The Legal Guardian_Mr. Lewis

Emily lay in bed, thinking about what had transpired in Jake's study that afternoon.

She couldn't believe that she had just consented to lie to their loved ones and friends to get the inheritance that was rightfully theirs.

Is she so unwanted that they had to pretend to be married? Although she had never been in a relationship, she always had many admirers in high school and college.

Compared to that woman he was so in love with, she was younger, more beautiful, and sexier. So, why couldn't he marry her just for a year? 

The mist began forming in her eyes as she remembered what had happened before and on her twenty-first birthday... If it weren't for that...-She'd probably be married and living a happy life with her husband and children by now.

It was her college graduation day: 

The previous evening, she had been unable to sleep due to her excitement. The thought of finally being able to go home after graduation and once again living with her loving parents made her heart want to burst with happiness.

She had endured four long years of college away from the loving care of her parent and Grandmother, who she missed so much.

The only companion she had was the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez, who had been there and took care of her as if she were their own child.

Finally, the day was coming soon, and no matter how hard she tried to sleep, it seemed to evade her from the excitement. The night was long and lonely, but in the end, she could finally go into deep slumber before dawn came.

With great pleasure, her parents told her over the phone that they would be leaving early to ensure they would be there plenty of time for her graduation ceremony. 

The following day, filled with anticipation, she looked forward to her parent's arrival.

However, to her disappointment, her parents hadn't shown up by the time the graduation ceremony was about to begin.

She started calling them in a panic but could never connect.

Then, as she was getting ready to head to the auditorium for the graduation, a policeman came looking for her to break the dreadful news.

She can still clearly recall the scene in her memory.

She was summoned to the Dean's office via phone. When she got there, two police officers in uniform were waiting for her. At that moment, she became afraid, believing they were going to take her prisoner.

She never knows, even though she knows she has never done anything criminal. Therefore, she gets ready for what's to come.

"Good morning, Dean, Officers." Emily greeted everyone in the Dean's office.

While speaking to the Officers, the Dean turned to stare at her with grief before inviting her to come over.

She approached them hesitantly, her legs wobbling.

"Yes, Dean...You called for me?" Emily inquired. The Dean did not respond; instead, he introduced her to the officers.

"Officers, this is Miss Moore." He said sadly, unable to look at Emily.

One of the police officers approached Emily to speak with her. "Miss Moore?" "Emily Moore?" he inquired, confident he had the correct individual. Emily responded gently, still terrified and perplexed about what was happening.

"Yes, that's me. "What can I do for you, officer?" After a little pause, the Officer responded.

"Miss Moore, the name of your Father and Mother, are they Ted and Zoe Moored of M. Group from Las Vegas, Nevada?" The Officer requested to check her identity.

After hearing her parents' names, Emily felt terrible. She shuddered, and her hand began to shake.

"How about my parents? Has anything happened to my parents? Please tell me. Where are my parents? Why haven't they heard yet? My graduation ceremony is going to begin; they should be here shortly. They promised me and never broke their word."

Emily immediately realized something had happened to her parents and burst into tears.

The Officers and the Dean are both at a loss for what to do. Suddenly, they hear the door open, and Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez rush in, tears in their eyes.

Emily rushes to Mrs. Hernandez, tears streaming down her beautiful, perfect face. "Nanny, something happened to Mom and Dad..." Emily exclaims, crying uncontrollably.

Because an adult was present to care for Emily, the Police Officer eventually informed them of the sad accident.

Her family's private plane crashed in the middle of the ocean, sinking and leaving no survivors.

Emily was unable to cope after hearing what she feared the most and passed out.

When she awoke, she was in the hospital, with a doctor standing beside her bed, clutching her test results.

What was supposed to be a simple emergency routine check-up developed into a thorough examination.

She was asleep for a week, and when she wouldn't wake up, they had to perform a full-body MRI, which revealed the tumor in her brain.

It wasn't very comforting to hear, but Emily didn't mind. If she has cancer and must die from it, so be it.

Her thought was that at least she could be with her parents.

As a result, when her doctor recommended chemotherapy, she declined. She only asked,-"How much longer do I have to live?

Emily's life was a mess; she was set to graduate and have a bright future as an heiress. Suddenly, her parents were gone, leaving her orphaned, and now she has stage 4 cancer with just 5-10 years to live.

The saddest part is that she was just about to have her 21st birthday celebration. She has not lived her life to the fullest yet, and it has only just begun...

Then, on her 21st birthday, she declined to celebrate because she was still grieving the loss of her parents. 

However, when she considered her current predicament, she decided to have some fun and enjoy it.

Since she doesn't have long to live, why not live it to the utmost so she has no regrets when she dies...~~~