it becomes easier. So don't worry if you don't get it right away and need a few tries. Those who can already control their module will automatically advance to the next round." After Viktor finished speaking, a young man asked a question: "But we've already manifested our modules. Isn't that why we were contacted by Kenkai in the first place?"

Viktor grinned. "There's a difference between how you manifested your modules before and what you need to be able to do now. Normally, you can't consciously control or manifest your module, and very few people even know they exist. However, in dangerous or traumatic situations, modules can sometimes manifest on their own as a defensive reaction—this is called a 'Mod Break.' It shows that a person's soul is strong enough to create a module. But as a Sentinel, you must be able to create your module when you need it, not just in a moment of crisis. That's why you need to prove now that you can truly do it." When a girl named Aimi asked how they were supposed to activate their ability, Viktor replied, "The module is a part of your soul. It's hard to explain, but once you consciously use it for the first time, you just know how it works. Most of the time, you activate the ability simply with your thoughts. It's difficult to explain, but you'll understand when the time comes."

Moonfang Arc

Sentinel Entrance Exam

Chapter 5 - As the Shadow beckons…

When Viktor realized there were no further questions, he opened the monumental gate with a single hand gesture. He then glanced at the large clipboard he was holding under his arm and read out the first name from the seemingly disorganized list of participants: "Aimi Yamanae, please come forward." The girl who had asked the question earlier stepped forward. "That was quicker than I expected," she said, then walked into the hall inside the hill with Viktor. As soon as they entered, the door closed behind them. They found themselves in a vast, empty hall, illuminated only by torches along the walls. In the center was a small pedestal. The stone walls and floor were covered with ancient, mysterious symbols, and elegant, majestic columns stretched up along the walls. A few seconds after they arrived, Aimi exclaimed in awe, "Wow, this architecture is really amazing!" Viktor smiled. "This hall is called the 'Chamber of Awakening.' Traditionally, since the discovery of modules, these tests have been conducted here. We've never altered anything, so this hall is still in its original state." When they reached the pedestal in the center, Viktor asked the girl to step up onto the platform.

As she did so, Viktor explained what she needed to do. "Alright, you need to sit down because you'll likely lose consciousness. It sounds intense, but it's not as bad as it seems. You have to completely relax and delve deep within yourself. You must explore the deepest depths of your soul and rediscover who you are. If you focus entirely on yourself and fully relax, you'll undoubtedly awaken your module. The average time is about two minutes, so I'm giving you a maximum of five. When you're ready, I'll leave you to it." After Viktor finished speaking, Aimi took a seat. She closed her eyes and completely relaxed. A few seconds later, the girl slipped into a meditative state. Viktor started a stopwatch. Time began to pass.

About two minutes later, the young woman opened her eyes. "Wonderful!" Viktor began, "It's not often that the first person passes right away. Can you perhaps manifest your module?" Aimi stood up and jumped off the pedestal onto the floor. There, she called out, "Judgment of Justice!" In her hand, a small notepad materialized out of thin air. "Very impressive! Could you perhaps demonstrate your ability for me?" Aimi responded, "Sorry for the odd request, but could you maybe steal my bag?" Without much thought, Viktor grabbed her handbag, which she had placed in front of the pedestal, and began to run away. Quickly, Aimi scribbled something on the notepad: "Viktor Dimitrov - Theft." A moment later, a small fist made of pure blue energy appeared in front of the examiner. The fist punched him forcefully in the face, causing Viktor to fall to the ground and drop the bag. "I see, she can physically punish people who have committed crimes using her module. It seems the punishment becomes more severe depending on the gravity of the offense. I'd rather not think about what would happen if someone committed murder…"

Shortly after, the doors opened, and a joyful Aimi ran out. "Maki, Maki! I did it!" A young man laughed at her. "If that little girl can do it, then so can I!" Coincidentally, at that very moment, Viktor called out, "Hiroshi Tanaka, please come in next." The boy who had just been mocking Aimi ran towards the examiner. "My module is going to be way cooler than yours!" About five minutes later, Hiroshi emerged with a disappointed expression. "Damn..." Viktor then said, "All those who didn't succeed, please return to the lodging. Yamato will inform you of the next steps there." The next participant called, another somewhat rebellious young man, also failed to manifest his module. "This test is apparently not as easy as it seems… We can't underestimate it." Aki was beginning to feel a deep respect for the exam. It seemed to be the most unpredictable factor, something beyond one's control. Shortly afterward, the examiner called out, "Ryuu Takahashi, you're up." Ryuu jumped to his feet and sprinted over to Viktor. He then turned around and shouted, "If I don't make it, good luck to the rest of you, guys!" Three minutes passed before Aki noticed something was off. The temperature had risen sharply. "What the..." When the doors opened, Aki realized what had caused it. Ryuu had successfully manifested his module. Large wings of flame extended from his shoulders. "What the?!" Tatsuo exclaimed, as he saw Ryuu's module, which resembled a dragon. Shortly afterward, the wings disappeared, and Ryuu proudly strolled over to Seiji. "Yo, Seiji! I did it!"

