Bucket List_1

That evening in the master bedroom...

Emily struggled to speak as her heart raced. She couldn't find the right words to express her feelings to Jake.

"Jake, I'm ill. I have been ill for some time now. According to the physicians, I don't have much time left. Although I've been handling it independently, things are moving more quickly than anticipated."

Jake's shocked eyes grew more prominent. "What? What do you mean you're sick? How bad is it? Why didn't you inform me earlier?"

Emily said, "I didn't want to burden you," as tears filled her eyes.

"Particularly in light of all that has been going on between us. And then I just couldn't with Aiden."

Jake sprang up abruptly and began pacing the room as he tried to process what she had said. His brain was full of questions, and worry weighed heavily on his heart.