She's Dead!

"Oh my God! "A car hit someone!" A woman on the pavement shouted as she searched for her phone in her jeans pocket from a distance away. 

Once she could pull the phone from her jeans pocket, she immediately turned on the camera and began recording.

Many passersby interrupted their stroll when they heard the woman shouting in a panic and turned to look at the young woman hit by the car. 

Without anyone attempting to assist or check to see if she was still breathing, everyone started to huddle around the body…– No one even thought of calling for help. 

Instead, they were all holding their phones and recording videos to share on social media. It was a sorry sight.

Emily was flung far away, and when she fell, her body rolled several times before coming to a complete halt, as witnessed by all of them. 

However, instead of rushing to call for help, they took a video for content on their social media account.

"Call 911, please! I need help," Emily pleaded, lying helpless on the ground. Tears and blood mixed as she gasped for air.

With the buzzing sounds around her helpless body, no one heard her plead as they continued to record that she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Someone forced his way through, simultaneously asking someone to call 911. In a fit of rushing to the scene, he forgot to take his cell phone with him.

When he got to the location where Emily was lying on the ground, drowning in blood, he went down to check if she was still breathing. He took a comforting breath and checked her pulse. 

"Thank God she's still alive," he mumbles quietly, considering his alternatives.

He looked around and asked if someone had managed to call 911. He finally sighed in relief only after hearing that someone had. 

The man stayed by her side until the ambulance came and took her to the nearby hospital. 

After ensuring that she was safe after many hours of surgery, he then disappeared out of sight as if he was never there. 


Emily was in the hospital when she woke up, her body hurting and wounded. 

"Where am I? What happened?" She mumbles incoherently. 

She was confused; she couldn't remember what happened until she noticed her Nanny, Mrs. Hernandez, beside her bed. Her face was filled with tears, and worry was in her eyes.

"Emily! Thank God you're awake," she murmured. "I'm glad someone got to you in time. You had been out for a week; I thought you would never wake up." 

Emily blinked, her mind still jumbled. "Someone came to… saved me? A whole week?"

Mrs. Hernandez gave a nod. "Yes, Thank God!" 

"W-who..." Emily was going to say something, but the doctor entered the room before she could take in what Nanny Hernandez had said. 

The doctor had a clipboard and a severe look on his face. "Miss," the doctor said in a serious yet professional tone.

"I'm afraid we have some difficult news. We've conducted many tests while you're in a coma and found that you have cancer in an advanced stage." He hesitated for a moment.

"You could only survive for five years if you don't get treatment right away."

The words, like a freight train, struck Emily. She was overwhelmed by the diagnosis, causing her heart to sink. 

The air was too dense, and the room was too tiny. Emily hardly heard the doctor as he discussed chemotherapy and other treatment possibilities. 

"So, If you continuously undergo treatment, there's a chance that it could prolong your life span and give you a few more years. It's your decision if you want to proceed."

She was unable to digest it. Not right now. With tears welling up in her eyes, Emily shook her head when he asked if she wanted to start receiving therapy. 

"Let me think about it, and it's too much for my brain to process right now."

Emily was unable to resist this. She was unwilling to believe what she just heard. She trembled as she muttered, "I will accept my fate. I'm not going to do the chemotherapy." She decided.

And with that, Emily's entire world fell apart…Everything went dark once more, and she went into a coma.


Moore residence:

Meanwhile, her Uncle Eric Moore, speaking to his subordinate, asks, "Are you sure she's dead? Have you made certain of that? I can't let her survive since she's old enough to inherit her parents' business. I worked just as hard, if not harder, for M. Group only to have it handed to her. I would never let it happen. Over my dead body." 

Eric Moore, Emily's father's half-brother and the new CEO of M. Group, stated with a malicious glare in his eyes as he spoke with his subordinates.

"Yes, Sir! We confirmed that, recorded a video, and shared it on social media to let everyone know." The subordinate's face was etched with a malicious grin as he triumphantly responded.

"Good! Take care of Old Mrs. Moore and notify her about the death of her loving grandchild. Hahaha! Let us see whether she still wants to live after that."

Eric Moore was thrilled that he had finally gotten rid of Emily, so he contacted his daughter Rhea and his wife Grace to celebrate.


Four years later, at the Lewis Group building:

"Sir, will you be coming to pick up Miss Moore at the airport?" Inquire Allan Green, the trusted assistant to Lewis Group CEO Jake Lewis.

"No, organize for bodyguards to fetch her and escort her directly to my residence. Make sure nothing bad happens to her," Jake said, his brow wrinkled. 

He had been dreading this day when Emily Moore, his wife and charge for the last four years, would arrive since she called him a week ago. He isn't ready to face her yet.

He had a headache just thinking about explaining the matter to her, who had no knowledge about their marriage four years ago and was set to return home after living overseas.

They had little or no communication since that faithful day. Once the deed was done and he accomplished what he had set to do, he erased her from his memory.

He had set her up with finances to cover her five-year living expenses until they could inherit their parent's legacy and part ways.

But why would she wish to return a year earlier? It now presented an issue that he did not want to tackle.

Jake couldn't help but delve into the past…

He remembers going to Emily Moore's 21st birthday party four years ago to discuss their arranged marriage with her for both of them to inherit their legacy from their deceased parents.

However, when he arrived, she was already so inebriated that she was completely unaware of her surroundings. Without being able to communicate with her, Jake arranged for someone to officiate their wedding in his hotel room following their late parents' written agreement, but when he saw her, she was in despair.

She'd been drugged, and he took advantage of the circumstance to marry her and consummate the marriage when she wasn't thinking well. Although the consummation was mutual, he still regretted his actions afterward, but given the circumstances, he couldn't sleep with her without the marriage certificate in hand.

His original aim was to acquire the marriage license; he had no intention of consummating the marriage; nevertheless, with her being drugged and seeking to relieve the heat on her body, he surrendered to his carnal desire, and they had a wild, passionate moment.


Before they were born, their parents agreed that he could only inherit the family fortune once he married Emily on her 21st birthday.

As a result, even though he never planned on getting hitched, he had little choice but to marry her to receive his family's billions of assets…

Jake Lewis meticulously devised a bulletproof plan to keep their marriage secret long enough until they acquired their inheritance. If all goes well, he then plans to divorce her afterward.

Unfortunately, the next day, while he was in the shower before they had a chance to sit and talk, Emily ran off bewildered on the street and was hit by a car.

Her relatives, upon learning of her tragic accident, rejoice and swiftly declare her dead and take over her family empire—the M.Group. 

Jake's original plan was ruined when he learned of the takeover of M. Group and declared Emily dead while she was still on the operating table. Unfortunately, there was nothing much he could do at that time.

As Emily's rightful husband, he wanted to claim the M. Group from her greedy relative. However, this would require him to announce their marriage, which was not in his plan.

With God's grace, Emily Moore survived and went into a coma. After learning that, he immediately arranges for her to be treated and live abroad to hide their marriage from everyone.

He had someone watch over them, ensuring she stayed alive long enough for him to inherit. After that, he could not care less about what had happened to her.

Later, he found out that when Emily woke up, she had selective temporary amnesia. Jake Lewis regarded it as a blessing in disguise, put her under the care of her Nanny, Mrs. Hernandez, and her husband, the Butler Mr. Hernandez, and erased her existence in his world.

Jake Lewis was jolted back from his reverie when his phone suddenly vibrated. It was his fiancee, Klara Wright...~~