Shortly after, a strange thought entered Aki's mind: "Come join Ryuu's group." This thought wasn't his own—it felt different, clearly implanted by a module. As Aki looked around, he noticed Seiji watching him and realized it was just Seiji using his module to pass on the message. Relieved, Aki apologized to Ryoko and joined Seiji's group, followed by Miho and Maki. Seiji, usually quiet, began, "You're the ones I've been communicating with since the start of the exam, and I can only implant information in the minds of people I know well enough. If you want, I can show you the process of this test so you can be mentally prepared. After all, you need a completely clear mind for it." Maki smiled and replied, "Sure, thanks. But you don't know the details of the test yourself since you don't have to take it. How are you going to do that?" Seiji adjusted his glasses and explained, "I can give you Ryuu's memory of it. My module allows me to share not just the information I know but also memories from others."

Shortly after, Maki, Miho, Aki, and Mirio closed their eyes. Before them appeared a clear image: Ryuu standing in a room with some elderly people. "Alright, let's start with some stretching!" Ryuu called out, before demonstrating yoga exercises and stretches for the group to follow. Suddenly, the real Ryuu, outside of the memory, gave his friends a light shove, bringing them back to consciousness. "T-THAT WAS THE WRONG MEMORY! SEIJI, YOU REVEALED MY SECRET, AHHH!" Maki grinned mischievously. "It's not a big deal that you teach exercise classes for old folks, hehe." Ryuu then crouched down on the floor, embarrassed. Aki glanced over at Ryoko to check if she was feeling lonely, only to see Aimi engaging her in conversation. "Good, then I can stay here a bit longer," he thought. The second information exchange followed, and this time, everyone received the correct information, giving them a clear understanding of what they needed to do to maximize their chances.

But their conversation was interrupted as someone else was called in—Miho. "Good luck, Miho!" Aki called out. With a grateful smile, the girl entered the hall. The next few minutes felt like the longest of his life. Aki's heart pounded for some reason. Even though he didn't want to admit it, he was scared for Miho. He was afraid that she might fail and that he would never see her again. As the gate opened, Aki turned pale with anxiety. Would she make it? Would she still be able to spend more time with him? Or would Miho fail, and this precious friendship be lost forever? But the look on her face revealed the outcome. She quickly hurried over to Aki to share the news. "Aki, I did it!" The boy was overjoyed for her. Now, he just had to pass the test himself.

Since Miho's test, some time had passed. After her, only six people had succeeded: a boy named Kichiro, a heartthrob named Hachiro, a self-centered girl named Chieko, another girl named Kiku, Ryoko, and Tatsuo. The once-crowded area gradually became emptier until only the successful participants and Aki remained. Maki was currently inside the temple. Shortly after, the young woman emerged from the hall with a large sniper rifle slung under her arm, which soon disappeared. That weapon was likely her module. Viktor then looked at Aki, signaling it was his turn, and Aki immediately made his way over. When they arrived at the pedestal in the hill, Viktor asked him to take a seat. "I don't need to explain the rules, right?" Aki was a bit shocked—how had Viktor known about the information exchange with Seiji? "Do you really think I wouldn't notice if you used your modules for such tricks?" Aki, filled with guilt, looked down at the ground, but Viktor placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I don't mind. If I had a problem with it, I would have told Seiji directly." Aki felt a bit relieved and lay down on the pedestal. "Alright, let's begin."

The boy closed his eyes and immediately lost consciousness. Subconsciously, he descended deeper and deeper into a chasm filled with memories, experiences, and thoughts. "So this is what it means to explore the depths of my soul. Apparently, the power of my module lies at the very bottom." Aki continued to delve deeper into his consciousness until suddenly, everything grew darker. The memories faded, and a stifling atmosphere took over. Aki stumbled through the darkness, trapped within his own soul, which in that moment felt both unfamiliar and disturbingly familiar. Soon, he was surrounded by complete blackness when suddenly, a deep, rumbling echo resonated through the void. He felt the cold breath of a presence watching him. The darkness slowly receded, revealing a massive, rusted throne made of black metal before Aki. Seated on it was a figure that resembled a silhouette of himself, but with demonic horns and glowing red eyes. Unsure but determined, Aki called out, "Who... or what are you?! Where am I?"

The figure slowly rose from the throne, its voice deep and menacing, yet with a strange familiarity that echoed within Aki's mind. "I am Akuma, the manifestation of your darkest thoughts and deepest fears. You are within your own soul, Aki. This is the place where we finally meet." Aki felt a mixture of fear and curiosity as he scrutinized the ominous figure. Despite the threatening aura that Akuma exuded, Aki sensed a peculiar connection to him. "Why are you appearing now? What do you want from me?" he demanded.

Akuma stepped closer, and the environment around them began to shift. Flames and shadows rose from the darkness, swirling and dancing in the heavy air. Akuma grinned, a sinister expression that sent a chill down Aki's spine. "You called for me, Aki. In your moments of greatest despair, when the world sought to break you, you longed for power, for the ability to fight back. I am the sword your soul has forged. But this power does not come without a price."

