A Night To Remember

Emily said, "Okay," when she heard Jake say slyly, "Let's sign."

It seemed unbelievable to Jake that she would agree to a consummation contract with him. He was confused and couldn't think clearly.

He had conflicting feelings, some of which made him want them to sign the contract and others that did not.

He's worried about potential fallout after that. If that does happen, he is okay with having another kid. Aiden is already there, so having another won't make a difference.

Jake and Emily looked at each other for quite some time. The tension evaporated as they found comfort in each other's gazes and realized they were drawn to one another.

"Come on," Emily finally said, moving back slightly to gaze at him. How about we think about it first? It's just you and I. We can talk or not talk as you like."

Jake, unable to utter another word, only nodded, and a slight, genuine grin appeared. "I would enjoy that. "Just us."