Chapter 19

"Nothing," I mimicked. "He will just open his mouth and then spill nonsense. Why was I even bothered?"

I rolled my eyes. I shouldn't be bothered of Jason decision of keeping silence or feeling as if I am played. I clearly wanted him far away from me yet…yet I craved his touch.

It makes me feel silly. Yes I know. But maybe…friends with benefits wouldn't mind? I am a human after all.

No. I shook my head. Enough thoughts on that. Lock that idea and throw it away into the deep ocean.

I rounded the corner of the office, my heels clicking on the polished floor. I was distracted, still trying to shake off the awkwardness of last night, when I almost ran straight into him.

"Well, look who it is," Gabriel said, his voice smooth, his familiar cologne wrapping around me before I even saw his face. "I've been looking for you."

I scowled and stepped back, creating as much space between us as I could in the narrow hallway. "And why's that, Gabriel? Come to disappear again? Or were you just bored?"

His smile faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, leaning against the wall like he owned the place. "You're still mad, huh? Come on, Kiara. It's not like that."

"Then what is it like?" I crossed my arms, refusing to let him off the hook so easily. I needed this. The push and pull, it's a good way to keep him within the loop. As much as he disgusts me. I had to deal with it. "You vanish when things get serious, and then you show up acting like everything's fine. Like I'm just supposed to forget."

He straightened, taking a step toward me, his voice low. "It wasn't like that. I've had things to deal with."

"Right," I scoffed. "Things. Of course."

He closed the distance between us, his hand brushing against my arm. I tensed, the sensation catching me off guard. "Look, Kiara, I've missed you."

I snorted, shaking my head. "Missed me? You have a funny way of showing it. Gabriel, you didn't even bother to—"

His hand slid to my waist, and he leaned in, his lips dangerously close to mine. "I've been thinking about you. Every day."

I froze, the heat of his body pressing against me, his breath warm against my skin. "Gabriel, don't."

His eyes darkened, and for a second, I thought he was going to kiss me.

"Why not?" he whispered. "I'm your boyfriend, remember?"

Without thinking, I slapped him. Hard.

Gabriel blinked, stepping back, shock and anger flashing in his eyes. "What the fuck, Kiara?"

I clenched my fists, the sting of the slap still tingling in my hand.

"Boyfriend? Are you serious right now? You haven't been my boyfriend for a long time, Gabriel. You have to win that title back. I am very upset about that you forgot my birthday and didn't care about me afterwards."

He rubbed his cheek, glaring at me. "You're crazy, you know that? I haven't walked away from anything. You just... you always blow things out of proportion."

"Oh, so now it's my fault?" I shot back, my voice rising. "I didn't ask you to disappear, Gabriel! You did that all on your own. And now you think you can just swoop in, drop a few lines, and everything's okay?"

He grabbed my wrist, his grip firm. "You need to calm down."

"Let go of me," I said, yanking my arm back.

His grip tightened. "You're not walking away from this, Kiara. If you want to sort this out. Let's do it together.."

I glared at him, my heart pounding in my chest. "I'm done with this, Gabriel. Done with you. Whatever this is, it's over. Get that through your head."

"You think you can just walk away?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Who do you think you are? You can't just slap me and—"

"I'm someone who deserves better than you," I cut him off, my voice cold. It came from my heart. "And if you can't handle that, then that's your problem, not mine."

He stood there, stunned, as I pulled free from his grip and took a step back. "Don't follow me, Gabriel. I mean it."

As I walked away, I could feel his eyes burning into my back and I smirked.

Game on.


Gabriel stood frozen for a moment, watching Kiara disappear down the hallway. His jaw clenched, anger simmering just beneath the surface. How dare she talk to him like that? Slap him like that? He couldn't believe it. But as his eyes followed her retreating figure, a mixture of emotions crossed his face—frustration, regret, and something he wasn't ready to name.

"Gabe?" A soft voice interrupted his thoughts.

He turned to find Jessica standing a few feet away, phone in hand, her lips curved into a delicate pout. She was wearing her usual flirty expression, the one that made her seem innocent but calculating at the same time.

"I don't like that you got so close to her," she said in a lilting, almost whiny tone, stepping toward him.

Gabriel sighed, forcing a smile as Jessica slid her arm around his. "It's nothing, Jess. You know that."

She pouted, tugging at his sleeve. "It didn't look like nothing. She slapped you, Gabe. How can you let her do that?"

He tilted his head, leaning down to kiss her forehead, the move automatic but empty. "Don't worry about it. Kiara's just being... dramatic. You know how she gets."

Jessica's pout deepened, and she reached up to touch the faint red mark on his cheek, her eyes wide with exaggerated concern. "It looks like she hurt you."

Gabriel chuckled softly, brushing her hand away. "Trust me, I'm fine."

She smiled sweetly, batting her eyelashes. "Good, because I don't like anyone hurting you. You're mine, remember?"

Gabriel nodded, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He lowered his head and pressed his lips against hers in a slow, deliberate kiss. Jessica hummed contentedly, melting into him as if nothing else in the world mattered.

When they finally pulled apart, Gabriel's expression was still tense, though he masked it well. Jessica, however, looked completely satisfied, her arms still looped around his neck.

"Did you get the picture?" Gabriel asked, his tone dropping to something more businesslike.

Jessica smirked, holding up her phone. "Oh, I got it."

"Good," he muttered, stepping back from her slightly, his mind already spinning with whatever plan he had brewing. "Let's make sure it's seen."