As Akuma's words resonated within him, Aki felt his own anger and desperation rising to the surface. Memories of his parents' death and every moment of helplessness flooded his mind, overwhelming him with emotions he had long tried to suppress.

"If you're so powerful, why didn't you help me sooner? Why did you let me suffer all this time?" Aki demanded. Akuma grinned, an eerie, toothy smile that glowed in the darkness. "Because you hadn't earned it yet. Power isn't given freely; it's fought for. True strength is born from pain and loss. So come, Aki. Let me be free from now on..." But before Akuma could finish, Aki interrupted, "You're lying. It's because you're my module, and you can't take control unless I give my consent, right?" As the darkness around Aki began to recede, Akuma tried to intervene, but Aki cut him off again, asserting, "You are MY module, not the other way around. By meeting you here, I've already awakened the module. All I have to do now is get out of here. You must obey my will, so let me go!" Akuma laughed hysterically, saying, "I knew it, you're the right one. Aki, you will lose everything you hold dear: your loved ones, your best friend, even your own country. Remember this—when the shadow beckons, the darkness will always answer. In the end, it will be you who gives me life." And with that, everything vanished—the darkness, Akuma, the throne, and all the negative emotions.

While Aki was still trapped in his conversation with Akuma, something unimaginable happened for Viktor. A red-black energy emanated from the boy, enveloping the pedestal. Viktor stood up, alarmed. "Aki?" But then the examinee began to levitate, his mouth opening in a scream of pure agony and despair. "Aki?! What's happening?!" Aki, who had been floating in a horizontal position, suddenly rotated so that he was now upright in the air. A powerful force radiated from him, making it difficult for Viktor to stay in place. Aki held his hands in front of his abdomen as if grasping something, and moments later, a large, black, rusted sword materialized before him. The hilt of the sword fit perfectly in Aki's hands. The dark weapon emitted a menacing energy unlike anything Viktor had ever encountered. Despite Viktor's repeated shouts of Aki's name, there was no response. Although he didn't want to believe it, Viktor knew exactly what was happening. "Could it be...? No, that can't be!" he thought as he struggled to reach the boy. Suddenly, Aki's eyes snapped open. The dark energy and pressure vanished, and with the sword still in his hands, Aki fell to the ground. "W-What happened?!" the boy asked, shocked. Viktor's face bore a troubled, somewhat sorrowful expression. "Aki, I'll explain what happened after the entrance exam. For now, please go to the others and tell them that we'll meet in the basement of the lodging at 2:00 PM."

As Aki walked away and the successful participants headed back to the lodging, Viktor was approached by a dark figure that appeared out of nowhere behind him. "That was one, wasn't it?" the figure asked. Viktor turned to face the unexpected visitor, who wore a dark gray cloak that obscured their face. Despite the threatening appearance, they spoke with familiarity—this man was Viktor's superior. "Yes, I believe it was one," Viktor replied. The cloaked figure surveyed the pedestal and the vast halls around them. "In that case, Aki must be protected at all costs. He'll likely become the target of those with malicious intent soon." Viktor, concerned for his charge, nodded. "We also need to keep this fact hidden from the public. You know what happened with Shottow. But what worries me most is his reaction when we tell him... when we tell him that he possesses a demonic module." Keeping Aki's demonic module a secret was anything but simple. The incredible dark energy released had alerted everyone in the entire dimension to the birth of a new bearer of such a module—including a man sitting on a throne, who chuckled to himself. "A new demonic module? That must be the fourth demon by now. Hahaha, things are getting interesting!"

By now, it was 1:50 PM, just ten minutes before the exam was set to begin. Aki decided to head to the basement of the lodging early. He had already packed his belongings, knowing this would be the last time they stayed there. As he reached the stairs, a girl suddenly stopped him. "Hey, hold on a second." Aki turned around and found himself face-to-face with a scantily clad blonde woman, about three years older than him. "What's up?" he asked. Instead of answering directly, the girl approached him menacingly. As Aki tried to back away, he found himself pressed against the wall, but the young woman didn't stop. She came dangerously close, too close. She then placed one hand on the wall beside Aki's head. "Hey, Aki… Want to, you know?" Aki blushed. "W-What do you mean by that?" The girl grinned mischievously. "Oh, don't tell me you're still… Let me share some of my experience with you." Almost as if controlled by an external force, Aki placed his hands on the girl's cheeks and leaned in to kiss her. But it never got that far. Mirio, who was also on his way to the basement, noticed the girl harassing Aki and pushed her away, allowing Aki to regain control of his body. The girl then ran off to the basement, full of shame. "W-What was that?!" Aki asked. Mirio replied, "Oh man, she was trying to take out the participants one by one… That's Kiku. Her module lets her control anyone who finds her attractive through physical contact. She can completely manipulate the person afterward. She tried it on me too but didn't succeed. You okay?" After this last surprise, Aki and Mirio entered the basement, ready for the fourth and final test.

Hey! Thank you for reading the fifth chapter of Akuma! The entrance exam is almost over!

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Stay tuned for the next chapter, and don't forget to share your thoughts and feedback in the comments. See you next time!